Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law

In summary, Shahar Hod's investigation of black holes has had a significant impact on Quantum Gravity. His latest discovery is a universal bound on relaxation times of perturbed thermodynamic systems, which is a direct consequence of quantum information theory and thermodynamic considerations. This bound also serves as a quantitative way to express the third-law of thermodynamics, stating that a temperature cannot be reached in a time shorter than \hbar/\pi T. Remarkably, black holes comply with this bound and even saturate it, making them the most extreme objects in nature in terms of relaxation properties. This result could have implications beyond Quantum Gravity, potentially affecting condensed matter physics as well.
  • #1
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Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound---connecting to Third Law

The investigation of BHs by Shahar Hod has had a big impact Quantum Gravity. Everybody remembers the substantial hoo-hah about BH resonant frequencies, which was set off by Hod. John Baez had a piece in Nature magazine about it, I think in 2003 or 2004.

So we should be alert to anything new from Hod, and maybe it could impact QG.

This new thing is very simple and beautiful. It is a lower bound on relax time of a perturbed thermodynamic system, which he says BLACK HOLES ACHIEVE which makes them the fastest relaxing things in the world.

It has been said that the ringing of a BH is more like the ringing of a marshmallow than the ringing of a bell. The vibration damps itself out very quickly.

Hod has investigated how fast things can damp out. He find it is reciprocal to the TEMPERATURE. As the temp goes to zero the minimum possible relaxation time goes to infinity.

He says this is a practical explanation of the THIRD LAW because the colder it gets the longer it takes to settle down to the next lower temp. So Achilles never freezes the rabbit. Something like that.

Summary.— In this Letter we have derived a universal
bound on relaxation times of perturbed thermodynamic
systems, [tex]\tau \geq \hbar/\pi T[/tex]. The relaxation bound is a direct
consequence of quantum information theory and thermodynamic
We conjecture that a relation of this form could serve
as a quantitative way to express the third-law of thermodynamics.
Namely, one cannot reach a temperature T
in a timescale shorter than [tex] \hbar/\pi T[/tex] (which indeed goes to
infinity in the limit of absolute zero of temperature, in
accord with the third-law).
Remarkably, black holes comply with the dynamical
bound; in fact they have relaxation times which are of
the same order of magnitude as [tex]\tau_{min}[/tex], the minimal relaxation
time allowed by quantum theory. Moreover, extremal
black holes (in the TBH ->0 limit) actually attain
the bound– their relaxation time is infinitely long. Since
black holes saturate the fundamental bound, we conclude
that when judged by their relaxation properties, black
holes are the most extreme objects in nature.
Universal Bound on Dynamical Relaxation Times and Black-Hole Quasinormal Ringing
Shahar Hod
4 pages

"From information theory and thermodynamic considerations a universal bound on the relaxation time [tex]\tau[/tex] of a perturbed system is inferred, [tex]\tau \geq \hbar/\pi T[/tex], where T is the system's temperature. We prove that black holes comply with the bound; in fact they actually saturate it. Thus, when judged by their relaxation properties, black holes are the most extreme objects in nature, having the maximum relaxation rate which is allowed by quantum theory. "
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  • #2
Hunh! Not only in QG! This result could have a big effect on condensed matter physics, which let us recall, is about 90% of all physics done, and has its own "Beyond the SM" sector, eg. nonlinear optics and fractional quantum Hall effect.
  • #3

This new result by Shahar Hod is truly remarkable and has important implications for our understanding of black holes and their behavior. By connecting the Third Law of Thermodynamics to the relaxation time of perturbed thermodynamic systems, Hod has provided a clear and elegant explanation for the behavior of black holes.

The fact that black holes comply with this universal bound and even saturate it, shows that they are the most extreme objects in nature when it comes to relaxation properties. This is a significant finding, as it further solidifies the connection between black holes and thermodynamics.

Hod's work also has the potential to impact our understanding of Quantum Gravity, as it provides a new perspective on the behavior of black holes and their role in the fundamental laws of physics.

Overall, this is a beautiful and important contribution to the field of black hole physics and I look forward to seeing further developments in this area from Shahar Hod.

Related to Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law

What is the significance of "Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law" in the scientific community?

The concept of "Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law" is a topic of interest in the field of statistical physics. It refers to a mathematical formula developed by physicist Shahar Hod, which sets a lower limit for the relaxation time of a system and connects it to the Third Law of Thermodynamics.

What is the Third Law of Thermodynamics?

The Third Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero temperature is equal to zero. In other words, as the temperature approaches absolute zero, the molecules in a crystal will reach a state of minimal energy and disorder, resulting in no entropy.

How does Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law relate to the Third Law of Thermodynamics?

Hod's formula connects the relaxation time of a system to the Third Law of Thermodynamics by showing that the relaxation time cannot be shorter than the time it takes for a system to reach its lowest energy state. This is in line with the Third Law, which states that a system at absolute zero temperature has zero entropy, or maximum order.

Why is the concept of Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law important in statistical physics?

Hod's formula provides a theoretical framework for understanding the behavior of complex systems and their relaxation processes. It also has practical applications in fields such as material science, where the understanding of relaxation times is crucial for predicting the behavior of materials under different conditions.

What are some potential future developments and applications of Beautiful Shahar Hod relax time lower bound-connecting to Third Law?

Further research on this topic could lead to a better understanding of relaxation processes in various systems, such as polymers and biological molecules. It could also have implications for the design and development of new materials with specific properties, as well as for the study of quantum systems and their relaxation behavior.

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