Basic electronics question - help me settle a bet

In summary, my friend argues that you can combine resistors in parallel even though they're in different sides of a voltage source, while I argue that this cannot be done and that the two circuits are not equal.
  • #1
Gold Member
I was arguing with a friend (it's been a while since she studied electronics), that you can't this turn circuit:

Into the following circuit by combining R2 and R3 as though they're parallel

I explained to her that as long as there's voltage source on one of the legs in parallel you can't combined them (which I believe is the correct explanation). She think you can combine the resistors R2 and R2 in that case.

So, can you help me settle this bet?

Also, and this is just something that I've wondered about: are these two circuits basically the same calculations wise?

I mean, can I combine the resistors in parallel despite the fact they're in different sides of the voltage source?
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  • #2
You are correct R2 and R3 in the first circuit are not in parallel.
You are alos correct for the second circuit
  • #3
You are correct R2 and R3 in the first circuit are not in parallel.

Can you prove why? It appears my explanation of "because there is a voltage source there" is not satisfactory.
  • #4
The easiest way to think of parallel is that both ends of both devices have to be connected with no other electrical components between them (they have to have the same voltage across them).

Since the "bottom" end of the R2 is connected to a voltage source and not to the "bottom" end of R3 they are not in parallel. Even if you replaced the voltage source with another resistor R2 and R3 would not be in parallel.

There is no proof of this, the idea of series and parallel are concepts that make the math easier. Using the rule above for "parallel" you can look at a circuit and find parts that are easy to combine mathematically. But you could do away with the entire ideas of series and parallel and use something more rigorous like Kirchoff's circuit laws to solve a problem.

For the second question, yes those two circuits are the same. It doesn't matter that one resistor is drawn on one side of the voltage source from the other. You can rearrange a circuit however you want graphically as long as you do not change any connections between parts.
  • #5
What you can do is convert this voltage source and that series resistor into current source and resistor in parallel.
And then you are free to do whatever you want with your resistors, because they are free of any sources directly connected to them.

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  • #6
As Floid said, the ends of the resistors have to be connected, meaning they have to have the same voltage across them.

The proof is that the total current Itot = V/R1 + V/R2.
This means that the replacement resistor is:

This does not work if there are extra components involved that make the voltage across the resistors unequal.
  • #7
Femme_physics said:
I explained to her that as long as there's voltage source on one of the legs in parallel you can't combined them (which I believe is the correct explanation). She think you can combine the resistors R2 and R2 in that case.

If you use Norton's theorem to work a two loop problem, you can parallel R1 and R3 in order find an equivalent resistance r as shown here:


For other methods to analyze two loop d.c. circuits, follow this link."
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  • #8
Floid said:
There is no proof of this, the idea of series and parallel are concepts that make the math easier. Using the rule above for "parallel" you can look at a circuit and find parts that are easy to combine mathematically. But you could do away with the entire ideas of series and parallel and use something more rigorous like Kirchoff's circuit laws to solve a problem.

Thanks, that's a workable explanation IMO. And yes, Kirchhoff law does prove mathematically the fact that you can't combine them in parallel.

For the second question, yes those two circuits are the same. It doesn't matter that one resistor is drawn on one side of the voltage source from the other. You can rearrange a circuit however you want graphically as long as you do not change any connections between parts.

Hmm, interesting, but from my thinking these are NOT equal, though, right? Or are they as well?

If you use Norton's theorem to work a two loop problem, you can parallel R1 and R3 in order find an equivalent resistance r as shown here:

Thanks, but Norton theorem is beyond the scope of my studies as far as I know. Thanks as well Bass, ILS. :smile:
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  • #9
Femme_physics said:
Hmm, interesting, but from my thinking these are NOT equal, though, right? Or are they as well?

They are equal as well.
Moving the parts around is allowed, as long as the connections stay the same.
  • #10
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  • #11

The ends of the resistors are connected and they have the same voltage across them.
  • #12
I agree with ILS. The calculated current from the battery and through the resistors will be the same whichever circuit you use.
The only (very subtle) difference is that the left hand circuit is 2 loops which produces 2 current loops. The current from the battery splits at the top and half goes to the right and half goes to the left. This means that those wires could be thinner than in the right hand circuit.
This is the principle in a domestic 'ring main' circuit so that thinner wire can be used (cheaper)
  • #13
I like Serena said:

The ends of the resistors are connected and they have the same voltage across them.

And what about combining resistors out of order? Say, in this case, instead of combining R2 and R3 first, I combine R1 and R3 first. Is that ok?

I can basically pick any combination I like, yes? In thios case, I can combine R1 and R2, and leave R3 uncombined as well: it still would be ok, yes?
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  • #14
technician said:
I agree with ILS. The calculated current from the battery and through the resistors will be the same whichever circuit you use.
The only (very subtle) difference is that the left hand circuit is 2 loops which produces 2 current loops. The current from the battery splits at the top and half goes to the right and half goes to the left. This means that those wires could be thinner than in the right hand circuit.
This is the principle in a domestic 'ring main' circuit so that thinner wire can be used (cheaper)

Excellent point!
  • #15
  • #17
yes... these are identical as far as doing calculations is concerned
  • #18
Is this still about settling the debt?
What did you bet?
  • #19
yes... these are identical as far as doing calculations is concerned

Thanks! :smile:

Phew, and I'm out :wink: that was orgasmic.

I like Serena said:
Is this still about settling the debt?
What did you bet?

No, the last parts were purely for my own knowledge. The bet was strictly for the uppermost question at the beginning of this thread (whether you combine in parallel a resistor with a voltage source there).

Believe it or not the bet says that if I win we do more physics together with my friend! :biggrin: (If I lost I'd have been forced to watch stupid TV shows! Thank goodness :wink: )

Yea, we do silly bets. Should've asked for hours of back massage...since I knew I was right! But know... :wink:
  • #20
I'd lose on purpose for one or the other. ;)
  • #21
Femme_physics said:
Yea, we do silly bets. Should've asked for hours of back massage...since I knew I was right! But know... :wink:

This thread just got really interesting :D
  • #22
This is the principle in a domestic 'ring main' circuit so that thinner wire can be used (cheaper)

Beware of this idea, multiple loops in domestic ring mains are forbidden.
  • #23
bilge - i mis-read the original question. deleted
  • #24
Surely you can just convert the two resistor/voltage source arms in parallel into a Thevenin equivalent circuit. In which case it could be represented as the two resistors in parallel and a calculated voltages source, Vth.

I realize this isn't exactly how your friend imagined it, but strictly speaking, the circuit diagrams you drew are equivalent as long as you aren't saying that each voltage source have the same value.

Pretty much what Bassalisk said, but no one really seemed to listen to him...

  • #25
This thread seemed relevant! Need help with this, have worked it through it and don't seem to get any of the 4 answers, is it me being stupid?


  • circuit.pdf
    164.3 KB · Views: 199
  • #26
What would happen if you drew a wire across between the + terminals of the two batteries?

Does that make the problem easier?

Incidentally, you should start a new thread in the homework section for problems like this.
  • #27
If you join the positive terminals of the 12 volt batteries together, then no current can flow in that wire since there is no voltage across the wire.

So, if you do that, the two 2 ohm resistors on the left are now in parallel and in series with the other 2 ohm resistor.

Two 2 ohm resistors in parallel equal what single resistor?

So you can work out the total current and hence the total power.

FAQ: Basic electronics question - help me settle a bet

1. What is the difference between a resistor and a capacitor?

A resistor is a passive electronic component that limits the flow of current in a circuit. It is used to control voltage and current levels in a circuit. A capacitor, on the other hand, is an active electronic component that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It is used to filter, block, or store electrical signals in a circuit.

2. How does a diode work?

A diode is an electronic component that allows current to flow in only one direction. It has two terminals - an anode and a cathode. When a positive voltage is applied to the anode and a negative voltage to the cathode, the diode allows current to flow. However, if the polarity is reversed, the diode blocks the flow of current and acts as an open circuit.

3. What is the purpose of a transistor in a circuit?

A transistor is a semiconductor device that acts as an amplifier or a switch in a circuit. It can amplify weak signals, control the flow of current, and perform logic operations. Transistors are essential components in electronic devices such as computers, televisions, and smartphones.

4. How do I calculate the total resistance in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, the total resistance is equal to the sum of individual resistances. This can be calculated using the formula: Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3 + ..., where R1, R2, R3, etc. are the individual resistances. For example, if three resistors with values of 10 ohms, 20 ohms, and 30 ohms are connected in series, the total resistance would be 60 ohms (10 + 20 + 30 = 60).

5. What is the difference between AC and DC voltage?

AC (alternating current) voltage is a type of electrical current that continuously changes direction, whereas DC (direct current) voltage flows in only one direction. AC voltage is commonly used in household electricity, while DC voltage is typically used in electronic devices such as batteries and power supplies.
