Balancing Redox Equations: NO3- + Ag in Acidic Solution

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In summary, the conversation is about balancing a chemical equation with half reactions. The equations are correctly identified and the final balanced reaction is given. The person is unsure about redox equations but the other party confirms that the answer is correct.
  • #1
This is the 2nd problem on a HW sheet I have. I don't have any particular problems with it but I'm just making sure I'm doing these right:

Complete (add H20, H+ or OH- as appropriate) and balance the following equations. Show all half reactions.

a. [tex]NO_3^- + Ag \rightarrow Ag^+ + NO_2[/tex] (acidic)
Half reactions I found to be:
-[tex]Ag\rightarrow Ag^+ + e^-[/tex]
-[tex]e^- + NO_3^- + 2H^+ \rightarrow NO_2 + H_2O[/tex]

making the balanced reaction

[tex] 2H^+ + NO_3^- + Ag \rightarrow Ag^+ + NO_2 + H_2O[/tex]

Any thoughts? I'm pretty iffy on redox equations. Thanks
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  • #2
that looks correct. I did these last term and if my memory serves me well, that is the correct answer.


  • #3

Your half reactions and balanced equation look correct. Just a couple of things to keep in mind when balancing redox equations:

1. Always balance atoms other than oxygen and hydrogen first, then balance oxygen by adding H2O, and finally balance hydrogen by adding H+.

2. Remember to balance the charges on both sides of the equation. In this case, the charges are already balanced, but for more complicated reactions, you may need to add electrons to balance the charges.

Overall, it looks like you have a good understanding of balancing redox equations. Keep practicing and you will become more confident in your skills. Good luck with the rest of your homework!

FAQ: Balancing Redox Equations: NO3- + Ag in Acidic Solution

1. What is a redox reaction?

A redox reaction, also known as a reduction-oxidation reaction, is a chemical reaction in which there is a transfer of electrons from one substance to another. This transfer of electrons results in a change in oxidation states of the elements involved.

2. Why do we need to balance redox equations?

Balancing redox equations is important because it ensures that the same number of electrons are transferred from one substance to another. This maintains the overall charge balance of the reaction and accurately represents the chemical changes that occur.

3. How do we balance redox equations?

To balance redox equations, we use the half-reaction method. This involves dividing the equation into two half-reactions, balancing the atoms and charges in each half, and then combining them to get the final balanced equation.

4. What is the role of acid in balancing redox equations?

Acid is often added to redox equations to provide a source of hydrogen ions (H+). These ions participate in the redox reaction and help to balance the charges and atoms in the equation. This is particularly important in acidic solutions where protons are readily available.

5. Can you provide an example of balancing a redox equation with NO3- and Ag in acidic solution?

Sure, here is an example:

NO3- + Ag → Ag+ + NO2

Step 1: Divide the equation into two half-reactions.

NO3- → NO2 (reduction half-reaction)

Ag → Ag+ (oxidation half-reaction)

Step 2: Balance the atoms and charges in each half-reaction.

NO3- → NO2 + 2H+ + 2e- (reduction half-reaction)

Ag → Ag+ + 1e- (oxidation half-reaction)

Step 3: Multiply each half-reaction by the necessary coefficients to equalize the number of electrons transferred.

2NO3- → 2NO2 + 4H+ + 4e- (reduction half-reaction)

3Ag → 3Ag+ + 3e- (oxidation half-reaction)

Step 4: Combine the two half-reactions and cancel out any common terms.

2NO3- + 3Ag → 2NO2 + 3Ag+ + 4H+

This is the balanced redox equation for the reaction between NO3- and Ag in acidic solution.
