Background required for Noether's Theorem?

In summary, Noether's Theorem is an important concept in physics that deals with conservation laws. It involves writing down the energy of a system and observing how it changes under different operations, such as translation or rotation. These invariances indicate the presence of conserved quantities, such as momentum or energy. To fully understand Noether's Theorem, one must have a strong understanding of Lagrangian mechanics. This concept can be further explored in Leonard Susskind's video course on Classical Physics.
  • #1
Can someone please explain the progression of topics I would need to study in order to tackle Noether's Theorem? I keep hearing how important it is and am setting a self-study goal for myself to eventually understand it with enough rigour that I can appreciate it's beauty.

I have a feeling I have a long way to go... :) I've done Calculus 1,2, and 3. The equivalent of 1st year university physics (Halliday/Resnick). Currently, I'm working through linear algebra.
Physics news on
  • #2
You cover it on a basic level in intermediate mechanics. It's actually not very difficult and you probably have enough math to understand it tonight if you're so inclined. Basically you write down the energy of your system (really the Lagrangian), and then think of things that you might do to the expression. For instance, maybe you want to translate the system in space (so add something to the position coordinates). If you find that the expression remains unchanged after such an operation, then this indicates there is a conserved quantity present. We might find for instance, that the energy is invariant under a spatial translation: this indicates that momentum is conserved. If it's invariant under a rotation, then angular momentum is conserved. If it's invariant under a translation in time, then the energy itself is conserved. These are the basics. You may also discover that the energy is invariant under some more subtle operation, such as varying the z-coordinate by an integer multiple of 2pi. That would also indicate the presence of some kind of conserved quantity, though perhaps not as obvious or intuitive. In general we say that any such invariance of the energy (really the Lagrangian) implies a conservation law.

As an example, the Lagrangian for a free particle is just its kinetic energy, which depends only on its velocity (mv^2/2), not on its position. We can translate the particle in space, or rotate it about some axis without in any way changing the energy. By Noether's theorem this is equivalent to saying that linear and angular momentum are conserved.

Learn Lagrangian mechanics and it will make sense. That said, I'm sure it gets more complicated on a higher level, which I haven't yet been able to understand myself.
  • #3
Leonard Susskind derives using only the calculus of variations it in his video course on Classical Physics. I don't remember which lecture, but all 10 lectures are enjoyable and rewarding.

  • #4
Fantastic - thanks for the thorough answer and the link!

FAQ: Background required for Noether's Theorem?

1. What is Noether's Theorem?

Noether's Theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that relates the symmetries of a system to its conserved quantities. It was first proposed by mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and has since been applied in various fields of physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and relativity.

2. What is the background required to understand Noether's Theorem?

A strong understanding of mathematical concepts such as calculus, differential equations, and group theory is necessary to fully grasp Noether's Theorem. A basic knowledge of classical mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics is also helpful.

3. Why is Noether's Theorem important?

Noether's Theorem allows us to understand the underlying symmetries of physical systems and how they are related to the conservation of energy, momentum, and other important quantities. It has been a key tool in the development of modern physics and has helped to uncover new laws and principles.

4. How is Noether's Theorem applied in physics?

Noether's Theorem has been applied in various fields of physics, including classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and relativity. It has been used to derive important equations, such as the conservation of energy and momentum, and has also been applied in the study of gauge theories and particle physics.

5. Are there any limitations to Noether's Theorem?

While Noether's Theorem is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It only applies to systems that have continuous symmetries, and it cannot be used to derive new physical laws. Additionally, in some cases, the symmetries of a system may not be apparent, making it difficult to apply Noether's Theorem.
