Basis for the image of a surjective linear map.

In summary: I think the proof is now complete, thanks for the help xao!In summary, we have shown that if V and W are vector spaces over F, and T: V -> W is a surjective linear map, and {v1, ..., v_m, u1, ... , u_n} is a basis for V such that ker(T) = span({u1, ... , u_n}), then {T(v1), ..., T(v_m)} is a basis for W.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let V and W be vector spaces over F, and let T: V -> W be a surjective (onto) linear map. Suppose that {v1, ..., v_m, u1, ... , u_n} is a basis for V such that ker(T) = span({u1, ... , u_n}). Show that {T(v1), ... , T(v_m)} is a basis for W.

Homework Equations

Basic properties of linear maps. Linear independence.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have already proven that {T(v1), ... , T(v_m)} spans W, which I thought would be harder than showing linear independence. But here is where I am confused. We have to show that {T(v1), ... , T(v_m)} is linearly independent.

Suppose (a_1)T(v1) + ... + (a_m)T(v_m) = 0 for (a_1), ... (a_m) in F. Then
T( (a_1)(v1) + ... + (a_m)(v_m) ) = 0 since T is linear. Now if we also suppose that (a_1)(v1) + ... + (a_m)(v_m) = 0, then clearly (a_1) = (a_2) = ... = (a_m) = 0 since the set {v_1, ... , v_m} is linearly independent.

But I think I'm confused when (a_1)(v1) + ... + (a_m)(v_m) =/= 0 (which is certainly possible right?). However, I have an idea and I think that in this case, we still get (a_1) = ... = (a_m) = 0?
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  • #2
well, if T(w)=0 then w is in the KerT, so we can write this as a linear combination of the u's.

you shouldn't need any more of a hint than this.
  • #3
Thanks xao, I think that was exactly what I had in mind (and I should have sorted out this case before I made the post). Basically then, setting a linear combination of the v's equal to a linear combination of the u's implies (by isolating 0 on one side) that all coefficients of vectors are 0.
  • #4
Sorry, I misread the problem.
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  • #5
But ker(T) = {0} if and only if T is injective, and surjectivity does not rule out the possibility that a nonzero vector is mapped to the 0 vector.

And just to clarify, the u's xao is talking about are also in the linearly independent set (consisting of v1 to v_m and u1 to u_n, sorry for not using latex). So currently my proof of linear independence looks like this:


a_1T(v_1)+ a_2T(v_2)+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_mT(v_m)= T(a_1v_1+ a_2v_2+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_mv_m)= 0[/itex]

But kert(T) = span({u1, ... , u_n}), so we can write
[itex]a_1v_1+ a_2v_2+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_mv_m = b_1u_1+ b_2v_2+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ b_nu_n.[/itex]

[itex]a_1v_1+ a_2v_2+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_mv_m = b_1u_1 - b_2v_2 - \cdot\cdot\cdot - b_nu_n = 0[/itex]

and it follows that [itex]a_1 = a_2 = \cdot\cdot\cdot= a_m = 0[/itex].
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  • #6
i'm hoping that '=' was a typo in the last step.

it looks like the dimension of V is m+n (the v's plus u's) while the dimension of W is m, so a surjective map only needs m (the v's) of the m+n basis vectors. that leaves n basis vectors (the u's) spanning KerT to map onto the zero of W.
  • #7
Yeah sorry I really screwed up the latex on that last line. It should read


a_1v_1+ a_2v_2+ \cdot\cdot\cdot+ a_mv_m - b_1u_1 - b_2u_2 - \cdot\cdot\cdot - b_nu_n = 0

so the conclusion follows.

FAQ: Basis for the image of a surjective linear map.

1. What is the basis for the image of a surjective linear map?

The basis for the image of a surjective linear map is the set of vectors that span the entire range of the linear map.

2. How is the basis for the image of a surjective linear map determined?

The basis for the image of a surjective linear map is determined by finding a set of linearly independent vectors that span the range of the linear map.

3. Can the basis for the image of a surjective linear map be empty?

No, the basis for the image of a surjective linear map cannot be empty because by definition, a surjective linear map must have a non-empty range.

4. How does the basis for the image of a surjective linear map relate to the dimension of the range?

The basis for the image of a surjective linear map is a subset of vectors that are linearly independent and span the range. Therefore, the number of vectors in the basis is equal to the dimension of the range.

5. Is the basis for the image of a surjective linear map unique?

Yes, the basis for the image of a surjective linear map is unique because it is determined by the specific linear map and cannot be altered without changing the range.
