Baby Rudin Proof of Theorem 1.33 (e) - Triangle Inequality

In summary, the conversation discusses Rudin's proof of Theorem 1.33 part e, which states that the absolute value of z+w is less than or equal to the absolute value of z plus the absolute value of w. The key point in the proof is showing that 2Re(zw) is less than or equal to 2|zw|, which implies that Re(zw) is less than or equal to |zw|. This is proven using the fact that the modulus of a real number is always less than or equal to its absolute value.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

I have a question on Rudin's proof of Theorem 1.33 part e. Here he prove the following statement:

The absolute value of z+w is equal or smaller than the absolute value of z plus the absolute value of w -Yes, is the triangle inequality, where z and w are both complex numbers-
|z+w| $\leqslant$ |z| + |w|

In the proof, the key is that he points out that
$$2Re(z\overline{w}) \leqslant 2|z\overline{w}|$$

which obviously implies that
$$Re(z\overline{w}) \leqslant |z\overline{w}|$$

Why is that so? How does he knows this inequality is satified? If you can help me I would appreciate it a lot.
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  • #2
It's from part (d)...
  • #3
I think I got it now! We know that

$$|Re(x)| \leqslant |x|$$

$$ [Re(x)Re(x)]^{1/2} \leqslant |x|$$

$$ Re(x) \leqslant |x| $$ which is what we wanted to prove. Right?
  • #4
I think that you are slightly overthinking this, the real part of a complex number is just that - a real number.

And the modulus of a real number is just its absolute value, and a real number is always less than its absolute value.
  • #5


I can explain the reasoning behind this inequality in Rudin's proof. The key concept here is the concept of "absolute value" or "modulus" of a complex number. The absolute value of a complex number z is defined as the distance from the origin to the point representing z on the complex plane. This distance can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem, where the real part of z represents the horizontal distance and the imaginary part represents the vertical distance.

Now, in the proof of Theorem 1.33 part e, Rudin is trying to show that the absolute value of z+w is equal or smaller than the sum of the absolute values of z and w. This can be understood geometrically as the distance from the origin to the point representing z+w being smaller or equal to the sum of the distances from the origin to the points representing z and w.

To prove this, Rudin uses the fact that the real part of z+w can be written as the sum of the real parts of z and w, and the imaginary part of z+w can be written as the sum of the imaginary parts of z and w. Using the definition of absolute value, we can write:

|z+w| = √((Re(z) + Re(w))^2 + (Im(z) + Im(w))^2)

Now, using the triangle inequality for real numbers, we can say that:

|z+w| ≤ √((Re(z))^2 + (Im(z))^2) + √((Re(w))^2 + (Im(w))^2)

= |z| + |w|

This is the desired result, and it is satisfied because the real part of z and the real part of w are both smaller than or equal to the absolute values of z and w respectively. This can be seen from the definition of absolute value and the fact that the real part of a complex number is always smaller than or equal to its absolute value.

I hope this explanation helps you understand Rudin's proof better. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


FAQ: Baby Rudin Proof of Theorem 1.33 (e) - Triangle Inequality

1. What is Theorem 1.33 (e) in Baby Rudin's book?

Theorem 1.33 (e) in Baby Rudin's book, also known as the Triangle Inequality, states that for any two points x and y in a metric space, the distance between them is always less than or equal to the sum of the distances from x to a third point z and from z to y.

2. Why is the Triangle Inequality important?

The Triangle Inequality is important because it is a fundamental property of metric spaces and has many practical applications in fields such as geometry, physics, and computer science. It also allows us to prove other theorems and inequalities, such as the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality.

3. What is the proof of Theorem 1.33 (e)?

The proof of Theorem 1.33 (e) involves using the definition of a metric space to show that the distance between two points x and y can be expressed as the sum of the distances from x to a third point z and from z to y. Then, it is shown that this sum is always greater than or equal to the distance between x and y, proving the Triangle Inequality.

4. Can the Triangle Inequality be extended to more than three points?

Yes, the Triangle Inequality can be extended to any finite number of points in a metric space. This is known as the Generalized Triangle Inequality and is often used in more advanced mathematical proofs.

5. How is the Triangle Inequality related to the concept of distance?

The Triangle Inequality directly relates to the concept of distance by stating that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. This can be seen in the proof of the Triangle Inequality, where the sum of two distances is always greater than or equal to the distance between the two points. This property is also known as the shortest distance principle.

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