Balancing a 3d weight vs lift system

In summary, the conversation is about trying to balance a 3D system with fixed weights and variable lift forces. The goal is to find the correct combination of lift forces that will satisfy the conditions of balance, which include the sum of all forces being 0 and the sum of all torques being 0. The conversation also mentions using linear equations and calculating torque using vectors. The individual is seeking help to solve this problem and has already tried using extra supports, but the simulation is still not completely stable. They are unsure how to get a complete picture of the torque needed for balance.
  • #1
Hi I'm trying to balance any 3d system with various fixed weights by selecting the correct lift forces for points of lift an example system would be the following shape ( view from above , think a plane missing the right wing) where X is a point of weight and L is a lift point (also has weight)


to be clear
X’s are fixed weights
L’s can have variable lift forces
L3 needs to counteract the rotation from its own weight and the weight of X3
L1 is mostly central along the main body so will can counter X1,2,4 and L2's weight
L2 may not be needed

so something like L3 = 2(cancelling its and X3 weight / moment), L1 = 5 (cancelling the main body’s weight) L2 = 0 else it would flip

This is just an arbitrary shape, I need to be able to solve it for any number of lifts / weights in any shape / positions.

I’m sure I learned how to solve this sort of problem during my degree however I guess I can’t find the correct set of words to put into the all-knowing google!

Any help would be appreciated!
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  • #2
You can get 6 conditions for balance:

- the sum of all forces has to be 0 (otherwise the object would accelerate). This gives 3 equations, one for each dimension
- the sum of all torques has to be 0 (otherwise the object would rotate). Again, you get one equation per dimension. It does not matter which point you use as center of your coordinate system, as the conditions above make sure that you get the same result everywhere.

Any combination of lift forces which satisfies those conditions is fine. If all forces are vertical, you can reduce the system to 3 equations (one for the horizontal position and two for rotations).
  • #3
Thanks :D, Realised the goggle phrase i was missing was 'Linear Equations'

I've now got most of the equations worked out but currently can't get it to work quite right hopefully someone will see where I've messed up. Currently I have a problem where when I'm attempting to move the object in the X axis it will rotate around the Y axis as-well.

I'm Achieving the X axis movement by rotating the lift objects about the Z axis causing the force to change form completely down (0.0,-1,0.0) to slightly to the left or right (0.7,-0.7,0.0).

For the Translational equations I have the following
Where F is a vector for the force direction.

F1.y + F2.y ... +Fn.y = Weight
F1.x +... = Xaxis movement (left right)
F1.z +... = Zaxis movement (forward back)

then the rotational equations

Where T = the torque calculated by r cross F, where r is a vector from the centre of mass to the location of F (Centre Of Mass - Location of F)
giving me

T1.x + T2.x ...+ Tn.x = Current Torque about X axis (pitch)
T1.y + T2.y ...+ Tn.y = Current Torque about Y axis (yaw)
T1.z + T2.z ...+ Tn.z = Current Torque about Z axis (roll)

I'm calculating the Current Torque by finding the amount of torque necessary to move the objects Up direction vector to straight up (0,1,0).

Any ideas where I may have gone wrong?

I have a feeling its the torque calculation as the this torque calculation doesn't include any Y axis rotation, I assume i have to calculate the torque required using the froward vector (and right ? ) however I am unsure how i should combine them to get the total torque required for each rotational axis.
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  • #4
I don't see your problem at the moment.

Currently I have a problem where when I'm attempting to move the object in the X axis it will rotate around the Y axis as-well.
If you cannot avoid this... well, then you'll need more points of support to get a pure movement.

I have a feeling its the torque calculation as the this torque calculation doesn't include any Y axis rotation
Torque around the Y axis will give a rotation around the Y axis.
Which "forward vector"?
  • #5
Ok the extra supports helped, however I'm definitely missing something as the simulation I've built is less than completely stable.

Ok hopefully this will make the torque bit a little clearer. Currently I'm calculating the torque required to rotate the object from one vector direction to another. This means I can't get a full picture of the torque from one calculation, For example, If I calculate the torque required to rotate from the objects up direction to straight up (to make the object level) I will only get information about the X and Z axis as there is no way of telling what the Y axis rotation is. A vector can't tell you the rotation about its self, but it can tell you the rotation about its two orthogonal counterparts (forward and right).

So I'm unsure how to get the complete picture of the torque.

FAQ: Balancing a 3d weight vs lift system

1. How does the weight of an object affect its ability to be lifted in a 3D system?

The weight of an object plays a crucial role in determining its lift capacity in a 3D system. The heavier the object, the more force is required to lift it. This is due to the gravitational pull on the object, which increases as its weight increases. Therefore, balancing a 3D weight vs lift system involves considering the weight of the object and the force needed to lift it.

2. What is the relationship between the distance of the weight from the pivot point and the lift force in a 3D system?

In a 3D system, the distance of the weight from the pivot point is directly proportional to the lift force. This means that the farther the weight is from the pivot point, the more force is required to lift it. This is because the torque, or rotational force, increases with distance from the pivot point. Therefore, balancing a 3D weight vs lift system also involves considering the distance of the weight from the pivot point.

3. How does the angle of the lift force affect the balance of a 3D weight vs lift system?

The angle of the lift force also plays a crucial role in balancing a 3D weight vs lift system. The lift force must be applied at a specific angle in order to counteract the weight of the object and achieve balance. If the angle is too steep or too shallow, the lift force may not be enough to balance the weight, resulting in an unbalanced system.

4. Can the shape of the weight affect its lift capacity in a 3D system?

Yes, the shape of the weight can affect its lift capacity in a 3D system. Objects with irregular shapes or uneven distributions of weight may be more difficult to lift and balance compared to objects with more uniform shapes. This is because the weight distribution of an object can impact its center of mass and affect the balance of the system.

5. How can the use of counterweights help in balancing a 3D weight vs lift system?

Counterweights are often used in 3D systems to help balance the weight of an object. By placing a counterweight on the opposite side of the pivot point, the force needed to lift the weight can be reduced. This is especially useful when the weight of the object is significantly greater than the lift force available. By using counterweights, the system can achieve balance and the object can be lifted more easily.

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