Baseball dropped from building with air resistance

In summary, a baseball with a radius of 0.0366m and a mass of 0.145kg is dropped from rest at the top of the Empire State Building, with a height of 381m. The initial potential energy of the baseball is 541 J. To find the final kinetic energy, the force of air resistance is taken into account using the equation F=ma=mg-cv. However, it was later clarified that the quadratic term for air resistance should be used instead.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A baseball (radius = 0.0366m, mass = 0.145kg) is dropped from rest at the top of the Empire State Building (height = 1250ft = 381m). Calculate (a) the initial potential energy of the baseball, (b) its final kinetic energy, and (c) the total energy dissipated by the falling baseball by computing the line integral of the force of air resistance along the baseball's total distance of fall. Compare this last result to the difference between the baseball's initial potential energy and its final kinetic energy.

Homework Equations

F = ma = -mg -cv
[itex]c=1.1346\cdot 10^{-5}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a, it was easy to find the potential energy.

mgh = (0.145kg)(9.8m/s2)(381m) = 541 J

Part b is where I am stuck. I took down to be negative. For the force, we have

[itex]F = ma = -mg - cv[/itex]

since I was told by the professor to use the linear term rather than quadratic. Then we have

[itex]ma=mv\frac{dv}{dx}=-mg-cv\Rightarrow \frac{mvdv}{-mg-cv}=dx[/itex]
[itex]\Rightarrow \int \frac{mvdv}{-mg-cv}=\int dx[/itex]

Where the limits of integration on the left are from [itex]v_0=0[/itex] to [itex]-v_f[/itex] and the limits of integration on the right are from [itex]x_0=381m[/itex] to [itex]x_f=0[/itex]. We now have

[itex]\frac{-mv}{c}+\frac{m^2g\ln(mg+cv)}{c^2}[/itex] evaluated using the bounds mentioned above, this is the left hand side. The right hand side is [itex]x_f-x_0=-381m[/itex].

Now we have

I tried solving this numerically just using Maple, but the value I got for the final velocity does not make sense when I compare my answer for the final kinetic energy to the back of the book. The back of the book has the final kinetic energy as 87 J. Using the equation for kinetic energy


this means that the final velocity is 34, based on the final kinetic energy given in the back of the book. Which is far different from the final velocity of 86.39 that I get. Where am I going wrong?

Note: I have not tried to do part c yet, this is just focused on part b.
Physics news on
  • #2
Is the drag force on the baseball acting in the same direction as the force due to gravity? According to your F = ma equation, the ball should fall faster with drag than without. Does that seem logical?
  • #3
The drag acts in opposition to the velocity (always in opposition to the direction of movement), so it should be acting in the opposite direction to the force due to gravity. However, in lecture, as something is falling the professor put [itex]mg[/itex] and [itex]cv[/itex] to be negative. So I'm wasn't sure what to do.
  • #4
deekin said:
The drag acts in opposition to the velocity (always in opposition to the direction of movement), so it should be acting in the opposite direction to the force due to gravity. However, in lecture, as something is falling the professor put [itex]mg[/itex] and [itex]cv[/itex] to be negative. So I'm wasn't sure what to do.

Consider one of the directions to be positive. Let the downward direction be positive. mg acts downward and the resistive force upwards. Can you now apply F=ma?
  • #5
Ah ok, thank you. For F = ma = mg - cv. However, I just got back from class and apparently he was mistaken, we were supposed to use the quadratic term for the air resistance rather than the linear. I've got it now, thanks again.

FAQ: Baseball dropped from building with air resistance

What is air resistance and how does it affect a baseball dropped from a building?

Air resistance is the force that opposes the motion of an object through air. It is caused by the collisions between the object and the air molecules. When a baseball is dropped from a building, air resistance will act upon it and slow down its acceleration towards the ground.

How does the size and shape of the baseball affect its motion when dropped from a building with air resistance?

The size and shape of the baseball will affect the amount of air resistance it experiences. A larger and more streamlined shape will experience less air resistance, resulting in a longer and faster fall compared to a smaller and more irregularly shaped baseball.

What is the difference between terminal velocity and free fall when considering a baseball dropped from a building with air resistance?

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity an object can reach when falling through air due to the balance between gravity and air resistance. Free fall, on the other hand, is the unimpeded motion of an object due to the force of gravity. A baseball dropped from a building will experience both terminal velocity and free fall as it falls towards the ground.

How does the air density and temperature affect the motion of a baseball dropped from a building?

Air density and temperature can affect the amount of air resistance experienced by a baseball. In denser air, there are more air molecules for the baseball to collide with, resulting in higher air resistance and a slower fall. Higher temperatures can also decrease air density, resulting in less air resistance and a faster fall.

Can the rotation of the baseball affect its motion when dropped from a building with air resistance?

Yes, the rotation of the baseball can affect its motion when dropped from a building with air resistance. A spinning baseball will experience a Magnus force, which can either increase or decrease the amount of air resistance depending on the direction of spin. This can result in a curved or straighter path of motion for the baseball.

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