Average Force Of Friction (attempted Question)

In summary, to determine the average frictional force acting on a block when propelled by an elastic band, you would measure the force applied, calculate the area under a graph of the force vs displacement, and divide by the area under the graph of the speed vs displacement.
  • #1

Homework Statement

find the average of a block being propelled propelled by an elastic band.
We know it is uniform acceleration.

my attempt on this problem
Measure the force applied of elastic band with a Newton scale. The more you strecth the farther the distance the block will travel after you let it go. In my case my Fa was 6N. i proposed this idea to my teacher but he said the as the elastic band destreches after you let it go the force become 6,5,4,3,2. I am wondering if this is a correct way of finding the Fa. Then i would perfrom three trials to find the average.To find the average i would perform trials 2 times and divide them by three to find the average of d,t,forceapplied. i would find the distance,and time and assume V1 is 0. Can i assume V1 is 0 since it is in rest? my teacher looked puzzled i and i sure v1 is not 0. so then using v1,d,t, i would find v2 when it reaches the final velocity. then i would find the Acceleration acting on the block by using v1,v2,d,t. then i would find force normal by entering this fn=Mag
which would be mass x acceleration acting on block x acceleration due to gravity. i don't know how to go about finding force of friction because i can use this equation. FF=uFn.
One more question
can i find Fnet=Ma since i am going to find acceleration. will finding Fnet help me out?
thanks. Any suggestions ar welcome
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  • #2
I assume that you are shooting a block with the elastic so that it slides along a surface. The problem is then to determine the average frictional force that acts on the block during the release and sliding up to the point that it comes to rest?

Is the elastic initially stretched between two posts before it is pulled back with the block against it?
  • #3
no a wooden block with a slight cut in it is used to grip the elastic and propell the other wooden block.
  • #4
... which slides along a table top?

Do you have access to a photogate? That way you could measure the inital speed of the (free) block at the point of release.

Another way is to determine the work done by the elastic on the (free) block is to calculate the area under the restoring force vs displacement graph. This means that you have to note at which displacement mark you release the elastic to shoot the block (maybe a scale on the table).

FAQ: Average Force Of Friction (attempted Question)

1. What is the definition of average force of friction?

The average force of friction is the force that resists the motion of an object as it slides or rolls over a surface. It is caused by the microscopic irregularities on the surfaces of the object and the surface it is in contact with.

2. How is average force of friction calculated?

The average force of friction is calculated by multiplying the coefficient of friction (a measure of how rough or smooth the surfaces are) by the normal force (the force exerted by the surface on the object).

3. What factors affect the average force of friction?

The average force of friction can be affected by the type of surface materials, the roughness or smoothness of the surfaces, and the weight of the object. It can also be affected by the speed and direction of the object's motion.

4. How does average force of friction affect an object's motion?

The average force of friction acts in the opposite direction of an object's motion, causing it to slow down or come to a stop. It also affects the amount of energy an object needs to overcome the force of friction and maintain its motion.

5. How can the average force of friction be reduced?

The average force of friction can be reduced by using lubricants or smoother surfaces, decreasing the weight of the object, or reducing the speed and direction of motion. It can also be reduced by using wheels or rollers instead of sliding the object directly on a surface.
