At what point does math begin to describe the world in depth?

In summary: The bulk of the research is still heavily abstract, although there is a lot of applied stuff too. In summary, mathematics is heavily influenced by physics and is used to describe the physical world through tools like calculus, stochastic calculus, Brownian motion, and chaos theory. However, modern mathematics also focuses on abstraction and can sometimes neglect the real world applications.
  • #1
I am taking Finite mathematics we learn things such as annuities and interest rates as well as matrices. Anyways i have taking math my entire life. And i do see the physical parts with things such as 1+1=2 but not in say y=5x+6 graphed out, or with isolating variables with functions like 8x+3=2x-4. At what point in mathematics does it start describing the physical world like the velocity of things, the rate/force a ball will hit and bounce against a floor and just nature in general. At what point does math begin describing these things?
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  • #2
Niaboc67 said:
. At what point in mathematics does it start describing the physical world like the velocity of things, the rate/force a ball will hit and bounce against a floor and just nature in general.

It's physics that describes those things, not math per se. The physics that describes those things uses some of the math called calculus.
  • #3
Strictly speaking, never. You can study applied mathematics if you want, and many of your math courses may feature examples of mathematics being used to describe the real world, but modern mathematics tries to abstract away from the real world, not towards it. If you want to model velocity, then calculus is the best tool you have, but it's just a tool; calculus is not "about" velocity or anything else in the real world.
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  • #4
-Calculus is a good tool because the universe is constatly changing. Our planet is constantly changing, that animal population near the lake is continuously changing. Calculus is probably the best at rates of change.

-One specific type of calculus, stochastic calculus works on sporadic things and seemingly random statistical things.

-Even more specifically, Brownian motion. It describes the random movement of a given particle.

-And finally, chaos theory. The study of dynamical systems that are sensitive to conditions.

All of these things are compatable with studying nature.
  • #5
Mathematics is the language of science. It is a concise way to describe the behavior of what is observed and then extended to describe behavior that has not been observed. The difficult part of learning mathematics is learning the fundamentals and not seeing an application. It is the "we must learn to crawl before we can walk, learn to walk before we can run" This may take some time until it "clicks".
  • #6
Number Nine said:
modern mathematics tries to abstract away from the real world, not towards it.

How does mathematics abstract away from the real world?? Mathematics is heavily influenced by physics, so to some degree mathematicians care about the real world. True, some areas of research have no applications at all in the real world, but that's a minority.
  • #7
Calculus and differential equations are probably the most powerful tools for use in science and engineering. Fourier series are also very useful, for things like signal processing--radios, TVs, communication.

Fairly serious math was involving in unraveling the mysteries of quantum mechanics, which lead to the invention of the transistor, which I consider to be one of the greatest triumphs of math and physics, since the concepts involved are so deep and sophisticated, involving many insights that you wouldn't get until graduate school. It's easy to think that they might not be practical, yet they have completely changed the world. Modern computers and the whole internet would not have been possible without it.

Strictly speaking, never. You can study applied mathematics if you want, and many of your math courses may feature examples of mathematics being used to describe the real world, but modern mathematics tries to abstract away from the real world, not towards it.

It should abstract FROM the real world, not abstract away from it. To the extent that it pursues abstraction for its own sake, it is misguided. I think it's high time for the pendulum to swing the other way and for mathematicians to go back to the real world that they have been neglecting a bit lately.

If you want to model velocity, then calculus is the best tool you have, but it's just a tool; calculus is not "about" velocity or anything else in the real world.

I think that's, at best, a half-truth. If you forget about the inspiration for the mathematics, it becomes empty and lifeless. So, yes, it's about velocity. To me, that IS part of it. Not logically speaking, but morally speaking. It's not a good idea to try to separate the math from all the things that make it meaningful and to act like the subject can really stand up on its own without supporting examples, many of which can be drawn for the real world. Maybe if you are a robot, but not if you are a human being. Of course, it is abstract, so that it can apply equal well to any other rate of change, aside from velocity, which is rate of change of position. That much is true. But acting math can really stand on its own psychologically speaking is what leads to classes like the one I took on PDE, where the concepts were completely obscured because it was "not a physics class", and therefore, it ought to be studied abstractly, without the aid of physical insight, despite the fact that physical insight heavily influenced the historical development of the subject. Then, I read Arnold's PDE book, and because Arnold does not believe in separating math from physics, magically, the light was turned on and it was possible to understand many things conceptually that were needlessly obscured because of insisting that PDE is not "about" physics.

How does mathematics abstract away from the real world?? Mathematics is heavily influenced by physics, so to some degree mathematicians care about the real world. True, some areas of research have no applications at all in the real world, but that's a minority.

Judging by the papers I have seen and the talks I have been to, it's not really a minority.

Related to At what point does math begin to describe the world in depth?

What is the role of math in describing the world?

Math plays a crucial role in describing the world we live in. It is a language that allows us to quantify and measure different phenomena, and make accurate predictions about how they will behave.

When did humans first start using math to describe the world?

The use of math to describe the world dates back thousands of years to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks. These societies used math for practical purposes like measuring land, building structures, and keeping track of time.

At what point does math become necessary to describe the world in depth?

Math becomes necessary to describe the world in depth when we need to understand and explain complex phenomena such as the laws of physics, the behavior of natural systems, and the patterns in data. It allows us to go beyond simple observations and make precise calculations and predictions.

Can math fully describe the world around us?

No, while math is a powerful tool for describing the world, it is not the only factor. There are many aspects of the world that cannot be fully described by math, such as emotions, cultural differences, and subjective experiences.

How does math contribute to scientific advancements?

Math is an essential tool in scientific research and discoveries. It allows scientists to create models and simulations, analyze data, and make accurate predictions about the natural world. Without math, many of the scientific advancements we have made would not have been possible.

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