Bar coming to a rest (vertical position)

In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving a uniform bar colliding with the ground and rotating around a fixed point. The question is asking for the magnitude of the initial velocity, v1, so that the bar rotates and comes to a stop in a vertical position. The participants discuss using conservation of energy and angular momentum to solve the problem, as well as the potential error of assuming the reaction force is in the same direction as the bar.
  • #1
Bar collision with ground

Homework Statement

A uniform bar of mass m and length l has no angular velocity when the extremity A hits the ground without bouncing. If the angle α is 30º, what is the magnitude of v1, so that the bar rotates, around A, until it immobilizes on the vertical position.

Homework Equations

[tex]\frac{dL}{dt} = \tau[/tex]
[tex]\frac{dp}{dt} = F[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

After the collision one can solve applying conservation of energy. From now I'm only considering the collision.
Now, my teacher says that the impulse by gravity is negligible and so, using conservation of angular momentum:

[tex]m v_1 \sin {30º} \dfrac{l}{2} + 0 = mv_{CG}\dfrac{l}{2} + I_{CG} \omega_2 \Rightarrow v_1 = \frac{4}{3}l\omega_2 = \frac{8}{3}v_{CG}[/tex]

If we apply conservation of linear momentum in the direction perpendicular to the bar, the only force acting on this direction is gravity and if we neglect it (as above), we have:

[tex]\Delta p = F \Delta t = 0[/tex]

And so, I would conclude that the velocity perpendicular (vCG above) remains constant and so

[tex]v_{CG} = v_1 \sin \alpha = \dfrac{v_1}{2}[/tex]Am I missing something? If yes, what?EDIT: I was thinking and maybe, my error was thinking that the ground reaction had to in the same direction of the bar. Now I don't believe that this is necessarily true. Is this the error?

Thank You
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  • #2
Hi Krappy! :smile:

I don't understand why you didn't stop here …
Krappy said:
[tex]m v_1 \sin {30º} \dfrac{l}{2} + 0 = mv_{CG}\dfrac{l}{2} + I_{CG} \omega_2 \Rightarrow v_1 = \frac{4}{3}l\omega_2 = \frac{8}{3}v_{CG}[/tex]

… you now have initial ω as a function of v1, what else is there to do? :confused:

(and yes, you can't apply conservation of momentum separately, since you have no idea which direction the reaction force is, unless you deduce it from the ω equation which you already have)

now apply conservation of energy :smile:
  • #3
Hi tiny-tim! Thanks for answering.

I was confused, because if I applied angular momentum conservation I would get a different result of applying linear momentum conservation. What I was missing and later found (which you confirmed) is that I couldn't apply the latter because I don't know the reaction force (initially I thought that it was directed along the bar, but I now I know it isn't.)

Thank you

FAQ: Bar coming to a rest (vertical position)

What is "Bar coming to a rest (vertical position)"?

"Bar coming to a rest (vertical position)" refers to the state in which a bar, or any long and narrow object, stops moving and is positioned in a vertical orientation.

What factors affect how quickly a bar comes to a rest in a vertical position?

The speed and direction of the initial motion, the weight and length of the bar, and the presence of any external forces such as friction or air resistance can all affect how quickly a bar comes to a rest in a vertical position.

How does gravity impact the motion of a bar coming to a rest in a vertical position?

Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, and it plays a significant role in the motion of a bar coming to a rest in a vertical position. As the bar falls, gravity accelerates it towards the ground, and once it reaches the ground, gravity stops its downward motion and causes it to come to a rest in a vertical position.

What are the different equations used to calculate the time it takes for a bar to come to a rest in a vertical position?

The equations used to calculate the time it takes for a bar to come to a rest in a vertical position depend on the initial speed and direction of the bar's motion. Some common equations used are the equations of motion, which describe the relationship between an object's position, velocity, and acceleration, and the equation for calculating the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 m/s²).

How can we apply the concept of "Bar coming to a rest (vertical position)" in real-life situations?

The concept of a bar coming to a rest in a vertical position can be applied in various real-life situations, such as determining the speed and direction of a falling object, analyzing the stability of a structure or building, or understanding the mechanics of projectiles. It is also essential in industries such as construction, engineering, and physics.

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