Bee on Consistency and some interesting comments

In summary, Bee's essay discusses the concept of quantizing general relativity and the limitations of theories in general. The discussion includes a comment by Moshe Rozali on the renormalizability of Einstein gravity and the idea that there might be more than one self-consistent theory that is consistent with all current observations. Bee's conclusion raises the question of whether there could be multiple theories that are not equivalent but still consistent with observations. Theories should not only be self-consistent and consistent with observations, but also predict new phenomena.
  • #1
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Bee took the time to write a thoughtful essay about general relativity and why you might or might not want to quantize it---and some broader thoughts about theories (what their limitations are, how you verify them.)

Perhaps I am not saying accurately what the essay is about, and you should go there and read it and decide for yourself.

There are a lot of extra bits----extra thoughts, bits of news, a cameo appearance by El Lumo, witty sayings, a charcoal drawing of a naked physicist with glasses, and so on.
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  • #2
as I understand the essay you don't see what it is about until you get to the brief final section "Bottom Line", and also read Moshe Rozali's comment.

Here is the comment:
===quote Moshe===

As for Einstein gravity, the fact that it is non-renormalizable strongly suggests that it is an effective description of something completely different. To paraphrase Ted Jacobson, you don't quantize the metric for the same reason you don't go about quantizing ocean waves. There are people out there who strongly object to this viewpoint, blaming the problem on the lack of background independence. Who knows, maybe they are right.

I think einstein gravity is, in fact, renormalizable, and that Martin Reuter et al have accumulated a lot of credible evidence

so I would say that the classic unquantized theory of the metric is an effective description of something very much like itself.

But Moshe still puts his point in a clear, persuasive, and memorable way---and he acknowledges other people with different opinions might be right. So it's good.

The first 90 percent of Bee's essay is generalities about theories, setting up for a good discussion by the commenters----in a few days she got over 70 comments by mostly intelligent articulates--- the art of the saloniste. how to set out beforehand the thematic appetizers and punchbowl. how to get the right people to show up.

But here's her conclusion
==quote Bee==


Much like classical electrodynamics, Einstein's field equations too have a source term whose dynamics one needs to know. The system can be closed with an equation of state for each component. This theory is self-consistent [6], and it is consistent with all available observations. It reaches its limits if one asks for the microscopic description of the constituents. The transition from the macro- to the microscopic regime can be made for the sources of the gravitational field, but not also for the coupled gravitational field (oh, and then there's the CC, but this is a known problem).

Two theories that yield the same predictions for all observables I'd call equivalent (if you don't like that, accept it as my definition of equivalence.) But our observations are limited, and unlike the case of classical electrodynamics not being consistent with the stability of the atom, there is presently no observational evidence in disagreement with classical gravity.

For me this then raises the question:

Is there more than one theory that is self-consistent, self-contained and consistent with all present observations?In a recent comment, Moshe remarked:"To paraphrase Ted Jacobson, you don't quantize the metric for the same reason you don't go about quantizing ocean waves." That sounds certainly reasonable, but if I look at water close enough I will find the spectral lines of the hydrogen atom and evidence for its constituents. And their quantization. To me, this just doesn't satisfactory solve the question what the microscopic structure of the 'medium', here space-time, is.

My answer to the question in blue would be that there might very well be more than one.

But if they are not equivalent (really only one) by Bee's definition, then they will make different predictions about FUTURE experimental outcomes. One of the candidate theories will predict some surprising new stuff that we didnt think to look for yet----like a shape to the expansion of the universe that differs in some subtle way from what LambdaCDM tells us it should look like. Theories should predict some unexpected curious new phenomena---as well as do the other things Bee mentions.
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  • #3

I find Bee's essay on consistency to be a thought-provoking and well-written piece. She raises important questions about the nature of theories and how we verify them, particularly in the context of general relativity and its potential quantization. Her discussion on the limitations of theories is a crucial reminder that science is an ever-evolving process and that we must constantly question and test our theories to further our understanding of the world.

I appreciate Bee's incorporation of extra bits and personal touches, such as the cameo appearance by El Lumo and the charcoal drawing. It adds a unique and engaging element to the essay, making it more than just a dry scientific discussion.

Overall, Bee's essay serves as a reminder to scientists to not only focus on the technical aspects of our work, but also to consider the broader implications and limitations of our theories. It is important to maintain consistency in our approach to science, but also to be open to new ideas and perspectives. Thank you, Bee, for a thought-provoking read.

FAQ: Bee on Consistency and some interesting comments

1. How does consistency affect the behavior of bees?

Consistency is a crucial factor in the behavior of bees. Bees are highly organized creatures that rely on consistency in their daily routines to ensure the survival of their colony. Any disruption in their consistent patterns can lead to confusion and disorganization within the hive.

2. Can bees maintain consistency in changing environments?

Bees are able to adapt and maintain consistency even in changing environments. They have the ability to communicate with each other and adjust their behaviors accordingly to ensure the survival of their colony. However, drastic changes in their environment can still have a significant impact on their consistency.

3. How does consistency impact the productivity of a beehive?

Consistency is directly linked to the productivity of a beehive. Bees follow a strict schedule for collecting nectar and pollen, building their hive, and caring for their young. When consistency is disrupted, it can lead to a decrease in productivity and ultimately affect the survival of the colony.

4. Are there any benefits to maintaining consistency in beekeeping practices?

Absolutely. Consistency is key in successful beekeeping practices. Maintaining consistent practices, such as regular hive inspections and feeding schedules, can promote a healthy and productive hive. It also allows for easier management and identification of any potential issues within the hive.

5. Can consistency in beekeeping practices improve the quality of honey produced?

Yes, consistency in beekeeping practices can lead to better quality honey. Bees are able to produce higher quality honey when they have consistent access to nectar and pollen sources. Inconsistent practices can lead to a lower quality and quantity of honey being produced by the bees.

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