Atomic Nucleus Spin: Theory & Explanation

In summary, the spin of the nucleus of an arbitrary atom is determined by the angular momentum and spin of the individual nucleons, which can be predicted based on the structure of their energy levels. The nuclear interaction is more complicated than electromagnetism, making it difficult to accurately predict the spin of a nucleus. QCD is not a practical method for studying nuclear physics, as it stops working perturbatively at the nuclear range. The Schrodinger equation can be used to describe the system, but the potential for ionized deuterium can be difficult to determine due to various factors such as experimental data and theoretical background. The lattice method is an alternative to perturbation theory for calculations.
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  • #2
The value is the sum from the individual nucleons: their angular momentum and their spin.
Both protons and neutrons have energy levels similar to the electrons, but their energy structure is more complicated. Pairs always cancel out, but you can have a single proton or neutron (or both) leading to the total spin. If you know the structure of the energy levels, you can predict the state they are in, and therefore the total spin.
  • #3
I agree with what you say except for "pairs always cancel out". To pick a nucleus at random, Vanadium-50 is spin 6+. Lots of aligned pairs.
  • #4
Vanadium 50 is odd/odd, you have two unpaired nucleons there. That is the "or both" case I mentioned.
  • #5
That gets you to spin-1. It's 6+.

Pierce, to get back to your question, the answer is "yes", but it's not simple. The short answer is that you have shells like you do in atoms, but because of the fact that the nuclear interaction is more complicated than electromagnetism, the order in which the shells fill moves around quite a bit, and you can end up with bizarre situations like 12 of 50 nuclei all spinning in the same direction.
  • #6
Is this kind of stuff studied in QCD?
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
That gets you to spin-1. It's 6+.
Doesn't that come from orbital angular momentum? Okay, that's interesting. That would probably require weird energy levels.

@pierce15: QCD is more relevant "inside" hadrons. Nuclear physics uses effective models as a full QCD analysis gets too complex for large nuclei.
  • #8
As mfb said, it's too hard to study a system like V-50 in QCD. It has 150 valence quarks.
  • #9
So do are all the protons and neutrons (or individual quarks) in a nucleus described by orbitals?
  • #10
Yes, the nuclei are in orbitals, but predicting these orbitals is harder than it is in chemistry.
  • #11
Does the Schrodinger equation then describe the system? If so, what would the potential be for ionized deuterium?
  • #12
It's not "hard" to study QCD for nuclear physics... I'd better say it's meaningless... QCD stops working perturbatively at the nucleus range [energies]. So your results are not predicting at all...

Yes the Schrod. equation can describe the system [because the nucleons are not relativistic]. You can look for the potential... it depends on what interactions you allow... eg some standard potential well for the nuclear force, maybe spin-orbit coupling, spin-spin coupling etc... The nuclear potentials in general can be very difficult to be determined, they can contain many terms, some coming from "theoretical" background, others coming straightforward from experiments, and then other experiments are needed to determine your parameters.
  • #13
ChrisVer said:
It's not "hard" to study QCD for nuclear physics... I'd better say it's meaningless... QCD stops working perturbatively at the nucleus range [energies]. So your results are not predicting at all...

That would be true if the only way to do a calculation was perturbation theory. But it's not. There's also the lattice.

FAQ: Atomic Nucleus Spin: Theory & Explanation

1. What is the atomic nucleus spin?

The atomic nucleus spin is a quantum mechanical property of the nucleus of an atom. It is a measure of the intrinsic angular momentum of the nucleus, and it can be thought of as the rotation of the nucleus around its own axis.

2. How is the atomic nucleus spin measured?

The atomic nucleus spin is typically measured using a technique called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This involves exposing the nucleus to a strong magnetic field and measuring the energy levels of the nucleus as it flips between different spin states.

3. What is the significance of the atomic nucleus spin?

The atomic nucleus spin is an important factor in determining the behavior and properties of atoms. It affects the magnetic properties of atoms, as well as their stability and reactivity. It also plays a crucial role in nuclear reactions and the formation of elements in stars.

4. How does the atomic nucleus spin relate to the structure of an atom?

The atomic nucleus spin is related to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. A nucleus with an odd number of protons or neutrons will have a nonzero spin, while a nucleus with an even number of protons and neutrons will have a spin of zero.

5. Can the atomic nucleus spin change?

Yes, the atomic nucleus spin can change through a process called nuclear spin relaxation. This can occur when the nucleus interacts with its surroundings, such as other particles or a magnetic field. The rate of spin relaxation can provide valuable information about the structure and dynamics of the nucleus.

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