Attempting to Predict Tension on a Circular Membrane

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of writing an equation to predict the tension on a circular membrane, also known as a drumhead. The equation is based on the tension of a string, with the variables of unit weight, speaking length, and fundamental frequency. The conversation then goes on to define the variables of unit weight and volume for the string, and how they relate to the equation. The equation is then adapted for a drumhead, with the variables of cross-sectional area, height, and speaking diameter. After some simplification, the final equation is found to be T = 2hρf^2D^3, which can be further simplified for ease of use by musicians. There is a brief discussion about the differences between
  • #1
Chrono G. Xay
I have been wanting to write an equation which predicts the tension on a circular membrane (AKA drumhead). However, I'm not sure that my answer is on the right kind of track, if it's even correct.

As for the procedures I took, first I started with the equation for tension on a string, which I obtained from the website of guitar string company D'Addario:

T = UW ( 2 L f )^2 ,


'UW' is the unit weight of string per unit of linear measure,
'L' is the speaking length of string, and
'f' is the fundamental frequency produced by that length of string when set in motion.

Next, I defined 'UW' as

UW = V ρ ,


'V' is the volume of the string and
'ρ' is the string's material density.

Then, I defined 'V' as

V = A l ,


'A' is the cross-sectional area of the string and
'l' is the unit length of measure (a variable which apparently doesn't contribute to the unit of measure of the equation at all).

Now *that* was a string, but if you were to take that string and stretch it over a drum so that it intersects the drum's center, could you not abstractly say then that the string now represents a diametric force line that the drumhead naturally experiences when under tension?

For a drumhead we go back the part where we define the geometry of the body under tension, 'V', but instead of the very long, thin cylinder of a string before we now have a short, very large cylinder.

V = A h π ( D / 2 )^2


'A' is the square unit of measure (which, like with the string, does not contribute to the equation's overall unit of measure), and
'h' is the height (or perhaps thickness) of the drumhead.

Substituting this back into the equation, and instead of 'L', being the speaking length of string, writing 'D', the speaking diameter of the drumhead, we arrive at

T = h π ( D / 2 )^2 ρ ( 2 D f )^2


T = π h ρ f^2 D^4

but this doesn't have the right measure of units yet- there's one extra power of the diameter than we need to have our measure in Newtons, so there's something else we have to do: we need to divide everything by half of the drum's circumference, π ( D / 2 ) . This ends up with

T = 2 h ρ f^2 D^3

For ease of use by the layman musician, we can furthermore divide by the force of gravity to get a value in either pounds or kilograms.
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  • #2
The string equation relies on the string being much longer than it is wide... the fundamental frequency f in the equation is dependent on the length of the string and the string tension in the equation is along that length.

Have you searched online for other peoples attempts at the same problem? It is a common exercize in tension fields. BTW. Quite a hard one.
  • #3
Doesn't the same hold true for the drumhead's diameter being many times greater than its thickness?

'Googling' tension field theory, I've found one such article so far that seems to stand out:

While I am doing this, though, I have also drawn up a very simple apparatus for getting real-world values for comparison, using spring scales attached to turnbuckles, which are then attached to the tuning bolts running through the metal ring which tensions the drumhead.
  • #4
Doesn't the same hold true for the drumhead's diameter being many times greater than its thickness?
No. The approx for the string makes it a 1D problem, for the drumhead, its a 2D problem.

... you cannot do physics by analogy.
  • #5
The state of stress of a string is different from the stress analysis for a sheet (as Simon points out) because, in the case of a string, stress only exists along the length of the string and it points along the length, while, in the case of a drum membrane, there are stress components in two principal directions. There is stress in the radial direction in the drum membrane, but there is also stress in the circumferential direction. If the membrane has been stretched radially before securing at the edges, these stresses are equal (a so-called transversely isotropic state of stress).You can find analyses of drum membrane oscillations in the online literature that take all this into account.

  • #6
@simon - Okay. Based upon the apparatus described above, would it not still be possible to derive an approximate equation for tension on a flat circular plane based on frequency (for a single case of a set height, diameter, and density)?

@chet -

Chestermiller said:
You can find analyses of drum membrane oscillations in the online literature that take all this into account.

Were you referring to the linked article I posted in my last comment?
  • #7
  • #8
Ok. I'm sorry. Unfortunately for me, the last time I took a calculus class was 2008, my senior year of high school, and we never got into Bessel functions or the Laplacian or anything like that. Just derivatives, integrals, chain rule, disk and shell method, and I *think* the start of graphing differential equations, so I wasn't really sure how to interpret what was written. I'll keep looking, though.

Earlier today I was looking through the recommended list of related threads on PhysicsForums, which is where I found this:

Related to Attempting to Predict Tension on a Circular Membrane

1. How do you predict tension on a circular membrane?

To predict tension on a circular membrane, you can use the formula T = (ρv^2)/R, where T is the tension, ρ is the density of the material, v is the speed of the wave, and R is the radius of the membrane. This formula takes into account the physical properties of the membrane and the waves traveling through it.

2. What factors affect the tension on a circular membrane?

The tension on a circular membrane can be affected by various factors, including the material of the membrane, the size and shape of the membrane, and the frequency and amplitude of the waves traveling through it. Additionally, external forces such as temperature and humidity can also impact the tension on the membrane.

3. Can tension on a circular membrane be accurately predicted?

While the formula for predicting tension on a circular membrane provides a good estimate, it is important to note that there can be variations in the actual tension due to factors such as imperfections in the material or external disturbances. Therefore, the predicted tension may not always be 100% accurate.

4. How can predicting tension on a circular membrane be useful?

Predicting tension on a circular membrane can be useful in various applications, such as designing musical instruments, studying the behavior of materials under stress, and understanding the dynamics of waves in different mediums. It can also help in optimizing the performance of machinery that uses circular membranes.

5. Are there any limitations to predicting tension on a circular membrane?

Yes, there are limitations to predicting tension on a circular membrane. The formula used for prediction may not be applicable to all types of membranes or situations, and it may not account for certain external factors that can affect the tension. Additionally, the accuracy of the prediction may also depend on the accuracy of the input values used in the formula.

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