Atmospheric Gamma Ray Interactions

He has not been able to find literature that goes into depth on this topic and is asking for recommendations on specific readings. He is also curious about whether a quantum field derivation would provide a more comprehensive solution compared to a classical approach.
  • #1

Atmospheric gamma-ray extensive air showers are induced by pair-production interactions. The equation that governs pair production is:

[tex]\gamma + \gamma = e^- + e^+[/tex]

My understanding of the interaction is that a gamma passes "close" to the electric field of a nucleus. The nucleus acts as a virtual gamma photon in the equation, allowing pair production to occur. I haven't been able to find literature describing the interaction of the gamma and the E-field in any depth. Most papers I've read so far assume the interaction but neither cite publications where it is described nor derive properties of the interaction. Could someone point me in the direction of some specific readings on the topic?

Astronomy news on
  • #2
You basically wants a source that discuss pair production?

Quantum field- or classical derivation?
  • #3
I assume that a quantum field derivation yields a more robust solution than a classical approach.

FAQ: Atmospheric Gamma Ray Interactions

What is Atmospheric Gamma Ray Interactions?

Atmospheric Gamma Ray Interactions refers to the process of high energy gamma rays interacting with particles in the Earth's atmosphere. These interactions can lead to the creation of new particles and the emission of secondary gamma rays.

How do gamma rays interact with the atmosphere?

Gamma rays interact with the atmosphere through a process called pair production, where a high energy gamma ray converts into an electron and a positron. These particles then interact with other particles in the atmosphere, creating a cascade of secondary particles.

What are the effects of atmospheric gamma ray interactions?

Atmospheric gamma ray interactions can lead to the production of new particles, such as muons and pions, which can have important impacts on atmospheric processes. These interactions can also contribute to the overall energy budget of the atmosphere.

How do scientists study atmospheric gamma ray interactions?

Scientists study atmospheric gamma ray interactions through various methods, including ground-based detectors, satellite observations, and computer simulations. These methods allow for a better understanding of the processes and effects of gamma rays in the atmosphere.

What are some potential applications of studying atmospheric gamma ray interactions?

Studying atmospheric gamma ray interactions can have various applications, such as improving our understanding of cosmic ray sources and their impacts on Earth's atmosphere. It can also aid in the development of new technologies, such as more accurate weather forecasting and radiation detection systems.
