Ball bouncing and rotating off of surface

In summary, the conversation discusses a simulation involving a ball being dropped with some initial velocity and bouncing off the ground with a spin. The first case looks at the ball's behavior with no initial spin, where static friction causes it to roll with a new velocity and energy conservation can be used to determine its new velocity. For the case with an initial spin, kinetic friction must be considered. The conversation also raises the question of whether this approach is correct and mentions that changes in the ball's linear and angular speed depend on the elasticity of the ball and ground.
  • #1
I am working on a simulation where a ball is dropped from a random height with some x component of velocity and y velocity being zero. When the ball hits the surface it should bounce off with a spin. Here's what I've thought up of so far:

In the first case the [tex]\omega[/tex] is zero. When the ball hits the ground there will be static friction and the ball will roll with a velocity of vx, energy conservation can be used to solve for the new velocity since the angular velocity will already be known ([tex]\omega[/tex] = vx/r). The new components of linear velocity can be found by taking the new magnitude divided by the old magnitude and multiplying each component of velocity respectively.

For nonzero [tex]\omega[/tex] I suppose that kinetic friction would have to be used.

I'm not sure that this is a correct way of going about it (momentum is not conserved [first case] and I also have a coefficient for which the y velocity decreases so that it bounces back to a lower height)

Any thoughts/resources on this would be of greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
In the case where the ball is not initially spinning, and if the friction is not zero, the ball's linear speed will decrease and it's angular speed will increase when it hits the ground. How much change occurs depends on the compressive (linear) and shear (angular) elasticity of the ball and the ground.

FAQ: Ball bouncing and rotating off of surface

1. What factors affect the height of a ball's bounce off of a surface?

Several factors can affect the height of a ball's bounce off of a surface, including the materials and shape of the ball and surface, the force and angle at which the ball is thrown or dropped, and the effects of gravity and air resistance.

2. Why does a ball bounce higher on some surfaces than others?

The height of a ball's bounce is determined by the elasticity of the ball and the surface. A surface with more elasticity, such as a rubber or wooden surface, will cause the ball to bounce higher compared to a surface with less elasticity, such as concrete or carpet.

3. How does the rotation of a ball affect its bounce off of a surface?

When a ball is spinning as it bounces, it creates a gyroscopic effect that can change the direction and height of its bounce. The amount of spin and the angle at which the ball hits the surface can greatly influence its bounce.

4. Can a ball's spin and bounce be predicted using physics?

Yes, the principles of physics, such as Newton's laws of motion, can be used to predict the behavior of a ball's spin and bounce. Factors such as the ball's mass, velocity, and spin rate can be measured and used to make predictions about its movement.

5. How does the surface temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

The temperature of the surface can affect the bounce of a ball due to changes in the elasticity of the materials. For example, a cold surface may cause a ball to bounce lower compared to a warm surface due to a decrease in elasticity. Additionally, temperature can also affect the air pressure inside the ball, which can impact its bounce.
