Attach my mathematica notebook to the pdf

In summary: Mathematica is not WYSIWYG, but it does come bundled with the Mathematica Front End, which I stated is the best WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX. How is this damning?
  • #1
Now if I want to attach my mathematica notebook to the pdf what would I have to enter in LaTeX?
Physics news on
  • #2
I am not sure I understand your grammar, but I think you are interested in converting a Mathematica notebook into a PDF file.

Within the Mathematica front end, go to file > save as special > TeX

Then compile this TeX source within your LaTeX distro.

The Mathematica front end is far and a way the best WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX. Not only is Mathematica's typesetting more advanced then LaTeX in general, but it is also semantically faithful! This is amazingly far ahead of the nearest competing product.
  • #3
Crosson said:
The Mathematica front end is far and a way the best WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX.

Damning with faint praise if ever I heard it.

Matt (dedicated non-gui person)
  • #4
The Mathematica front end is far and a way the best WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX.

Damning with faint praise if ever I heard it.

I think I understand where you might be coming from, but I would be interested to hear the reasons for your view. Particularly, I agree the praise may be faint, but I do not see how it is damning.

Mathematica is not WYSIWYG, but it does come bundled with the Mathematica Front End, which I stated is the best WYSIWYG editor for LaTeX. How is this damning? You are not forced to use the front end, it is an option; I don't damn WinEDT because it has a WYSIWYG table editor (which I don't use).
  • #5
It is just a cliche. I think you're reading to much into it.

As it is I find any wisywig for LaTeX that I've tried to be a horrendously pointless thing (like any GUI e-mail client but, strangely perhaps, not news readers). I can't think of many mathematicians I know who use anything like WinEdt. Most use emacs or vim. Although I know of someone who wrote a nice xy-pic addition that let's you point and click to make xy-diagrams, which sounds like a good use of a mouse.

If you're just using WinEdt as a text editor, then what's so special about WinEdt? Anyhow, I'll stick to using Emacs and AucTeX. I did use vim for a while and decided it was much better than Emacs, but I didn't use it enough at the time to make me remember all really useful things in vim. I ought to go back and try again.
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  • #6
It is just a cliche. I think you're reading to much into it.

In retrospect I see this, but since I never heard the phrase I assumed you were being poetic.:biggrin:

As it is I find any wisywig for LaTeX that I've tried to be a horrendously pointless thing.

Okay, I will agree with pointless. Everything can be done perfectly well in a good text editor. But eventually plain ASCII will go extinct, just like the DOS 8 by 3 filenames --- this are historical accidents resulting from early computers with small amounts of memory. I am confident that we will see all computer languages (for typesetting or for programming) move to a more expanded set of characters, which is what wysiwyg really is.

I can't think of many mathematicians I know who use anything like WinEdt. If you're just using WinEdt as a text editor, then what's so special about WinEdt?

I am not advocating the use of WinEDT, I am advocating the use of Mathematica. And incidentally, I know a mathematician who does LaTeX in some mind-boggling slow macintosh wysiwyg environment, and I know some fellows that do not typeset their own work at all.

FAQ: Attach my mathematica notebook to the pdf

1. How do I attach my mathematica notebook to a pdf?

To attach your mathematica notebook to a pdf, you can use the "Save As" function in Mathematica. Choose the pdf format and check the box that says "Include Mathematica notebook". This will attach your notebook to the pdf file.

2. Can I attach multiple mathematica notebooks to a single pdf?

Yes, you can attach multiple mathematica notebooks to a single pdf by using the "Save As" function and selecting all the notebooks you want to include. Each notebook will be added as a separate section in the pdf file.

3. Is it possible to attach a mathematica notebook to an existing pdf?

Yes, you can attach a mathematica notebook to an existing pdf by using the "Append" function in Adobe Acrobat. This will add the notebook as a new section at the end of the pdf file.

4. Will the attached mathematica notebook be editable in the pdf?

No, the attached mathematica notebook will not be editable in the pdf. It will be added as a static document, but you can still open and edit the original notebook in Mathematica.

5. Can I remove the attached mathematica notebook from the pdf?

Yes, you can remove the attached mathematica notebook from the pdf by using the "Remove" function in Adobe Acrobat. This will delete the notebook section from the pdf file.

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