Basic question about sun's mass & orbit of planets

In summary, the sun will lose mass and will eventually blow up and die as a red giant. This will happen over a period of 4 billion years.
  • #1
Bob Weaver
This came up on another website I read, and it got me to wondering, so I am certain someone here could answer this.

The sun is constantly losing mass, as it converts its mass to energy. As it loses mass, its gravitational field weakens, because the gravitational field of a body is directly related to its mass.

The gravitational field is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun. At some point, the mass of the sun decreases to a critical level, at which the sun's gravitational field is too weak to hold the planets in orbit any more, so they would just leave orbit and fly off into space.

When does this happen? Has anyone tried to calculate this? Or does some other event intervene before this happens?

Thanks for any answers or insight.
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  • #2
Sun will not loose that much mass, calm down, don't panic ;-)

Sun will blow up to a red giant and die before it have lost so much mass due to fusion and solar winds that planet's can't be bound anymore.

An interesting thing is that due to the sun's mass loss, planets will get a larger radii in their orbits, thus maybe the most inner planets will survive to be swallowed by the volume increasing sun.

One of my teachers in astrophysis told me that such calculations have been performed.
  • #3
Thank you for your reply. This brings up another basic question. (I know I could get the answers just by studying on my own and I will study it more.) How do we know for certain that the sun will go red giant? How do we know when that will happen? Just based on evidence of other stars? I need to buy a couple bags of ice the night before.
  • #4
Bob Weaver said:
This came up on another website I read, and it got me to wondering, so I am certain someone here could answer this.

The sun is constantly losing mass, as it converts its mass to energy. As it loses mass, its gravitational field weakens, because the gravitational field of a body is directly related to its mass.

The gravitational field is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun. At some point, the mass of the sun decreases to a critical level, at which the sun's gravitational field is too weak to hold the planets in orbit any more, so they would just leave orbit and fly off into space.

When does this happen? Has anyone tried to calculate this? Or does some other event intervene before this happens?
Actually such calculations are around here at PF somewhere.

It's a common question, especially in some introductory courses in astrophysics or stellar astrophysics.

The Sun also produces a 'solar wind' of particles at a rate of about 10^-14 solar masses per year. In 4 billion years this amounts to about 0.001 percent of the Sun's mass . . .

Our understanding of stellar (and solar) evolution come from a combination of observation and theory, of which part is modelling (simulation) of the physics of stars. Is one familiar with the term 'main sequence' and Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?
  • #5
I am familiar with the terms supernova, red giant, white dwarf, neutron star and black hole, but not the terms 'main sequence' or 'Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.'
  • #7
OK thanks!

FAQ: Basic question about sun's mass & orbit of planets

1. What is the mass of the sun?

The mass of the sun is approximately 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms, or about 333,000 times the mass of the Earth.

2. How does the sun's mass affect the orbit of planets?

The sun's mass is the main factor that determines the orbits of planets in our solar system. The sun's gravitational pull keeps the planets in orbit around it, and the larger the sun's mass, the stronger its gravitational force.

3. What is the average distance between the sun and the planets?

The average distance between the sun and the planets varies depending on the specific planet. The average distance for Mercury is about 58 million kilometers, while Neptune's average distance is about 4.5 billion kilometers.

4. How does the sun's mass compare to other stars?

In terms of mass, the sun is considered a medium-sized star. It is larger than most stars in our galaxy, but there are also much larger stars in the universe. The most massive star discovered so far is about 300 times the mass of the sun.

5. Does the sun's mass change over time?

The sun's mass remains relatively constant over time. It loses a small amount of mass through solar winds and nuclear fusion, but these processes are balanced by the accretion of interstellar matter. It is estimated that the sun will lose about 1.1% of its mass over the next 5 billion years.
