Average y coordinate of points on parametrized semicircle

In summary: The reason you can't use ##\int_0^1## even though the length of the curve is ##2 \pi a## is that you are not dividing by the total length of the curve, but by the length of the interval over which you are calculating the average. So the denominator is ##\pi##, not ##2 \pi a##.In summary, the task is to find the average y coordinate of points on a semicircle parametrized by C:[0,##\pi##]-->##R^3##, ##\theta##-->(0, a*sin##\theta##, a*cos##\theta##); a>0. The solution involves calculating the integral of the
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the average y coordinate of the points on the semicircle parametrized by C:[0,##\pi##]-->##R^3##,
##\theta##-->(0, a*sin##\theta##, a*cos##\theta##); a>0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the answer should be an integral of the circle in the y direction to get the total y path length divided by the total path length of the entire parametrized path. I am not sure if I did this right though. The question is kind of weird to me. The book gives the answer which is 2a/##\pi## but no explanation.

$$\frac{ \int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-y^2} dy } { \int_0^\pi ||f'|| dt =\int_0^pi \sqrt{a^2(cos^2\theta + sin^2\theta)} dt = a\pi} $$
solving the numerator:

$$\int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-y^2} dy = \int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-(y/a)^2} dy \\

cos\theta = \sqrt{1-(y/a)^2}\\
sin\theta = \frac{y}{a}\\
acos\theta d\theta = dy\\
\theta = arcsin(\frac{y}{a})\\
\int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-(y/a)^2} dy = a^2 \int_0^\pi cos^2\theta d\theta = a^2 \int_0^\pi \frac{1+cos2\theta}{2} d\theta = a^2[\frac{\theta}{2}+\frac{sin(2\theta)}{4}]_0^\pi\\
Plug the answer for numerator back into equation :

The book says the answer is $$\frac{2a}{\pi}$$

So... anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong? Also, I was wondering if I was right to take the integral from 0 to pi after I did a trig sub or if that was invalid and the constants of integration had to be changed. Arcsin(y/a) is kind of meaningless for the answer I got so I just plugged in the same constants of integration because it looked right.
I'm not really sure if what I am doing right or what I am doing wrong here, so any help is appretiated.
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  • #2
fahraynk said:

Homework Statement

Find the average y coordinate of the points on the semicircle parametrized by C:[0,##\pi##]-->##R^3##,
##\theta##-->(0, a*sin##\theta##, a*cos##\theta##); a>0

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the answer should be an integral of the circle in the y direction to get the total y path length divided by the total path length of the entire parametrized path. I am not sure if I did this right though. The question is kind of weird to me. The book gives the answer which is 2a/##\pi## but no explanation.

$$\frac{ \int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-y^2} dy } { \int_0^\pi ||f'|| dt =\int_0^pi \sqrt{a^2(cos^2\theta + sin^2\theta)} dt = a\pi} $$
solving the numerator:

$$\int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-y^2} dy = \int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-(y/a)^2} dy \\

cos\theta = \sqrt{1-(y/a)^2}\\
sin\theta = \frac{y}{a}\\
acos\theta d\theta = dy\\
\theta = arcsin(\frac{y}{a})\\
\int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-(y/a)^2} dy = a^2 \int_0^\pi cos^2\theta d\theta = a^2 \int_0^\pi \frac{1+cos2\theta}{2} d\theta = a^2[\frac{\theta}{2}+\frac{sin(2\theta)}{4}]_0^\pi\\
Plug the answer for numerator back into equation :

The book says the answer is $$\frac{2a}{\pi}$$

So... anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong? Also, I was wondering if I was right to take the integral from 0 to pi after I did a trig sub or if that was invalid and the constants of integration had to be changed. Arcsin(y/a) is kind of meaningless for the answer I got so I just plugged in the same constants of integration because it looked right.
I'm not really sure if what I am doing right or what I am doing wrong here, so any help is appretiated.
For a function ##f(\theta)## on ##[0,\pi]## the average is
$$\bar{f} = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_0^{\pi} f(\theta) \, d \theta$$
  • #3
Ray Vickson said:
For a function ##f(\theta)## on ##[0,\pi]## the average is
$$\bar{f} = \frac{1}{\pi} \int_0^{\pi} f(\theta) \, d \theta$$
What is ##f(\theta)## here?
The circle's equation is ##Z^2+Y^2=a##, I tried F = Z = ##\sqrt{a^2-Y^2}## and got :
##\int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-Y^2} d\theta = \int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-sin^2\theta} d\theta = \int_0^\pi acos\theta d\theta =asin\theta |_0^\pi = 0##

Then I tried ##F=Y=\sqrt{a^2-Z^2}## and it gave the right answer. Can you explain why ##f(\theta)## is the equation in terms of Y? Also, since the length of a circle is ##2\pi a## why isn't the formula $$\bar{f} = \frac{1}{a\pi} \int_1^\pi f(\theta) d\theta$$
  • #4
fahraynk said:
What is ##f(\theta)## here?

##f(\theta) = y = a\sin\theta##

The circle's equation is ##Z^2+Y^2=a##, I tried F = Z = ##\sqrt{a^2-Y^2}## and got :
##\int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-Y^2} d\theta = \int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-sin^2\theta} d\theta = \int_0^\pi acos\theta d\theta =asin\theta |_0^\pi = 0##

You have calculated the average of ##z = a\cos\theta##. From the symmetry you would expect that to be ##0##.

Then I tried ##F=Y=\sqrt{a^2-Z^2}## and it gave the right answer. Can you explain why ##f(\theta)## is the equation in terms of Y? Also, since the length of a circle is ##2\pi a## why isn't the formula $$\bar{f} = \frac{1}{a\pi} \int_1^\pi f(\theta) d\theta$$

It doesn't have anything to do with arc length.
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  • #5
fahraynk said:
What is ##f(\theta)## here?
The circle's equation is ##Z^2+Y^2=a##, I tried F = Z = ##\sqrt{a^2-Y^2}## and got :
##\int_0^\pi \sqrt{a^2-Y^2} d\theta = \int_0^\pi a\sqrt{1-sin^2\theta} d\theta = \int_0^\pi acos\theta d\theta =asin\theta |_0^\pi = 0##

Then I tried ##F=Y=\sqrt{a^2-Z^2}## and it gave the right answer. Can you explain why ##f(\theta)## is the equation in terms of Y? Also, since the length of a circle is ##2\pi a## why isn't the formula $$\bar{f} = \frac{1}{a\pi} \int_1^\pi f(\theta) d\theta$$

You asked for the average of ##y## and you told us that ##y = a \sin \theta##, so that is ##f(\theta)##. You told us that ##\theta \in [0, \pi]## so that is the range over which the average is taken.
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  • #6

Related to Average y coordinate of points on parametrized semicircle

What is a parametrized semicircle?

A parametrized semicircle is a geometric shape that is defined by a set of equations or parameters. These parameters determine the position and shape of the semicircle, allowing for easy manipulation and analysis of the shape.

How is the average y-coordinate calculated for points on a parametrized semicircle?

The average y-coordinate is calculated by finding the sum of all the y-coordinates for the points on the semicircle, and then dividing by the total number of points. This gives the average value or position of the y-coordinate for the points on the semicircle.

Why is determining the average y-coordinate important in studying a parametrized semicircle?

The average y-coordinate provides valuable information about the overall shape and position of the semicircle. It can help in analyzing the symmetry, center of mass, and other properties of the semicircle. It is also a useful tool in comparing different parametrized semicircles.

What factors can affect the average y-coordinate of points on a parametrized semicircle?

The average y-coordinate can be affected by the position and shape of the semicircle, as well as the range of the parameters used. Additionally, any changes to the equations or parameters used to define the semicircle can also impact the average y-coordinate.

How can the average y-coordinate be used in real-life applications?

The average y-coordinate of points on a parametrized semicircle can be used in various fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics. It can help in designing and analyzing circular structures, predicting the trajectory of objects moving in a circular path, and in solving complex mathematical problems involving parametrized curves.

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