Bad Physics Teaching: Solve Grade 11 Physics Question

  • Thread starter SRForum
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In summary, the student is struggling with a Physics teacher who does not want to teach and offers little help. The student has a question about calculating acceleration for a rollercoaster and has attempted the problem multiple times with no success. The class forum suggests reporting the teacher and asks for the student's attempt at the problem. They also remind the student that the answer will depend on the definition of acceleration.
  • #1
Bad Physics Teach! :(

Hello all,

I am in grade 11 Physics, and have a question that I need to solve. My teacher has repeatedly said that he hates physice, "I don't want to teach it, and you don't want to learn it", and offers virtually no help, yet assigns massive ammounts of work! I have over 100 questions (in this same format to do), I was wondering if I have an example, someone could walk me through it, so that I can do the rest. I've had many attempts, and every time that I had shown him, he has just said "nono, Look it up in the textbook". Thanks again, Here's the quetion.

A rollercoaster accelerates from 0-160 km/h in 7 seconds. Calculate the average acceleration in:

a) km/h per s

b) m/s(squared)

c) g's (9.8 m/s).
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  • #2
Hi SRForum, and welcome to Physics Forums!

First of all, I think you should report this guy to his boss. He is being paid to do a job.

Second, we do have a requirement here at PF that you show an attempt at the problem ( So if you'd be so kind as to post what you think is the best of your "many attempts", we'd appreciate it. Then we can explain what is going wrong.
  • #3
Every one of those questions depends on knowing the definition of "acceleration". What is it?

FAQ: Bad Physics Teaching: Solve Grade 11 Physics Question

What are some common mistakes made by students in grade 11 physics?

Some common mistakes made by students in grade 11 physics include: not understanding the fundamental concepts, not showing all work and steps in solving problems, not using proper units and equations, and not practicing enough with different types of problems.

How can students improve their understanding of physics concepts?

Students can improve their understanding of physics concepts by actively engaging in class discussions and asking questions, seeking help from their teacher or peers when needed, practicing problems regularly, and reviewing and refreshing their understanding of previous concepts before moving on to new ones.

What are some strategies for solving physics problems effectively?

Some strategies for solving physics problems effectively include: carefully reading and understanding the question, identifying the given and unknown variables, selecting the appropriate formula or equation, showing all work and steps, and checking the answer for reasonableness and accuracy.

How can teachers improve their teaching of grade 11 physics?

Teachers can improve their teaching of grade 11 physics by using a variety of teaching methods and techniques, providing real-world examples and applications, giving clear and concise explanations, encouraging student participation and discussion, and offering additional resources and support for struggling students.

What are some resources students can use to supplement their learning of grade 11 physics?

Some resources students can use to supplement their learning of grade 11 physics include: online tutorials and videos, practice problems and tests, study guides and textbooks, and attending review sessions or seeking help from a tutor or teacher. It is also important for students to actively engage in class and take thorough notes to help with understanding and retention of the material.
