Atomic many-electron configurations and the use of the orbital quantum number

In summary, the orbital quantum numbers lose their meaning for many-electron systems due to the broken spherical symmetry. The L/m quantum numbers still hold meaning. The dominant HF configuration is still labeled by the element's name.
  • #1

For single-electron atomic systems, the electron can be specified by four quantum numbers n, l, m_l, m_s (principal, orbital, z-orbital, z-spin). The orbital quantum numbers are well defined since the problem is spherically symmetric.

However, for many-electron systems, the spherical symmetry is broken due to the inter-electronic interaction. It seems to me that the orbital quantum numbers would then lose their meaning. Still, the configurations are labelled as 1s1s2p, as if the electrons didn't interact at all. This might be a good approximation for highly stripped positive ions such as Lithium-like Uranium, but surely this can't be the case for neutral Lithium?
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  • #2
The orbitals are solutions of an effective mean-field one-particle problem. When you read "orbital", you should think of "Hartree-Fock". In this approximation, the spherical symmetry of atoms is almost preserved (or even exactly for spherical atoms like N, Ne, etc), so you still end up with a spherical symmetric one-particle problem. But in difference to the hydrogen case, this potential is now not the bare nuclear interaction, but also includes the mean-field potential emitted by the other electrons (in the form of their coulomb and exchange interactions).

That is, in such cases the L/m quantum numbers for orbitals are still good. The n-quantum number however is only used to enumerate solutions in a certain L subspace and does not carry any specific meaning. That is, 1s is the first orbital of s symmetry, 2s is the second orbital of s symmetry, etc. But 2s and 2p are not degenerate (and in fact, not really related at all, except through the mean field which couples all the orbitals together).

The actual (correlated) atomic states are then labeled by their dominant HF configuration. E.g., if you talk of a nitrogen state of 1s2 2s2 2p3, you mean the state that is dominated by this configuration. E.g., in the nitrogen case, this confiugration would carry somewhere around 99% of the total weight of the total wave function.That approach works fine for many light elements, but there are atoms where the picture is not so clear (e.g., Be, 3d transition metals).
  • #3
Ok, got it, this is what I suspected. Thanks a lot!

FAQ: Atomic many-electron configurations and the use of the orbital quantum number

1. What is the significance of the orbital quantum number in atomic many-electron configurations?

The orbital quantum number, denoted by the symbol l, indicates the shape of the electron orbitals in an atom. This number ranges from 0 to n-1, where n is the principal quantum number. The different values of l correspond to different subshells (s, p, d, f) and help to describe the distribution of electrons within an atom's energy levels.

2. How are atomic many-electron configurations determined?

Atomic many-electron configurations can be determined by using the Aufbau principle, which states that electrons fill orbitals in order of increasing energy. The Pauli exclusion principle and Hund's rule are also used to determine the specific arrangement of electrons within orbitals.

3. Can the orbital quantum number have a decimal value?

No, the orbital quantum number can only have integer values ranging from 0 to n-1. This is because it represents the number of subshells within an energy level, and subshells cannot be split into smaller fractions.

4. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy an orbital with a given orbital quantum number?

The maximum number of electrons that can occupy an orbital with a given orbital quantum number is determined by the formula 2(2l+1). For example, an s subshell with l=0 can hold a maximum of 2 electrons, a p subshell with l=1 can hold a maximum of 6 electrons, and so on.

5. How do atomic many-electron configurations affect an atom's chemical properties?

The arrangement of electrons in an atom's energy levels, determined by its atomic many-electron configuration, influences its chemical properties. This is because the number and distribution of electrons determine how an atom will interact with other atoms, such as in bonding or chemical reactions.

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