At what angle do we have to kick a ball up the hill for n-rebounds?

In summary, an angle under which we have to kick a ball for 1-rebound is found, but the solution for n-rebounds is not given.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Under what angle do we have to kick a ball up the hill so it comes back after n-rebounds?
Relevant Equations
I decided to try and find a solution in a green (tilted) coordinate system.
IMG_4407 copy.jpg

I started solving this problem with thinking about 1-rebound:
##⟹y=0, α=\text{angle under which we kick a ball}##;
##y=sin\alpha v_0t-\frac{1}{2}gt^2##; because I'm trying to solve this in a tilted system, I have to switch to ##g \implies a_y= gcos\varphi##. I get
## 0=sin\alpha v_0t-\frac{1}{2}gcos\varphi t^2##
##\frac{1}{2}gcos\varphi t^2=sin\alpha v_0t##
##\frac{1}{2}gcos\varphi t^2=sin\alpha v_0t \implies sin\alpha = \frac{cos\varphi}{2v_0}tg##

Here I got an angle under which I have to kick a ball for 1-rebound.

But which condition (or more of them) will give me an angle for n-rebounds?
I have been banging my head up the wall for the last few hours, even a relaxing break doesn't help anymore.

Thank you for your help.
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  • #2
Your answer for the 1 rebound case may be "right" (except for a missing factor g at the end), but I don't follow your logic. Anyway, it does not constitute an answer because you have unknowns t and v in there.
Somewhere you should be using the known angle at which the ball must strike the slope, no?
For the n rebound case, consider how the launch angle changes at each bounce.

Edit: I see the missing factor g has been restored.
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  • #3
I'm likely mistaken, but couldn't we say that if the ball strikes the hill at normal incidence, by symmetry it will bounce back down the hill in exactly the same manner to the starting point?

So if we want ##k## bounces until it reaches its highest point of contact with the hill, where ##v_{\parallel} = 0##, we can write ##v\cos{\alpha} - gt_{k}\sin{\varphi} = 0##. Since each individual bounce lasts ##t_{b} = \frac{2v\sin{\alpha}}{g\cos{\varphi}}##, ##t_{k}## must be an integer multiple, ##k##, of ##t_{b}##? The resulting system when solved should yield a relation only involving angles (the ##v##'s cancel) and then we can substitute in ##n## instead of the integer multiple placeholder (##n=2k-1##)?
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  • #4
etotheipi said:
if the ball strikes the hill at normal incidence, by symmetry it will back down the hill in exactly the same manner to the starting point?
Quite so, but you should have given @bolzano95 more time to think of that.

For the n bounce case the question is ambiguous. Is it n bounces in total, in which case the out and back paths could be different, or n to the highest point and n-1 returning?

etotheipi said:
Since each individual bounce lasts ##t_{b} = \frac{2v\sin{\alpha}}{g\cos{\varphi}}##,
Yes, but v and α change at each bounce.
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  • #5
By the way, this can be thought of as purely a problem in algebraic geometry, avoiding any reference to time.
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  • #6
I don't believe that the single bounce scenario is viable. The angle of incidence of the ball with the slope is necessarily less that 90° for a parabolic trajectory.

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  • #7
Hang on, I was entirely too hasty (read: sloppy) in my thinking:


Clearly it is possible. D'oh!
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  • #8
gneill said:
Hang on, I was entirely too hasty (read: sloppy) in my thinking:

View attachment 255794

Clearly it is possible. D'oh!

If it makes it any better, I believed you too!
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  • #9
I'm on to something!

I forgot there is also an acceleration in x-direction as written above. Here is the complete part:
## 0=v_0cos\alpha -gsinφ t ##
## gsinφt=v_0cos\alpha##
Now, let's express t from condition y=0 (##t=\frac{2sin\alpha v_0}{gcosφ})## and substitute this expression in ##cos\alpha=\frac{gsinφt}{v_0}##. I get the solution as previously indicated: ##tan\alpha=\frac{1}{2tanφ}##.

This is an angle, under which we have to kick a ball for 1-rebound. OK. Now let's go onto n-rebounds.

The ball bounces 2times and it contacts the floors 3x, 3times and with the floors 5x,... you get the idea. Therefore the bounces k are connected with how many times the ball touches the floor and it is truly the way as etotheipi wrote above: ##k=2n-1##.

Now let's say that an individual bounce lasts ##t_b##. So how are k and the bounces connected? ##k=2n-1##.

When I plug this into ##t=kt_b## I get ##t=\frac{n+1}{2}t_b##.

And the final solution would therefore be ##tan\alpha=\frac{1}{tanφ(n+1)}##.

Thank you @etotheipi for clearing the things for me. As you wrote in your post, I totally forgot about x-direction. And then I was stuck. Even in my dreams I wouldn't come with an idea of ##t=kt_b##. But it makes sense. After this I was also stuck on bounces k and n-s. And of course I'm trying to find a solution for n, not k! I didn't even think about bounces and their contact with the floor. After this the transition to final solution was much easier. So thank you again. It really means a lot to me that I solved this with your help.
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  • #10
bolzano95 said:
And the final solution would therefore be ##tan\alpha=\frac{1}{tanφ(n+1)}##.

That's what I ended up with, though probably best just for completeness to put it in the form ##\alpha = \arctan{\frac{\cot{\varphi}}{(n+1)}}##.

I'd still be interested in trying to work it out geometrically as @haruspex suggested earlier!
  • #11
etotheipi said:
That's what I ended up with, though probably best just for completeness to put it in the form ##\alpha = \arctan{\frac{\cot{\varphi}}{(n+1)}}##.

I'd still be interested in trying to work it out geometrically as @haruspex suggested earlier!
We know it describes a parabola. Consider a line at some slope tan(phi) intersecting a parabola y=-ax2 at x=+c and x=-d. Write down expressions for the tangents at the points of intersection and for the slope of the line in terms of a, c, d.
What relationship do you get between the three slopes?

And well done to both of you,

FAQ: At what angle do we have to kick a ball up the hill for n-rebounds?

What is the concept of "n-rebounds" when kicking a ball up a hill?

The concept of "n-rebounds" refers to the number of times a ball bounces off the ground before reaching a certain point on a hill. It is used to determine the angle at which the ball must be kicked in order to reach a specific location on the hill.

How does the angle affect the number of rebounds?

The angle at which the ball is kicked directly affects the number of rebounds it will make. A higher angle will result in more rebounds, while a lower angle will result in fewer rebounds. The optimal angle for a specific number of rebounds can be calculated using mathematical equations.

What factors affect the optimal kicking angle?

The optimal kicking angle is affected by several factors, such as the slope of the hill, the surface on which the ball is kicked, and the weight and size of the ball. These factors can change the angle at which the ball must be kicked to reach a specific point on the hill.

How can the optimal angle be calculated?

The optimal angle can be calculated using mathematical equations, taking into account the factors mentioned above. These equations involve variables such as the initial velocity of the ball, the angle of the hill, and the coefficient of restitution (a measure of how much energy is lost during each rebound).

Is there a universal optimal angle for n-rebounds on any hill?

No, the optimal angle for n-rebounds is dependent on the specific hill and the factors mentioned above. Each situation will have a different optimal angle, and it must be calculated individually.
