Banach's inverse operator theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses the difficulty in understanding the proof of Banach's theorem of the inverse operator in Kolmogorov and Fomin's book. The conversation also touches on the topics of dense sets, open subsets, and spheres. The conclusion is that the proof can be understood by realizing that M_N is dense in P_0, which is an open subset of the sphere S.
  • #1
Dear friends, I have been trying in vain for a long time to understand the proof given in Kolmogorov and Fomin's of Banach's theorem of the inverse operator. At p. 230 it is said that [itex]M_N[/itex] is dense in [itex]P_0[/itex] because [itex]M_n[/itex] is dense in [itex]P[/itex].

I am only able to see the proof that [itex](P\cap M_n)-y_0 \subset P_0[/itex] and that [itex](P\cap M_n)-y_0 \subset M_N[/itex] there.
I obviously realize that [itex]P_0=P-y_0[/itex] and therefore [itex]P_0\cap(M_n-y_0)=(P\cap M_n)-y_0 \subset M_N[/itex], but I don't see why [itex]P_0\subset\overline{M_N}[/itex]...
What I find most perplexing is that, in order to prove the density of [itex]P_0[/itex] in [itex]M_N[/itex], I would expect something like Let [itex]x[/itex] be such that [itex]x\in P_0[/itex]... then [itex]x\in \overline{M_N} [/itex], while, there, we "start" from [itex]z\in P\cap M_n[/itex] such that [itex]z-y_0\in P_0[/itex], but I don't think that all [itex]x\in P_0[/itex] are such that [itex]x+y_0\in P[/itex]... (further in the proof we look for a [itex]\lambda[/itex] such that [itex]\alpha<\|\lambda y\|<\beta[/itex], i.e. such that [itex]\lambda y\in P_0[/itex])

Has anyone a better understanding than mine? Thank you very much for any help!
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  • #2
Hint: ##M_n\subseteq M_N## so ##M_N## is also dense in ##P##. And ##P_0## is an open subset of ##P##.
  • #3
Thank you so much!
micromass said:
##P_0## is an open subset of ##P##.
Forgive me: I don't know how to prove that...
  • #4
DavideGenoa said:
Thank you so much!Forgive me: I don't know how to prove that...

Indeed, because it's not true. What I meant is that ##P## is an open subset of the sphere ##S##. And ##M_n## (and thus ##M_N##) are dense in there. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  • #5
Thank you very much: no problem for any mistyping! I see that ##P## is an open subset of the open sphere ##S##, therefore ##P\subset\overline{S}##, and ##M_n## is chosen such that ##S\subset\overline{M_n}##, and ##\overline{M_n} \subset\overline{M_N}## since ##M_n\subset M_N##, so I realize ##M_N## is dense in ##P## (because ##P\subset\overline{S}\subset\overline{M_n}\subset\overline{M_N} ##), but I don't see why ##P_0\subset\overline{M_N}##... :confused:
  • #6
DavideGenoa said:
Thank you very much: no problem for any mistyping! I see that ##P## is an open subset of the open sphere ##S##, therefore ##P\subset\overline{S}##, and ##M_n## is chosen such that ##S\subset\overline{M_n}##, and ##\overline{M_n} \subset\overline{M_N}## since ##M_n\subset M_N##, so I realize ##M_N## is dense in ##P## (because ##P\subset\overline{S}\subset\overline{M_n}\subset\overline{M_N} ##), but I don't see why ##P_0\subset\overline{M_N}##... :confused:

##P_0## is an open subset of the sphere ##S## too.
  • #7
Ehm... I cannot see that... :blushing: Of course ##y_0\in M_n\cap S## and ##P\subset S##, and therefore ##P_0\subset S-y_0##, but I see nothing else relevant...
  • #8
DavideGenoa said:
Ehm... I cannot see that... :blushing: Of course ##y_0\in M_n\cap S## and ##P\subset S##, and therefore ##P_0\subset S-y_0##, but I see nothing else relevant...

It's intuitive, no? We know that ##P## is (part of) a sphere inside the sphere ##S##, but it's centered at ##y_0##. Then we translate ##P## to be centered at the origin. I think it should be clear that this translation is still part of ##S##.
  • #9
Thank you so much! Is ##S## is centred in ##0##? In that case, yes, I see that ##P_0\subset S##, because if it weren't so, then ##\beta> r## where ##r## is the radius of ##S##, but, in that case, for any ##\varepsilon>0## we could find a ##x\in P## such that ##\|x-y_0\|>\beta-\varepsilon>r-\varepsilon## and, chosing ##\varepsilon=\beta- r##, we would contradict ##P\subset S##, I think. Though, I am not sure how we can chose a ##S## centred in ##0##...
  • #10
DavideGenoa said:
Thank you so much! Is ##S## is centred in ##0##? In that case, yes, I see that ##P_0\subset S##, because if it weren't so, then ##\beta> r## where ##r## is the radius of ##S##, but, in that case, for any ##\varepsilon>0## we could find a ##x\in P## such that ##\|x-y_0\|>\beta-\varepsilon>r-\varepsilon## and, chosing ##\varepsilon=\beta- r##, we would contradict ##P\subset S##, I think. Though, I am not sure how we can chose a ##S## centred in ##0##...

Haha, ok, ##S## is not necessarily centered in ##0##. Missed that one.

OK, so ##(4)## basically proves that if ##z\in P\cap M_n##, then ##z-y_0\in P_0\cap M_N##.

So, to prove ##M_N##is dense in ##P_0##. Take an arbitrary ##x\in P_0##. This is of the form ##x = x^\prime - y_0## with ##x^\prime \in P##. Since ##M_n##is dense in ##P##, we can find a sequence ##(x_n)_n\subseteq M_n\cap P## such that ##x_n\rightarrow x^\prime##. Then obviously by ##(4)##, we have ##(x_n - y_0)_n \subseteq P_0\cap M_N## and ##x_n - y_0\rightarrow x##
  • #11
If the book had used a handful of words more...
I deeply thank you... Now everything is clear.

FAQ: Banach's inverse operator theorem

1. What is Banach's inverse operator theorem?

Banach's inverse operator theorem, also known as the Banach inverse mapping theorem, is a fundamental result in functional analysis that gives conditions for a bounded linear operator to have a bounded inverse.

2. What are the conditions for a bounded linear operator to have a bounded inverse according to Banach's inverse operator theorem?

The conditions for a bounded linear operator to have a bounded inverse according to Banach's inverse operator theorem are that the operator must be onto (surjective), bounded, and continuous.

3. How is Banach's inverse operator theorem used in mathematics and science?

Banach's inverse operator theorem is used in many areas of mathematics and science, including functional analysis, differential equations, and physics. It is a fundamental tool for solving problems involving inverse operators and is used to prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to many mathematical and scientific problems.

4. Are there any limitations to Banach's inverse operator theorem?

Yes, Banach's inverse operator theorem has some limitations. It only applies to linear operators between Banach spaces, which are complete normed spaces. It also assumes that the operator is onto, bounded, and continuous, which may not always be the case in practical applications.

5. Is Banach's inverse operator theorem related to other theorems in mathematics?

Yes, Banach's inverse operator theorem is related to several other theorems in mathematics, including the open mapping theorem, closed graph theorem, and the Banach-Steinhaus theorem. These theorems all deal with properties of bounded linear operators and are fundamental results in functional analysis.
