Ballistic Missile Defense: The $6 Billion Plan

In summary, Timothy M. Young presents a concept for a defense system that would protect the United States from ballistic missiles at a cost of $6 billion. This system is believed to be more advanced and cost-effective than current defense systems. Young is seeking to establish dialogue with the US government to present his concept. However, some are skeptical of the feasibility of his idea, with suggestions ranging from using fairies with anti-ballistic pixie dust to orbiting nuclear weapons.
  • #1
To Whom it May Concern:

I have a concept that outlines a defense system that would protect the United States from a high percentage of ballistic missiles, whether such an assault was caused by an accidental launch, an act of terrorism or war.

This concept is thought to be beyond what the United States has in the arena in terms of ballistic missile defense, such as the airborne laser, missile interceptors and etc.

An estimated cost of this system is placed at $6 billion; this makes the proposed system the cheapest to date and as my writing indicates the most powerful system to date, as a ballistic missile killer.

In addition it is believed that the proposed system will also have the following advantages:

· Its usage will render a great percentage of ballistic missiles inoffensive (restated due to importance).

· Because of the simplicity of the system its on-line date can be within a few years.

· The system can be built using existing technologies and capabilities that are within the grasp of United States.

· The entire system size is very small, when compared to other ballistic missile defense systems.

At this time I would like to establish a dialogue with anyone within the United States government, with the end result of presenting this concept to the appropriate persons within Washington DC. With this in mind, do you know anyone within the United States structure whom I could communicate to?

In closing, if a vast majority of American lives could be saved on the day(s) ballistic missiles (carrying nuclear warheads) are fired at this country, should not an inquiry be made as to the method which I propose?

Thank you for your time that was invested into reading this posting and for your assistance, which will hopefully be rendered in the future.

Timothy M. Young
Physics news on
  • #2
Uh yes...the Fermat of invention?

I have a wonderful proof of my last theorem, but I can't write it here :D
  • #3
Would you mind please giving us the gist of it? Obviously any thing can be a matter of national security, but surely there must be something that you can say...
  • #4
Having the privilege to have actually worked on NMD, I got to say, throw me a bone here. What's your big cost saver? No EKV? No upgraded GBR? You suggesting an entirely different method of rendering missles "inoffensive"?
  • #5
I have been working with is fairies with anti-ballistic pixie dust. Don't tell anyone!
  • #6
Originally posted by Zero
I have been working with is fairies with anti-ballistic pixie dust. Don't tell anyone!
Thats nothing, I can glare at them and make them fall out of the sky.
  • #7
The only logical solution is orbiting nuclear weapons.

FAQ: Ballistic Missile Defense: The $6 Billion Plan

What is Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD)?

Ballistic Missile Defense is a system designed to detect, intercept, and destroy incoming ballistic missiles before they reach their intended targets. It is a defensive measure used to protect a country or region from potential missile attacks.

How does BMD work?

BMD systems use a combination of sensors, such as radars and satellites, to detect and track incoming missiles. Once a missile is detected, interceptors are launched to destroy the missile before it reaches its target. These interceptors use either kinetic energy (direct impact) or explosive warheads to destroy the incoming threat.

What is the $6 billion plan for BMD?

The $6 billion plan for BMD is a proposed budget to enhance and expand the current BMD system in the United States. This plan includes upgrades to existing systems, development of new interceptors, and deployment of additional sensors and radars. The goal is to increase the effectiveness and coverage of BMD to protect against potential threats from countries such as North Korea and Iran.

Is BMD effective?

The effectiveness of BMD is a topic of debate among experts. Some argue that it can provide a level of defense against limited missile attacks, while others believe it is not a foolproof solution and can be easily overcome by advanced missile technology. The success of BMD also depends on the accuracy and reliability of the system's sensors and interceptors.

What are the potential drawbacks of BMD?

One potential drawback of BMD is the high cost of development and maintenance. The $6 billion plan is just a fraction of the overall cost of BMD, which has been estimated at over $300 billion since its inception. Additionally, BMD systems have been criticized for their limited effectiveness and potential to escalate tensions with other countries. There are also concerns about the environmental impact of deploying BMD systems.

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