Balancing Work and Engineering Studies: Tips and Strategies for Success

  • Thread starter TheGrizz
  • Start date
In summary, balancing work and engineering studies requires careful time management, effective communication with employers, and a strong support system. Successful strategies include creating a structured schedule, setting realistic goals, and utilizing resources such as online classes and flexible work arrangements. It is also important to prioritize and maintain a healthy work-life balance, as burnout can negatively impact academic and professional performance. With dedication and determination, it is possible to successfully balance work and engineering studies and achieve academic and career success.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I finally decided to join this forum today after reading many articles on here for the past few years. You guys have helped me quite a bit, so thanks!

I'll try to be brief:

I'm currently half way through my mechanical engineering bachelor's degree program, but unfortunately due to financial issues and other life problems, I was forced to get a full time job and am now only taking one engineering class (thermodynamics) at the moment. It looks like I'll have to finish my degree while working full-time, so I'll be interested in having discussions about how other people have managed that feat.

I already have one bachelor's degree in Journalism, and have three years experience working as a professional news reporter. Before that I had some minor jobs in politics, including as a lobbyist.

My path to engineering has been unique to say the least, but I've enjoyed the challenge of it. I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions on here, and I invite any questions about my situation as well. Hopefully we can help each other out. It's great to now be a part of the broader engineering community!
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  • #2
Welcome to the PF, Grizz! :smile:

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