Basic Thermodynamics: Calculating Temperatures Over Time

In summary: Basically, to find the rate of heat input and output for each parcel, you use the heat transfer coefficient for the material. You can find this coefficient from experimental data, or from theoretical calculations.
  • #1
Given a system with known materials of known geometries, and an initial temperature profile, it seems relatively straight forward to calculate a final temperature profile. I assume there are computers that can do this for all kinds of arbitrary systems.

What about determining the temperatures over time. The decay of the "hot spots" and the rise of the cooler areas. Are there predetermined time constants for different materials? What assumptions about the materials are required (isomorphic in all directions?). Are these time constants empirical, or derived. How do they compare with "real world" experiences?

My background is in electric power. Thermo is not one of my strong subjects, so please be nice. :)
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  • #2
The usual thing to do is not based on "time constants" but thermal conductivity and heat capacity. Those parameters are typically determined from measurements.

Basically, you start with heat capacity as a function of temperature, thermal conductivity also as a function of temperature, the material at each location, and some sources and sinks of heat. Then you put in some boundary conditions. Then you solve the time dependent heat diffusion equation, usually using some numerical method.

If the problem can be treated as 1-D, and if it is at equilibrium, then you have the simplest situation you are likely to get. It becomes a 1-D differential equation with boundary conditions. So, for example, a simple spherical object, generating heat through radioactive decay for example, in a cooling bath, could be treated as a radial problem with symmetry. The equilibrium situation would have a temperature profile that did not change over time. As simple as you are likely to get. If you have an analytical function for the thermal conductivity, you might even be able to get an analytical solution for temperature. And because it is time independent, you do not even need the heat capacity.

The general case can be very complicated indeed. You could have a material that changes composition and density over time. For example a chemical reaction. It could generate different amounts of heat depending on the conditions. And it could have different capability of getting rid of heat, again depending on the conditions. Or even the history. For example, a nuclear reactor fuel assembly could start producing one amount of heat. Then if there is a power excursion this could rise. Then this could cause the coolant to boil off, changing both the material present and the ability to get rid of heat. And both thermal conductivity of the materials, and the heat capacity, are non-trivial functions of temperature. And it might require a full 3-D plus time solution to get an accurate picture. A computer code that could accurately do that would be a substantial job.
  • #3
Hi DEvens,

I think when you used the term equilibrium in your post, you meant to say steady state.

  • #4
DEvens, thank you for your response. One key thing I am missing, I think, in your explanation. Probably something obvious that thermo-folks take for granted that everyone understands.

I get that the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of materials are functions of the material. How does the "time dependence" get into the heat diffusion equation? There may be a time function for the heat sources or the heat sinks, but how to account for the heat transfer time across a material?

I would assume this is all a solved problem. I was thinking of temperature controllers, thermostats if you want, and whether a high tech thermostat in an industry application would be more than what I have at home, which is: turn on full when temperature is above X, and turn off when not. You know, some sophisticated PID control algorithm that take into account how far from X the actual temperature is and the heating and cooling rates through materials.

This is the kind of stuff nerds think about when its -2 F outside, and its seems to take forever to heat up the office in the morning. ?:)
  • #5
To get the temperature variation over time, you need to use the transient heat balance equation. This breaks the body down into tiny parcels, and does the following balance on each of them: rate of heat input - rate of heat output = rate of heat accumulation. The rate of accumulation involves the partial derivative of temperature with respect to time. You end up with a partial differential equation, with the temperature varying with both time and spatial position.

  • #6
If you combine what Chet said with "finite element method" (look it up), then you can solve for the transient temperatures for nearly any aribtrsry object and initial conditions.
  • #7
Gotcha. So Chet, where does one find the rate of heat input, and output, for each little incremental parcel. The rate is a property of the material, empirically derived I assume, that I can look up somewhere? Say for dense wood, or for aluminum, or air or water.
  • #8
JeffD said:
Gotcha. So Chet, where does one find the rate of heat input, and output, for each little incremental parcel. The rate is a property of the material, empirically derived I assume, that I can look up somewhere? Say for dense wood, or for aluminum, or air or water.
If you're talking about heat conduction, then you probably already know that the local heat flux is equal to the thermal conductivity of the material times the derivative of temperature with respect to distance. If you don't remember this, you need to go back and review intro physics. If you want all the gory details of transient heat conduction behavior in bodies, see Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot.

  • #9
No, thermo is not my strong suit. That said, what you said makes sense. I think, then, that its the thermal conductivity of a material that I am after.

Thanks all.

FAQ: Basic Thermodynamics: Calculating Temperatures Over Time

1. What is thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, energy, and work. It studies how these factors affect the behavior and properties of materials and systems at a macroscopic level.

2. What is the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total energy in a closed system remains constant.

3. How do you calculate temperature over time using basic thermodynamics?

To calculate temperature over time, you need to know the specific heat capacity of the material, the initial temperature, the amount of heat added or removed, and the time duration. You can then use the formula Q = m x c x ΔT, where Q is the heat added or removed, m is the mass of the material, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.

4. What is the difference between heat and temperature in thermodynamics?

Heat and temperature are related but distinct concepts in thermodynamics. Heat is a form of energy that is transferred from one object to another due to a temperature difference. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a system.

5. How does the second law of thermodynamics apply to calculating temperatures over time?

The second law of thermodynamics states that in any energy transfer or conversion, some energy will always be wasted or dissipated. This means that when calculating temperatures over time, you need to take into account any energy losses due to heat transfer or other factors, in order to accurately predict the change in temperature over time.

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