Bayesianism vs frequentism: which one is better for science?

  • Thread starter Cinitiator
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In summary, when it comes to testing scientific hypotheses and modeling in general, the interpretation of probability that is better depends on the availability of a solid prior. If a solid prior exists, Bayesianism is preferred. However, if there is no solid prior, frequentism is the only option. Both approaches have their limitations and it is important to carefully evaluate the situation and choose the most appropriate interpretation of probability for the given scenario.
  • #1
Which interpretation of probability is better for testing scientific hypotheses, and for scientific modeling in general: Bayesianism or frequentism, and why?
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  • #2
Cinitiator said:
Which interpretation of probability is better for testing scientific hypotheses, and for scientific modeling in general: Bayesianism or frequentism, and why?

Discussion of relgious and political topics is forbidden in this section of the forum, but I suppose your question is permitted even though it deals with matters of fatih.

I'll be content with observing that this question could investigated statistically, but it seldom is. The arguments in favor of one way or another often claim undocumented empirical support - such as "I have used .. thus-and-such-a method and it has proven effective" or "Thus-and-such-a method is the standard practice in industry."

What is standard practice in industry or in a field of science isn't a direct proof of effectiveness. For example, if a drug company uses certain statistical methods to evaluate how promsing new compounds are for some purpose and the company's stock price holds up and it continues to bring new drugs to marker, you could cite this as "proof" that its statistical methods are effective. However, that type of recommendation mixes together the effects of all the companies business practices and research methods.

It's easy for a person to claim that he has used a certain method effectively, but often this only means that the person got reports published, didn't make any disasterous financial decision, etc. This kind of recommendation may show sufficiency of a given method. It doesn't show optimality.

In fairness to debaters on both sides, there is additional expense and labor in doing statistical testing. A statistical test of a statistical test would go something like this. You apply a given statistical test of a batch of similar situations. You reach a decision on each problem. Then you do follow-up investigation (such as taking further samples) to test how often your initial test made the right decision. I think that's the minimum that should be done to supply empirical evidence in favor of a test. It isn't a mathematical proof. There is a circularity about the logic since in the follow-up you might be trusting the result of a second test. However, most Bayesians and frequentists believe that if you take a huge number of samples, you can nail things down pretty well. The practical question is what is are the most effective methods to use when you haven't done that.
  • #3
Cinitiator said:
Which interpretation of probability is better for testing scientific hypotheses, and for scientific modeling in general: Bayesianism or frequentism, and why?

Baysian is very useful if you have a solid prior. If not, then frequentism is your only resort.

FAQ: Bayesianism vs frequentism: which one is better for science?

What is the difference between Bayesianism and frequentism?

Bayesianism and frequentism are two different approaches to statistical inference. Bayesianism is based on the idea of subjective probabilities, where prior knowledge and beliefs are used to update and revise the probability of an event occurring. Frequentism, on the other hand, is based on the idea of objective probabilities, where probabilities are calculated based on repeated observations of the same event.

Which approach is more commonly used in science?

Both Bayesianism and frequentism have their own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore, both are commonly used in science. However, frequentism is traditionally more prevalent in fields such as physics, while Bayesianism is often used in fields such as biology and psychology.

Which approach is considered to be more accurate?

There is no clear consensus on which approach is more accurate. Some argue that Bayesianism is more accurate as it takes into account prior knowledge and allows for updating of probabilities. Others argue that frequentism is more accurate as it is based on objective observations without any subjective biases.

Can Bayesianism and frequentism be used together?

Yes, Bayesianism and frequentism can be used together in what is known as Bayesian-frequentist hybrid methods. These methods combine the strengths of both approaches to achieve more accurate results.

Is one approach better than the other for all scientific studies?

No, there is no one approach that is universally better for all scientific studies. The choice of approach depends on the nature of the research question, available data, and the goals of the study. It is important for scientists to carefully consider which approach is most appropriate for their specific study.

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