Ball rolling down an incline between 2 rails

In summary: You don't need to find the effective radius. If you have a ball between the rails, you can use the equations for a particle in a elastic medium. You would need to find the ball's mass, its velocity, and the strain energy of the rails.
  • #1
The problem is modeling a solid ball or radius R rolling down an incline of angle Theta. Note that I am an Electrical Engineer who is somewhat flaky with rotational concepts (but not completely useless :p). If the ball was rolling down a road (or any solid, flat surface), I get the following equations (which I believe neglect friction EXCEPT for causing the ball to roll):

F_x = mg sin (Theta)

T = I * (d^2x/dt^2)/R

Which, after subbing in for I (2/5*mR^2) and converting to linear displacement by multiplying by R, I get a rotational displacement force of F_rx = 2/5m (d^2x/dt^2).

Combining these two equations, we get:

m(d^2x/dt^2) = mg sin (Theta) - 2/5m(d^2x/dt^2). which can be rearranged as

(d^2x/dt^2) = 5/7gsin(Theta).

We then linearize about small Theta, and get a transfer function between position and Theta of (5/7g)/s^2.

Now, I have two questions:

#1 If instead of a solid surface, we instead (and this is the actual experimental setup) we have a ball placed between 2 rails a distance d apart. Do I need to find the "effective radius of the ball", i.e., h from the following diagram and use that to calculate both the displacement of the ball (so converting the Torque equation to position), and through use of the // axis Theorem for finding I?

#2 When comparing experimental to simulated data with the above model, no "gain value" for the transfer function fits the data (i.e, the curve has a fundamentally different shape than what our model predicts). I thought that this was due to un-modeled friction effects. Is that correct or is this the result of something else?


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  • #2
Both the torque and the rolling speed would be relative to the effective radius. The track width would have to be very precise, not vary with position, and not expand due to the balls weight in order for the effective radius to not have a dynamic effect. Fiction could be an issue with a softer ball, since the rails "squeeze" the ball. Steel on steel might work if the ball doesn't slide. Aerodynamic drag and normal rolling resistance is another issue.
  • #3
You're missing a term for the translation inertia of the sphere.Also T is wrong, it has to be angular acceleration. There's an easier way to do this analysis using total energy.Say initial position is at a height z0=0 so that deltaz is z. (z is vertical direction, deltaz=z-z0). At any z value, the energy balance is mgz=1/2mv^2+1/2Iw^2 (v is the velocity in z direction, w is the angular speed). Now there's a geometric relationship between v and w if we assume there's no sliding. v=w*R*sin(teta). (you can calculate it like this, if the ball rolls down some angle in radians teta2, it goes (teta2/2pi)*2*pi*R*sin(teta) distance in the z direction.) I is 2/5mR^2. So you put everything together and solve v in terms of z.
I think it becomes v=sqrt(gz/(0.5+0.2(sinteta)^2)). if you're trying to find velocity in the xprime direction-on the wedge, z=xprime*sinteta. you can recollect terms to get this
v=sqrt(10*g*xprime*(sinteta)^3/(5*(sinteta)^2+2)) .Use xprime/t=v.Then you can find xprime and/or v as a function of t and teta.
As long as you don't have sliding on the rails, it doesn't matter if you have a solid block or rails.

FAQ: Ball rolling down an incline between 2 rails

What causes a ball to roll down an incline between two rails?

The force of gravity causes the ball to roll down the incline between two rails. As the ball gains speed, the force of gravity pulls it downward towards the ground.

How does the angle of the incline affect the speed of the ball?

The steeper the incline, the faster the ball will roll down. This is because the force of gravity acts more directly on the ball, causing it to accelerate at a greater rate.

What role do the rails play in the ball's movement?

The rails provide a path for the ball to roll down and also help to keep the ball from veering off course. They also reduce friction between the ball and the surface, allowing it to roll more smoothly.

How does the mass of the ball affect its movement down the incline?

The greater the mass of the ball, the more force is needed to accelerate it down the incline. This means that a heavier ball will take longer to roll down the incline compared to a lighter ball.

How does the shape of the rails affect the ball's movement?

The shape of the rails can impact the ball's movement in various ways. For example, a curved rail may cause the ball to follow a curved path, while a flat rail may result in a straighter path. Additionally, the material and texture of the rails can also affect the friction between the ball and the surface, thus influencing its movement.
