Average G-Force Calculation for Abrupt Deceleration from 30mph in 1m Distance

  • Thread starter bond535
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In summary, the problem involves determining the average number of g's experienced by someone who comes to a sudden stop from an initial velocity of 30mph over a distance of 1m. Using the equations V^2=Vo^2+2aΔS and Vfinal = 0, we can solve for the acceleration (a) and convert it to units of m/s^2. After the conversion, the result is -201.672 m/s^2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the average number of g's experienced by someone abruptly coming to rest from an initial velocity of 30mph (such as in a car crash). Take the distance involved in coming to rest to be 1 m.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Vo= 30 mph

Thank you, I'm really stuck and any help will be deeply appreciate it.
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  • #2
You know Vfinal = 0 and ΔS (change in distance) = 1m. does that help?
  • #3
Vo= 30 mph

which resulted in a= -450mph

I know g= 9.8m/s ... so I'm assuming I have to change the -450mph to m/s by diving -450/3600s = 0.125m/s

I really don't know what to do next or if I'm in the right track...
  • #4
which resulted in a= -450mph
a should be in units of m/s2

(convert mph to m/s)
  • #5

I would approach this problem by first converting the initial velocity of 30 mph to meters per second (m/s). This can be done by using the conversion factor 1 mph = 0.44704 m/s. Therefore, the initial velocity (Vo) is 13.41 m/s.

Next, I would use the equation V^2 = Vo^2 + 2aΔS to solve for the acceleration (a). We know that the final velocity (V) is 0 m/s (since the person comes to a complete stop) and the distance (ΔS) is 1 m. Plugging in these values, we get:

0^2 = (13.41)^2 + 2a(1)
0 = 179.88 + 2a
2a = -179.88
a = -89.94 m/s^2

Now that we have the acceleration, we can use the equation V = Vo + at to solve for the time (t). Again, we know that the final velocity (V) is 0 m/s and the initial velocity (Vo) is 13.41 m/s. Plugging in these values, we get:

0 = 13.41 + (-89.94)t
-13.41 = -89.94t
t = 0.149 s

Finally, we can use the equation ΔS = VoT + 1/2at^2 to solve for the average g-force. We know that the distance (ΔS) is 1 m, the initial velocity (Vo) is 13.41 m/s, and the time (t) is 0.149 s. Plugging in these values, we get:

1 = (13.41)(0.149) + 1/2(-89.94)(0.149)^2
1 = 2.00043 - 0.6731
0.6731 = 1.3269g
g = 0.508 g

Therefore, the average g-force experienced by someone abruptly coming to rest from an initial velocity of 30 mph in a distance of 1 m is approximately 0.508 g. This is equivalent to about half of the force of gravity experienced on Earth.

FAQ: Average G-Force Calculation for Abrupt Deceleration from 30mph in 1m Distance

1. What is 1-D kinematic problem?

1-D kinematic problem is a type of problem in physics that deals with the motion of objects in one dimension, typically along a straight line. It involves the use of equations and formulas to analyze and solve problems related to position, velocity, acceleration, and time.

2. What are the key concepts in 1-D kinematic problem?

The key concepts in 1-D kinematic problem include displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. Displacement is the change in an object's position, velocity is the rate of change of displacement, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and time is the duration of the motion.

3. How do you solve a 1-D kinematic problem?

To solve a 1-D kinematic problem, you need to identify the known and unknown variables, choose the appropriate equations to use, and plug in the values to solve for the unknown variable. It is important to pay attention to the units and use the correct formula for the given scenario.

4. What are the common equations used in 1-D kinematic problem?

The common equations used in 1-D kinematic problem include the equations for displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time. These are:

  • Displacement: Δx = xf - xi
  • Velocity: v = (xf - xi) / t
  • Acceleration: a = (vf - vi) / t
  • Time: t = (xf - xi) / v

5. How is 1-D kinematic problem used in real life?

1-D kinematic problem is used in real life to analyze and understand the motion of objects in one dimension. It is used in engineering, sports, and transportation industries to design and improve systems and equipment. It is also used in everyday situations, such as calculating the time it takes to travel from one place to another or predicting the position of an object at a certain time.
