At what time did the murder take place? (Differential Equations)

In summary: Celsius, by 3am it had fallen to 21 degrees Celsius. at what time did the murder take place? the murder took place one hour before the first temperature reading was taken at 2am.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Newton’s law of cooling states that the rate of change of temperature of an object is proportional
to the difference between the temperature, T, of the object and that of its surroundings,
Ts. Derive the solution

T(t) = Ts + (T0 − Ts) e−kt,
where T0 is the temperature at t = 0 and k is a constant whose meaning should be identified.
The corpse was found in an air-conditioned room. The forensic scientist measured the body
temperature of the victim at 2am and found it to be 25C; by 3am it had fallen to 21C. The
temperature of a living body is 37C and the temperature of the room was 19C.
At what time did the murder take place?

(Hints: measure time from the time of death, td; write down equations for the body temperature
at 2am & 3 am.)

Homework Equations

for y' + ay = b

y=b/a + Ce-ax

The Attempt at a Solution

Almost at a complete loss on this one.

for the first part of this question i have

T' =k(T - Ts)
T'/k = T-Ts
T'/k - T = -Ts

so using y=b/a + Ce-ax for y'+ay=b

T= Ts + Cekt

I'm not sure this is correct since I'm missing a negative sign before the k in the exponential. also what is k? I know its some kind of proportionality constant but what name does it have? I'm also not sure how to show that C = (T0-Ts).

for the second part i have



dividing one by the other gives 3=e-k(t2-t1) -- t2-t1=1hr



dividing this by Ce-kt1=6 gives

e-k(t1-t0)=3 where t0 is the time of death.

since e-k(t1-t0)=e-k(t2-t1)=3
t1-t0 must = t2-t1 = 1hr

therefore the murder must have taken place one hour before the first temperature reading was taken at 2am. so the murder must have taken place at 1am.
this seems correct to me but my lecturer seems to think it took place at 12am. Can anyone see where i might have gone wrong or is this one of those rare occasions when the lecturer is incorrect?
Physics news on
  • #2
IRNB: Your lecturer appears to be incorrect. Your answer is correct.
  • #3
Roughing it out I get:

6 = 18/ekt1

ekt = 3 or kt = 1.1

2 = 18/ek(t1 + 1)

ek(t1 + 1) = 9 or k*(t1 + 1) = 2.2

==> k = 1.1 and t = 1

Same result. Perhaps a polite inquiry of your lecturer ...?
  • #4
Thanks guys. Perhaps my lecturer was just in hurry or something and made a mistake.

can anyone help out with the first part of the question? does the negative sign simply mean that the temperature is decreasing and the rate at which it changes also decreases with time? also does anyone have any ideas on how to show that C=T0-Ts?

Thanks again guys.
  • #6
thanks a lot LowlyPion that did help.

this case is now closed. :P

FAQ: At what time did the murder take place? (Differential Equations)

1. What is the relevance of using differential equations in solving the time of a murder?

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the relationship between a function and its derivatives. In the case of determining the time of a murder, differential equations can be used to model the behavior of the victim's body temperature, which can help pinpoint the time of death.

2. How accurate are the results when using differential equations to determine the time of a murder?

The accuracy of the results depends on the data that is used and the assumptions made in the model. While differential equations can provide a close estimate, other factors such as external temperature and individual variations in body temperature can affect the accuracy of the results.

3. What are the variables that need to be considered when using differential equations to determine the time of a murder?

The variables that need to be considered include the victim's body temperature, the ambient temperature, the time of death, and any other factors that may affect the body's cooling rate. These variables are used to create a mathematical model that can be solved using differential equations.

4. Are there any limitations to using differential equations in determining the time of a murder?

Yes, there are limitations to using differential equations. These equations rely on certain assumptions and may not take into account external factors such as the presence of drugs or alcohol in the victim's body, which can affect the body's cooling rate. Additionally, the accuracy of the results may vary depending on the expertise of the person creating the model.

5. Can differential equations be used in real-life murder investigations?

Yes, differential equations have been used in real-life murder investigations to estimate the time of death. However, they are not the only method used and are usually used in conjunction with other evidence and techniques to provide a more accurate estimation.

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