Basic Graphs help in physics, Should be easy for people

In summary, the conversation involves a student asking for help with their homework, specifically with understanding velocity vs time graphs and their units, acceleration vs time graphs, and the relationship between displacement, velocity, and acceleration. The summary also includes a request for real time contact and a picture of a displacement vs time graph for the student to create velocity vs time and acceleration vs time graphs from.
  • #1
Hello, I need some help with some questions b/c I have been out sick and I am still sick and have missed all this info and my teacher emailed me my homework, so can you please help me I would really appreciate it, I have skipped most of the problems, I just need help with these!

Homework Statement

1.What are the units of a velocity vs time graph? " What does it mean units"
2.On the graph below draw the acceleration vs time graph for the object moving at a constant speed. " Would it be a graph just with a horizontal line?"
3. There is a graph of DISPLACEMENT vs time for an object with constant acceleration. The line on the graph is curving upward. What does this d v t graph tell us about the speed?
4. Find the instantaneous velocities at each second using the graph below the tangent lines are draw in
5. Use the instantaneous velocities from number 4 draw a v v t graph remembering to label your axes. Calculate the slope of the line. What does this slope represent?
6. Draw an acceleration vs time graph, remembering to label your axes
7. What does the slope of the d v t graph tell you?
8. What does the slope of the v v t graph tell you?
9. Find the area underneath the v v t curve below. What is the length of the base? What is the height? Calculate the area?
10. What do the units indicate the area under a v v t graph show us?
11. What do you think the area under the a v t graph graph represents?

Thanks for all your help, I really really appreciate this!
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Physics news on
  • #2
shemer77 said:
Hello, I need some help with some questions b/c I have been out sick and I am still sick and have missed all this info and my teacher emailed me my homework, so can you please help me I would really appreciate it, I have skipped most of the problems, I just need help with these!

Homework Statement

1.What are the units of a velocity vs time graph? " What does it mean units"
"units" are things like feet, meters, hours, sec. In other words "unit of measurement". Velocity might be measured in "ft/sec" or "miles/hour" or "meters/sec".

2.On the graph below draw the acceleration vs time graph for the object moving at a constant speed. " Would it be a graph just with a horizontal line?"[./quote]
More than that: an object moving at a constant speed has 0 acceleration!

3. There is a graph of DISPLACEMENT vs time for an object with constant acceleration. The line on the graph is curving upward. What does this d v t graph tell us about the speed?
What do you think? Remember this is an object with constant acceleration. What happens to the speed in that case?

4. Find the instantaneous velocities at each second using the graph below the tangent lines are draw in
The velocity at each instant is the slope of the tangent line.

5. Use the instantaneous velocities from number 4 draw a v v t graph remembering to label your axes. Calculate the slope of the line. What does this slope represent?
6. Draw an acceleration vs time graph, remembering to label your axes
7. What does the slope of the d v t graph tell you?
8. What does the slope of the v v t graph tell you?
9. Find the area underneath the v v t curve below. What is the length of the base? What is the height? Calculate the area?
10. What do the units indicate the area under a v v t graph show us?
Remember question 1? On one axis velocity is given by "distance/ time" and the other axis is just time. You find the area of a rectangle by multiplying "height times width" so here you are multiplying "distance/time" and "time". What does that give you?

11. What do you think the area under the a v t graph graph represents?

Thanks for all your help, I really really appreciate this!

It order to get help you are going to have to TRY yourself.
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  • #3
hey for number 4 i got 2 for all of them is that possible?
  • #4
shemer77 said:
hey for number 4 i got 2 for all of them is that possible?

Since Those lines are not parallel, they do not have the same slope. No, they should not all be the same.
How about showing how you got that?
  • #5
forget that question I have another one,
I actually have 2,
1. Is there a way for me to contact you realtime?
2. I have a graph that looks like this on a d v t graph and I need to then make a v v t graph and a a v t graph from it. My headache is killing me and this is getting really tough without vomiting :(. Here is a pic of the d v t graph
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FAQ: Basic Graphs help in physics, Should be easy for people

1. What is the purpose of using basic graphs in physics?

The purpose of using basic graphs in physics is to visually represent data and relationships between variables. This allows for easier interpretation and analysis of the data.

2. What are the different types of basic graphs commonly used in physics?

The different types of basic graphs commonly used in physics include line graphs, bar graphs, scatter plots, and histograms. Each type of graph is used for different purposes and can display different types of data.

3. How do I plot data on a basic graph in physics?

To plot data on a basic graph in physics, you will need to identify the independent and dependent variables, choose an appropriate graph type, and label the axes with units. Then, plot the data points and connect them with a line or bars.

4. How do I interpret the information presented on a basic graph in physics?

To interpret the information presented on a basic graph in physics, you should first look at the axes to determine what variables are being represented. Then, analyze the shape and trend of the graph to understand the relationship between the variables. Additionally, pay attention to the scale and units to accurately interpret the data.

5. Can basic graphs in physics be used to make predictions?

Yes, basic graphs in physics can be used to make predictions by extrapolating the trendline or curve to make predictions about future data points. However, it is important to use caution when making predictions based on a graph and to consider any potential limitations or uncertainties in the data.

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