Battery re-powered from wheels of a car?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of using fan-like blades connected to the wheels of a Battery Electric Vehicle to generate electricity through Faraday's law and a magnetic field. However, it is explained that this would not be efficient and would actually require more energy from the battery to work. The concept of regenerative braking is also mentioned as a more practical way to recharge the battery.
  • #1

I was just learning about Electric Vehicles, and how they are powered. Let us consider a BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), and not a hybrid. So we just have the battery powering the drive train and the wheels.

The other day a friend of mine asked why the each wheel of the car can't in turn be connected to an axle (going into the car parts, not outward), with fan-like blades at the end. As the wheels moved, the fan-blades would move too and if these blades were placed within the magnetic field of a strong permanent magnet, by Faraday's law this should generate electric current. This current could e used to charge the battery again.

The idea seems great, but probably reveals a lack of basic understanding of a certain law. I am aware of the energy conservation principle and all, but I can't figure what would actually happen in such a set-up. I have had similar idease earlier (of using motion between a magnetic field to get electric enegry "again"), but I understand there is a flaw in it, which is why it hasn't been used till date. Can anyone explain?
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  • #2
yes you will produce some power
But you you cannot produce as much or more power from the system that that being used by the system. So in time the battery is still going to go flat.

  • #3
Inefficiencies! You will lose power in many different areas, meaning that only a small part of the power will be put back into the batteries.
  • #4
There is a system called "regenerative braking", where the energy (momentum) of a moving car is captured by reversing the process: generate electric power by switching a moving wheel into a generator. Google it.
  • #5
Bobbywhy said:
There is a system called "regenerative braking", where the energy (momentum) of a moving car is captured by reversing the process: generate electric power by switching a moving wheel into a generator. Google it.
Yes, this is used. For starters, see:
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  • #6
Regenerative braking let's you reuse some of the energy that would be otherwise lost during braking, I have a feeling OP asks about producing energy all the time. That would just increase power needed to move the car - TANSTAAFL.
  • #7
To add that specific point: The moving blades would be braked by the field they are moving in - you would need more power to drive the wheels if you try to extract energy like that. With 100% efficiency, this "more power" is exactly the power you get back in your additional setup.
  • #8
He is trying to produce energy by driving with the brakes on. That, of course, will not work.
  • #9

What you propose amounts to the following circuit..

Battery---> motor ---> wheel ---> generator--> back to the battery

Lets suppose the generator is delivering 100W back to the battery and each step in the chain is 90% efficient.

That means the wheel must supply the generator with..

100*100/90 = 111W

But the wheel is being turned by the motor so the motor must supply the wheel with an extra..

111*100/90 = 123W

but the motor is being powered by the battery so the battery must supply the motor with an extra...

123*100/90 = 137W

So the net result is that the battery is supplying 137W and getting 100W back.

This is a practical example of this theory in operation...
  • #10
mfb said:
To add that specific point: The moving blades would be braked by the field they are moving in - you would need more power to drive the wheels if you try to extract energy like that. With 100% efficiency, this "more power" is exactly the power you get back in your additional setup.

Okay, this made me understand it. As in moving against the field would mean moving against "something" and that would actually slow the wheels down, right?

And in corollary, IF we need to slow down, we can activate such a mechanism to recharge the battery - which is regenerative braking.

Is that right? Thanks guys :)
  • #11
As in moving against the field would mean moving against "something" and that would actually slow the wheels down, right?
The movement in the magnetic field from one side induces a magnetic field in the other side as well, and the interaction between both slows the rotation.

IF we need to slow down, we can activate such a mechanism to recharge the battery - which is regenerative braking.
  • #12
Okay, this made me understand it. As in moving against the field would mean moving against "something" and that would actually slow the wheels down, right?

Yes. Otherwise you have made energy from nothing.

Related to Battery re-powered from wheels of a car?

1. How does a battery get re-powered from the wheels of a car?

The process of re-powering a battery from the wheels of a car is known as regenerative braking. It works by converting the kinetic energy produced during braking into electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery for later use.

2. What type of battery is used for regenerative braking?

Most cars use a type of rechargeable battery called a lead-acid battery for regenerative braking. However, some newer electric and hybrid cars may use lithium-ion batteries.

3. Can regenerative braking fully charge a car battery?

No, regenerative braking alone cannot fully charge a car battery. It can only recover a portion of the energy that is lost during braking. The battery will still need to be charged through other means, such as plugging it into an external power source.

4. Is regenerative braking more efficient than traditional braking?

Yes, regenerative braking is more efficient than traditional braking. This is because it recovers energy that would otherwise be lost as heat during braking. It also helps to reduce wear and tear on the brake pads and rotors, resulting in longer-lasting brakes.

5. Can regenerative braking be turned off?

Yes, many cars have the option to turn off regenerative braking. This can be useful in situations where the driver needs more control over the braking system, such as on icy or slippery roads. However, it is not recommended to turn off regenerative braking for daily driving as it helps to improve the overall efficiency of the car.

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