Average Velocity in One Dimension

In summary, the average velocity of a body undergoing one-dimensional motion and a constant acceleration can be calculated by dividing the displacement over a time interval by the duration of that interval. This is a vector quantity and depends on the direction of motion. The instantaneous velocity at a specific time is found by calculating the mean velocity over shorter and shorter time intervals centered on that time. The negative sign in the average velocity indicates a change in direction during the motion, and the concept of negative velocity only applies to vector quantities with direction.
  • #1
A question about the average velocity of bodies undergoing one-dimensional motion and a constant acceleration (gravity in this case).

A case scenario.

Suppose that initially, I throw a stone into the air at a height h. For the sake of argument, let's suppose that even though I threw the stone straight into the air, when it comes back down for the descent, it landed at a point lower than h.

When t=0, the position of the stone is h and at some later time, its position is h again. The average velocity from the initial time to the time when the stone's position is h again is zero because during that time interval, the stone "replaced" all of the distance that it displaced. That I understand. Let's now examine the average velocity from t=0 to the final time when the stone is at some point lower than h. This is where I have questions.

Lets make

the stone's landing point is -3,
the entire trip happens over 3 seconds.

So then, the average velocity from [0, 3] is -1 units/second.

Conceptually, what is the meaning of -1 units/second?

Does the calculation disregard the "cancelled out" displacement completely?
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  • #2
nDever said:
So then, the average velocity from [0, 3] is -1 units/second.

Conceptually, what is the meaning of -1 units/second?

Does the calculation disregard the "cancelled out" displacement completely?

Velocity is a vector quantity, meaning that is has a direction as well as a size.

"Ten meters per second" isn't a velocity, it's a speed. Negative speed has no meaning.

"Ten meters per second to the north" is a velocity. "Negative ten meters per second to the north" is the negative of that velocity, and it means that you're traveling to the south.
  • #3
Mean velocity over a time interval is usually defined as displacement over that interval divided by time interval. It is a vector because displacement is a vector. In calculating the displacement, all that counts are the positions of the body at the start and end of the interval.

This definition neatly generates the notion of instantaneous velocity. Suppose we need the instantaneous velocity at time t. We find the mean velocity over a short time interval centred on t. Then we consider shorter and shorter intervals centred on t. The mean velocites so calculated will home in on a limiting value, which is what is meant by the instantaneous velocity at time t.

FAQ: Average Velocity in One Dimension

1. What is "average velocity in one dimension"?

Average velocity in one dimension is a measure of how fast an object is moving in a specific direction over a certain period of time. It takes into account both the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance.

2. How is average velocity in one dimension calculated?

Average velocity in one dimension is calculated by dividing the total displacement (change in position) by the total time taken. This can be represented by the formula: v=Δx/Δt, where v is the average velocity, Δx is the change in position, and Δt is the change in time.

3. Is average velocity in one dimension the same as average speed?

No, average velocity and average speed are not the same. Average velocity takes into account the direction of motion, while average speed only considers the magnitude of the displacement.

4. What is the unit of measurement for average velocity in one dimension?

The unit of measurement for average velocity in one dimension is meters per second (m/s) in the SI system. Other commonly used units include kilometers per hour (km/h) and miles per hour (mph).

5. Why is average velocity in one dimension important in physics?

Average velocity is an important concept in physics because it helps us understand the motion of objects. It allows us to calculate the rate of change of an object's position, which is essential in studying the laws of motion. Average velocity is also used in various real-world applications, such as predicting the arrival time of a moving object or determining the speed of a vehicle.

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