Basic Question about Star Formation

In summary, the conversation is about models of star formation and how the theory is tested. The only prediction of Nebula theory mentioned is that planets would orbit on the same plane and in the same direction. The conversation also touches on the nature of protoplanetary discs and the lack of observations during critical periods. One of the key open questions is what regulates the earliest stages of star formation, and leading candidates include magnetic fields and turbulent motions. Different theoretical models make different predictions about the strengths and orientations of the magnetic fields within molecular clouds, and observations of these fields could help constrain the models. However, such observations are difficult due to the lack of visible light during critical periods.
  • #1
I'm trying to find some information about models of star formation (just out of curiosity). I only have a basic knowledge of text-book physics and calc, so it's hard to get started. In particular, I'd like to know how the theory is tested. The only prediction of Nebula theory that I can think of, is that planets would all orbit on the same plane, and the same direction. Are there any other more clever testable predictions?
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  • #2
AdkinsJr said:
I'm trying to find some information about models of star formation (just out of curiosity). I only have a basic knowledge of text-book physics and calc, so it's hard to get started. In particular, I'd like to know how the theory is tested. The only prediction of Nebula theory that I can think of, is that planets would all orbit on the same plane, and the same direction. Are there any other more clever testable predictions?

I'm not clear on just what you're asking... is it about how a dust cloud accumulated and what triggers it's collapse and eventual fusion, or the nature of protoplanetary discs? the latter is just a matter of the disk being the remnants of the what the star had for an accretion disk, and therefore has angular momentum in a single plane.
  • #3
nismaratwork said:
I'm not clear on just what you're asking... is it about how a dust cloud accumulated and what triggers it's collapse and eventual fusion, or the nature of protoplanetary discs? the latter is just a matter of the disk being the remnants of the what the star had for an accretion disk, and therefore has angular momentum in a single plane.

I just want to know what observations support the theory, and what testable predictions it makes. For example, the CMB, and chemical composition of the universe, are often cited as predictions of the Big Bang theory.

Similarly, what kind of observations support the nebula model? Since we can't watch these events unfold, it seems that these kinds of observations are important.
  • #4
AdkinsJr said:
I just want to know what observations support the theory, and what testable predictions it makes. For example, the CMB, and chemical composition of the universe, are often cited as predictions of the Big Bang theory.

Similarly, what kind of observations support the nebula model? Since we can't watch these events unfold, it seems that these kinds of observations are important.

You've raised a central problem with the theory, which is the lack of observation during critical periods. The "dust", as it seems you already know, becomes too dense and blocks information that we can use. The best that can be said is that the evidence exists in the results we observe, but there is no CMB or other "photo" to show it. There are questions, especially about the dynamics at play in the formation of super-massive stars that have viable answers in theory, but not evidence.

Does this help?
  • #5
One of the key open questions in the physics of star formation is what regulates the earliest stages of it -- the gravitational collapse of the dense molecular cloud cores that form into stars. Observations of these cores suggest that they last longer than a free-fall timescale, which in turn suggests that something other than just gravity is at play (i.e. something is acting to slow down the gravitational collapse of these structures). Leading candidates include magnetic fields, and turbulent motions within the clouds. But which of these mechanisms is the most important, i.e. which one dominates in regulating the collapse? Different theoretical models can be constructed that assume different answers to that question. These models make different predictions about the strengths of the magnetic fields within the molecular clouds, about how ordered or disordered these magnetic fields would be on various scales, and about how much of a correlation there would be between the orientation of the magnetic fields, and the orientation of the physical structures within the cloud. If we could somehow carry out observations to map out the directions of the magnetic fields within these molecular clouds on a range of physical scales, then we could begin to test these predictions and therefore constrain the theoretical models somewhat. That's all I know on the subject. I don't work in the field and hence I'm not an expert.

EDIT: I didn't intend to imply that we couldn't carry out such observations. Many people are trying to do so. One method of mapping out the magnetic field directions is to do polarimetry (measurement of the polarization of EM radiation) at submillimetre wavelengths. This can be done because dust grains tend to align preferentially in the direction of the magnetic field, and the presence of a preferred dust grain alignment leads to the thermal emission from those dust grains being linearly polarized. Said emission is in the submillimetre because the dust is cold.
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FAQ: Basic Question about Star Formation

What is star formation?

Star formation is the process by which dense regions of interstellar gas and dust collapse under their own gravity to form a new star. This process can take millions of years and involves the conversion of potential energy into thermal energy, causing the gas to heat up and eventually ignite nuclear fusion.

What are the necessary conditions for star formation?

The main conditions required for star formation are a sufficiently dense and cold molecular cloud, with temperatures around 10-20 Kelvin, and a disturbance or trigger that can cause the cloud to collapse, such as a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion.

What are the different stages of star formation?

There are several stages of star formation, including the initial collapse of the molecular cloud, the formation of a protostar, the development of a protoplanetary disk, and finally, the ignition of nuclear fusion and the birth of a new star.

What factors affect the rate of star formation?

The rate of star formation is affected by a number of factors, including the density and temperature of the molecular cloud, the presence of nearby massive stars that can disrupt the cloud, and the strength of magnetic fields that can hinder the collapse of the cloud.

How do we study star formation?

We study star formation through a combination of observations using telescopes and theoretical models. By observing different wavelengths of light, we can study the physical properties of the gas and dust in molecular clouds and track the different stages of star formation. Theoretical models also help us understand the underlying physical processes involved in star formation and make predictions about the characteristics of newly formed stars.

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