Average velocity ##\bar{v}## for a uniformly accelerating particle

  • #1
Homework Statement
Show that if a particle is undergoing uniform acceleration, its average velocity over a time ##t## may be written as ##\bar{v} = \dfrac{v_f+v_i}{2}## or as ##\dfrac{x_f-x_i}{t}##, where ##f## and ##i## refer to initial and final values.
Relevant Equations
1. Average velocity is defined to be ##\quad\bar{v} \overset{\text{def.}}{=}\dfrac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}##.
2. For uniformly accelerated motion, final velocity ##\quad v_f=v_1+a_0(t_f-t_i)##
Statement of the problem :
Let me copy and paste the problem from the text. Please note it's part (i) that I am seeking to answer. I know the answer to part (ii).

Solution : To show where my error appears, I take the time(s) to be ##t_f## and ##t_i##, whereby the given time interval ##t = t_f-t_i##. The average velocity ##\small{\quad\bar{v}\overset{\text{def.}}{=}\dfrac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}= \dfrac{\int\limits_{t_i}^{t_f}v(t)dt}{t_f-t_i}=\dfrac{\int\limits_{t_i}^{t_f}(v_i+a_0t)dt}{t_f-t_i}=v_i+\dfrac{a_0}{t_f-t_i}\left[ \dfrac{t^2}{2} \right]_{t_i}^{t_f}=v_i+\dfrac{a_0}{2(t_f-t_i)}\left( t_f^2 - t_i^2\right) = v_i+\dfrac{a_0}{2}\left( t_f+t_i \right)=\dfrac{v_i+\{v_i+a_0\left( t_f+t_i\right)\}}{2}}##
The last term is not equal to the final velocity ##v_f## : ##\quad\dfrac{v_i+\overbrace{\{v_i+a_0\left( t_f+t_i\right)\}}^{\ne v_f}}{2}\ne\dfrac{v_i+v_f}{2}##.
We note that the final velocity ##v_f=v_i+a_0(t_f-t_i)##. For me, the minus sign ##-## is replaced with a plus##+## sign.
This is where I am stuck. Request : A hint would be welcome.
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  • #2
brotherbobby said:
We note that the final velocity ##v_f=v_i+a_0(t_f-t_i)##. For me, the minus sign ##-## is replaced with a plus##+## sign.
You'll have to explain why you made that a plus sign!
  • #3
PeroK said:
You'll have to explain why you made that a plus sign!

From my calculations above. The two terms which have "##-##" signs cancel, leaving the term ##t_f+t_i##.
  • #4
brotherbobby said:
View attachment 337949
From my calculations above. The two terms which have "##-##" signs cancel, leaving the term ##t_f+t_i##.
You have integrated wrongly. You should find that the integral of velocity for constant acceleration is
$$x_f -x_i = v_i(t_f-t_i) +\frac 1 2 a(t_f^2 -t_i^2)$$
Ps sorry, I meant:
$$x_f -x_i = v_i(t_f-t_i) +\frac 1 2 a(t_f-t_i)^2$$
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  • #5
I don't follow you. What you wrote is exactly what I did.

##x_f -x_i = v_i(t_f-t_i) +\frac 1 2 a(t_f^2 -t_i^2)##

If you divide both sides of the equation by ##t_f-t_i##, you get ##\bar v= v_i+\dfrac{1}{2}a_0(t_f+t_i)##, which is what I got.
PeroK said:
You have integrated wrongly
Can you show me where in my workings in post #1 above?
  • #6
Your integration is fine. What you have inadvertently done is used the wrong function for ##v(t)##. I ask you to evaluate ##v(t)## at ##t=t_o## and tell us what you get.
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Likes PeroK and Orodruin
  • #7
erobz said:
Your integration is fine. What you have inadvertently done is used the wrong function for ##v(t)##. I ask you to evaluate ##v(t)## at ##t=t_o## and tell us what you get.
I got you. We should have ##v(t) = v_i+a_0(t-t_i)##. Hence when ##t=t_i##, ##v(t_i)=v_i##.
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Likes erobz
  • #8
I show you the calculations below in rough. Thanks. I have solved the problem.
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  • #9
It will save you significant algebra if you do a ##u## substitution with ##u = t - t_o ## to evaluate the integral.

##du = dt##

## u_f = t_f - t_o##

## u_o = t_o -t_o = 0 ##

$$ \bar{v} = \frac{ \int_{0}^{u_f} \left( v_o + a_o u \right) du}{u_f} $$

$$ \implies \bar{v} = \frac{v_o u_f + \frac{1}{2} a_o u_f^2 }{u_f} $$

$$ \implies \bar{v} = v_o + \frac{1}{2} a_o u_f = v_o + \frac{1}{2} a_o ( t_f - t_o ) = \frac{v_o+v_f}{2} $$

Related to Average velocity ##\bar{v}## for a uniformly accelerating particle

What is the formula for average velocity for a uniformly accelerating particle?

The formula for average velocity ##\bar{v}## for a uniformly accelerating particle is given by the arithmetic mean of the initial velocity (##v_i##) and the final velocity (##v_f##). Mathematically, it is expressed as:\[ \bar{v} = \frac{v_i + v_f}{2} \]

How do you calculate the final velocity of a uniformly accelerating particle?

The final velocity (##v_f##) of a uniformly accelerating particle can be calculated using the equation:\[ v_f = v_i + a t \]where ##v_i## is the initial velocity, ##a## is the constant acceleration, and ##t## is the time elapsed.

What is the significance of average velocity in uniformly accelerated motion?

Average velocity in uniformly accelerated motion is significant because it represents the mean velocity over the entire time period of motion. It simplifies calculations related to displacement and helps in understanding the overall motion of the particle.

How does average velocity relate to displacement in uniformly accelerated motion?

In uniformly accelerated motion, the displacement (##s##) can be calculated using the average velocity (##\bar{v}##) and the time (##t##) with the formula:\[ s = \bar{v} \cdot t \]Since ##\bar{v}## is the average of the initial and final velocities, this relationship helps in determining the total displacement over the time period.

Can average velocity be negative in uniformly accelerating motion?

Yes, average velocity can be negative in uniformly accelerating motion if the direction of motion is opposite to the chosen reference direction. In such cases, both the initial and final velocities would be negative, resulting in a negative average velocity.
