Available Astrophysics or Astronomy Master Scholarships

In summary: It covers tuition and a stipend, and it's competitive but not as bad as some of the other scholarships.In summary, the best scholarship for a masters in Astrophysics or Astronomy is the DAAD scholarship for masters programs in Germany.
  • #1
What is the best, if not great, scholarship for a master (graduate) in Astrophysics or Astronomy? I have been looking around the internet, but I am not sure if the scholarships I have seen will allow me to study Astrophysics, and most of them have their deadlines passed.

I'm also planning to study as soon as possible, maybe this coming school year.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Where are you planning to study? Why are you only looking for a masters degree? Most applications were due in the late fall for programs starting this coming fall.
  • #3
I'm going to make an educated guess and assume the OP is European.

I am afraid you are out of luck. American phd programs are not taking applications at this stage. European programs in general don't offer funding for masters and this is a requirement for to get a phd studentship in the vast majority of EU universities (that and 3-year residency requirements, if it's in the UK). Perhaps look into the DAAD scholarships for masters programs in Germany, but I warn you these are fiercely competitive.

The last masters/mentorship program with funding that was available until recently was APS bridge program for minorities, deadline was a few days ago. I applied just in the nick of time but I'm not sure they got my rec letters by the closing date.

I'm in the same situation, didn't get into grad programs with funding (couldn't afford to apply to many) and can't afford a masters by a long shot. I'm afraid the only thing we can do at this stage is study our asses off for the next GRE's, assuming you want to go to grad school in the US.
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  • #4
  • #5
PhotonTrail said:
I believe this program is funded. http://www.astromundus.eu/
But the deadline's already over.

That's right. Plus the Erasmus consortium is very likely cutting back on funding due to the austerity measures most EU countries are going through. In my case I know my country is no longer offering supplemental support scholarships for Erasmus exchanges for undergrads, all you get now is the portion the EU provides (a stipend of 100€ a month), so I would be surprised if scholarships for that program existed by next year.

Edit: I think the IAC (Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias in Spain) is still offering funded "resident" grants for people wishing to do coursework + a phd with them. These are really competitive (less than 6 positions for all of the EU). It might require a masters beforehand if you didn't do a 4-5 year bachelors in Spain though, but be sure to check.

You might also want to ask advisers that you know well at your undergrad university if they have any work-study/assistantship programs that would allow you to cover masters tuition costs, if you like the MS at your undergrad. These are rare but I know they're out there and they're typically not advertised much.
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  • #6
I'm planning to study in Europe as much as possible (I always liked Europe :)), but anywhere is possible. I currently in the Philippines, so I need an International Scholarship. So, I guess I need to wait for the 2014 scholarships?
  • #7
I think only Germany has scholarships for internationals wanting to do a masters. You might want to look into scholarships in your own country for such a thing, there aren't many options in the EU afaik. You'd probably have a better shot to get a funded position of some sort in the US (for a masters enroute to phd) than in Europe, provided you get some research experience and good GRE and TOEFL scores by Oct/November. You can probably find some funded opportunities around Europe like astromundus (which I think you can only apply for if you're a EU citizen) or universities that have their own money to fund students (as opposed to government scholarships), but these are very rare and in general extremely competitive.

Try applying for the Fulbright scholarship as well.

Related to Available Astrophysics or Astronomy Master Scholarships

1. What are the eligibility requirements for these master scholarships?

The eligibility requirements vary depending on the specific scholarship, but generally, applicants must have a bachelor's degree in a related field and demonstrate a strong academic record. Some scholarships may also have specific criteria such as a minimum GPA or certain coursework completed.

2. How do I apply for these master scholarships?

Most scholarships have an online application process. Applicants will need to fill out an application form, provide transcripts and letters of recommendation, and may also need to write an essay or submit a research proposal. It is important to carefully follow the instructions provided by the scholarship organization.

3. What is the deadline for applying to these master scholarships?

The deadline varies for each scholarship, but in general, it is recommended to start the application process at least 6-12 months in advance to ensure all materials are submitted on time. Some scholarships may have multiple deadlines throughout the year, so it is important to check the specific scholarship's website for the most up-to-date information.

4. Are there any specific research areas or topics that these master scholarships support?

Many scholarships may have a specific focus or preference for certain research areas or topics. It is important to carefully read the scholarship description and requirements to see if your research interests align with the scholarship's goals. Additionally, some scholarships may require applicants to conduct research in a specific country or with a certain research institution.

5. What are the benefits of receiving one of these master scholarships?

The benefits of receiving a master scholarship in astrophysics or astronomy include financial support for tuition and living expenses, opportunities for research and professional development, and the prestige of being awarded a competitive scholarship. This can also open up doors for future career opportunities and networking within the field of astrophysics or astronomy.

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