Average Potential Energy/ Oscillator

In summary: You have to use the correct probability distribution function in order to get the correct result. So in summary, when calculating the average kinetic energy of a single harmonic oscillator, it is important to use the correct partition function and probability distribution function. This will ensure that the result is accurate and consistent with the equipartition theorem.
  • #1
i regard a single harmonic oszillator: $$H_{1}=\frac{p^{2}}{2m} + \frac{m \omega^{2}}{2} x^{2}$$
I know the partition function of the oszillator is: $$Z=\frac{kT}{\hbar \omega}$$
so the probability function is: $$F_{1}(x,p)=\frac{1}{Z}\exp{\frac{-H_{1}(x,p)}{kT}}$$

Now I want to callculate the average kinetic energy. So, can i do this? :$$
<\frac{p^2}{2m}>=\int\limits_{-\infty}^\infty dx \int \limits_{-\infty}^\infty dp~~~ F_{1}(x,p) \frac{p^2}{2m}
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  • #3

I am not sure if I took the right partition function?
Is [itex]Z_ {Classical}[/itex] or [itex]Z[/itex] the right function for callculating the average value?

<\frac{p^2}{2m}> &=\int dp \int dx ~~~\frac{1}{Z} ~~e^{-\beta~\frac{p^2}{2m}}~\cdot ~
e^{-\beta \frac{m\omega^{2} x^{2}}{2}} ~~\frac{p^2}{2m}\\
&= \frac{\beta\hbar \omega }{2m} \int dx
e^{-\beta \frac{m\omega^{2} x^{2}}{2}}
\int dp~~ p^{2} e^{-\beta~\frac{p^2}{2m}}\\
&=\frac{\beta\hbar \omega }{2m} ~~\sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{\beta m \omega^{2}}}~~\cdot ~~\sqrt{\frac{2\pi m}{\beta} }\frac{m}{\beta}\\
&=\frac{\hbar \pi}{\beta}\\
For the patition function I have seen in a book:
Z=\frac{Z_{Classical}}{h} =\frac{2 \pi kT}{h \omega} =\frac{kT}{\hbar \omega}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;Z_{Classical}= \int \int dx dp ~e^{-\frac{H_{1}(x,p)}{kT}}
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  • #4
Well, obviously you don't want that factor of h in the average k.e.
The resolution of this is that you have to use a consistent integration measure and partition function. If you use what you've called Z as the partition function, you need to integrate over x and p/h rather than x and p. To see why this is true you have to calculate the partition function using that particular convention, i.e. the partition function itself is an integral over x and p/h rather than x and p, as per the fourth equation in the section http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_function_(statistical_mechanics)#Definition .
The reason i say convention is because this factor due to changing the integration measure has no observable consequences, because the probability of finding the particle in a particular infinitesimal volume of phase space is unchanged.
Similarly, if you were to work out the quantum HO partition function, you would find that redefining the zero of energy is equivalent to multiplying the partition function by a constant - which is consistent with the idea that the choice of zero of energy is arbitrary.
  • #5
Of course, the energy shift thing isn't particular to the SHO - you can see it straight from the definition of Z for any system with discrete energies.
  • #6
Go on

I have seen that the probability density function [itex]F_{1}(x,p)[/itex] I used, is not 1.

\int \limits_{-\infty}^{\infty} dx~dp~~F_{1}(x,p)= h

So is that an error?
Do I have to divide my result with h?
  • #7
Yes, that's equivalent to using the correct Z.

FAQ: Average Potential Energy/ Oscillator

1. What is average potential energy?

Average potential energy is the measure of the average amount of energy stored within a system based on its position or configuration. It is often used to describe the energy of an oscillating system, such as a spring or pendulum.

2. How is average potential energy calculated for an oscillator?

The average potential energy for an oscillator is calculated by multiplying the square of the amplitude of the oscillation by the spring constant, and then dividing by two.

3. What is the relationship between average potential energy and amplitude?

The relationship between average potential energy and amplitude is directly proportional. This means that as the amplitude of an oscillating system increases, the average potential energy also increases.

4. How does the potential energy of an oscillator change over time?

The potential energy of an oscillator changes over time as the system oscillates between maximum potential energy and minimum potential energy. As the oscillator oscillates, the potential energy is constantly being converted to kinetic energy and back, resulting in a continuous cycle.

5. Can average potential energy ever be negative?

No, average potential energy cannot be negative. This is because potential energy is a measure of the energy stored within a system, and it cannot have a negative value. However, the potential energy of an oscillator can be zero if the system is at its equilibrium position.
