Basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation

In summary, Bohr believed that the observer effected the outcome of an experiment at the subatomic level, and it wasn't necessarily the photons used to measure the particle like in Hesienberg's Uncertainty Principle that effected the outcome. What was the basis of this idea if the only way to measure something subatomic is with photons? Did he have any experiments to back up his idea? Was it based on the Double-Slit Experiment?
  • #1
Bohr believed that the observer effected the outcome of an experiment at the subatomic level, and it wasn't necessarily the photons used to measure the particle like in Hesienberg's Uncertainty Principle that effected the outcome. What was the basis of this idea if the only way to measure something subatomic is with photons? Did he have any experiments to back up his idea? Was it based on the Double-Slit Experiment?
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  • #2
esvion said:
Bohr believed that the observer effected the outcome of an experiment at the subatomic level, and it wasn't necessarily the photons used to measure the particle like in Hesienberg's Uncertainty Principle that effected the outcome. What was the basis of this idea if the only way to measure something subatomic is with photons? Did he have any experiments to back up his idea? Was it based on the Double-Slit Experiment?

Where exactly did Bohr expressed such a view?
  • #3
Maybe I didn't state what I wanted to ask clearly. Please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't CI state that the photons used to change the state of a particle in the Uncertainty Principle weren't necessarily the direct cause of our lack of information on the particle? I just wanted to know what other experiments were used that didn't involve photons changing the sate of the particle.
  • #4
CI deals more with the relationship between subatomic realm and the observer. CI has 2 major precepts:
1. there is no underlying reality
2. observation creates reality.
  • #5
In my experience, it seems everybody has a slightly different take on CI. However, I don't believe "there is no underlying reality" is a necessary consequence. I think "we are unable to describe reality between measurements" may be a better summation of its principles.
  • #6
Copenhagen is definitely one of the more poorly understood interpretations. It is quite subtle.
The statements below are too simple.

1. there is no underlying reality.
2. observation creates reality.

The first statement begs the question "What is reality?"
The second statement is not Copenhagen - Copenhagen says that the observer is part of the experiment and determines the set of outcomes - the experiment = observer + system. That is quite different to "observer creates reality".

Unfortunately people use language quite loosely.
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  • #7
I think I understand now... Thanks!

I still don't quite understand what experiment or sets of experiments that CI attempts to explain.
  • #8
esvion said:
I still don't quite understand what experiment or sets of experiments that CI attempts to explain.

Interpretations are designed to explain the theoretical framework of quantum mechanics as a whole, to give a person a physical application of how this theory describes reality. Thus CI, like all interpretations, seeks to explain any experiment pertaining to quantum mechanics, and they were developed in response to the demonstration of wave particle duality in the double slit experiment. They are not limited to the double slit, or individually limited to any particular experiment. Rather, they seek to explain all experiments dealing with quantum mechanical principles, as they interpret the fundamental principles underlying quantum mechanics. Thus far, all have been shown to be empirically equvalent, meaning they all predict the unique outcomes of experiments equally well. Because of the Heisenberg cut, some like Copenhagen and its offshoots(conciousness causes collapse) will be difficult to ever falsify, while others like GRW provide hope for falsification. However, they all attempt to describe the same thing.

FAQ: Basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation

What is the Copenhagen Interpretation?

The Copenhagen Interpretation is a theory in quantum mechanics, proposed by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in the 1920s. It states that the physical properties of particles do not exist until they are observed or measured, and that the act of observation affects the behavior of these particles.

What is the basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation?

The basis of the Copenhagen Interpretation is the idea of wave-particle duality, which states that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. This is supported by the famous double-slit experiment, where particles can act as either a wave or a particle depending on whether they are observed or not.

How does the Copenhagen Interpretation explain the uncertainty principle?

The uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less precisely we can know its momentum, is explained by the Copenhagen Interpretation as a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics. According to the interpretation, particles do not have a definite position or momentum until they are observed, leading to uncertainty in these properties.

What are the implications of the Copenhagen Interpretation?

The Copenhagen Interpretation has several implications, including the idea that reality is indeterminate and that the observer plays a crucial role in shaping reality. It also suggests that causality is not a fundamental aspect of the universe, as events can occur without a specific cause.

Is the Copenhagen Interpretation universally accepted?

No, the Copenhagen Interpretation is not universally accepted. It has been subject to criticism and alternative theories, such as the Many-Worlds Interpretation, have been proposed. However, the Copenhagen Interpretation remains one of the most widely taught and used interpretations of quantum mechanics.

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