Band gap calculation,how to choose the Kpoints?

In summary, you can use the high symmetry points from a rectangular lattice to calculate the band gap, but it may be costly to do so.
  • #1
hello, is there anyone who can help me in the band gap calculation.

my situation is that:
I can calculate the band gap of sigle crystalline graphene, because i know the high symmetrical pionts of the first Brillouin zone of an hexagonal crystalline(M-G-K-M).
But the problem is that:
if i want to add some defects in graphene, I need to construct the unit cell in rectangular lattice style. Therefore, I can't use the high symmetrical pionts as before. So I want to know how to choose the Kpoints in this condition.
Should I use the the high symmetrical pionts of the first Brillouin zone of the rectangular lattice? Or I can simply scan these Kpions in the kx or ky direction?
I find some paper that calculates band structure in one direction(G-X), but i don't know what's the meaning of getting the band structure in one direction. If the band gap calculated in this direction can represent the band gap of the materials?
Thanks for your attention. :-p
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  • #2
The band gap shouldn't be calculated just from high symmetry points. It should be calculated by taking a mesh of k-points within the zone, the denser the better.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply. i know what you say. What I really want to know is how to choose the path for the mesh.
  • #4
Find what parts of the BZ are related through symmetry. E.g. you only need 1/6 because you have 6-fold rotational symmetry. Taking mirror planes into account you can reduce this further.

Keep only the smallest "pie slice" possible. Sometimes you can cut bits and re-attach them elsewhere (in a symmetry-equivalent position) to get a more regular shape that is more easily covered by a regular grid.

If you have done this properly, then all high symmetry axes should be in or on the edge of your slice.

Run a test calculation on a few random points to figure out how long each point takes.
Determine the number of points you can calculate by dividing the available time by the time needed for 1 point.

Then spread the available points evenly throughout your slice, e.g. in a regular grid, or along high symmetry axes first, and then evenly spaced in between.
  • #5
M Quack said:
Find what parts of the BZ are related through symmetry. E.g. you only need 1/6 because you have 6-fold rotational symmetry. Taking mirror planes into account you can reduce this further.

Keep only the smallest "pie slice" possible. Sometimes you can cut bits and re-attach them elsewhere (in a symmetry-equivalent position) to get a more regular shape that is more easily covered by a regular grid.

If you have done this properly, then all high symmetry axes should be in or on the edge of your slice.

Run a test calculation on a few random points to figure out how long each point takes.
Determine the number of points you can calculate by dividing the available time by the time needed for 1 point.

Then spread the available points evenly throughout your slice, e.g. in a regular grid, or along high symmetry axes first, and then evenly spaced in between.
Thanks. As you said, I can cut the rectangular box into hexgonal box, but it will need more atoms in one unit box in order to make that structure. Maybe it will be costly. Can I use these high symmetry kpoints of rectangular box to get the band gap?

Related to Band gap calculation,how to choose the Kpoints?

1. What is band gap calculation?

Band gap calculation is a method used in materials science to determine the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band in a solid material. It is an important parameter in understanding the electronic properties of a material.

2. Why is it important to choose the Kpoints in band gap calculation?

Kpoints are used to sample the Brillouin zone, which is a mathematical representation of the periodic structure of a crystal. Choosing the appropriate Kpoints is important because it affects the accuracy of the calculated band gap. If the Kpoints are not chosen carefully, the results may be inaccurate.

3. How do I choose the Kpoints for band gap calculation?

There are various methods for choosing Kpoints, such as manual selection or automated algorithms. The most common approach is to use a dense grid of Kpoints near the high symmetry points of the Brillouin zone. This ensures that all important features of the band structure are captured.

4. Can I use the same Kpoints for all materials in band gap calculation?

No, the appropriate Kpoints may vary depending on the material being studied. Different materials have different band structures, so it is important to choose Kpoints specific to each material for accurate results.

5. How many Kpoints should I use for band gap calculation?

The number of Kpoints required for accurate band gap calculation depends on the size and complexity of the material's unit cell. Generally, a larger unit cell requires a denser grid of Kpoints. It is recommended to use at least 8-10 Kpoints per reciprocal lattice vector for a reliable calculation.

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