Beginner Induction/Motor question

  • Thread starter Arqane
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In summary, the basic components of induction are materials, speed, and mass. The power comes from the magnetic field which is created by the materials and their magnetic properties. The amount of power output is based on the combination of the material, the speed, and the mass.
  • #1
I'm starting to wrap my head around the more difficult aspects of electromagnetism, but I'm having a hard time finding a simpler answer to what should be a fairly simple question. What are the basic components of induction, and how much effect does each part have on the output?

As far as I understand, the materials used, the speed, and possibly the mass all play factors. I realize there are different types of motors, but apart from the way they are arranged (and the materials used), I think the concept is the same. So what creates the 'power'? There's a whole list of questions coming, so even just answering one is appreciated :).

The materials and their magnetic properties obviously determine some of the power in the right arrangement. Does the size or mass of the magnet make a difference in the output? And does that need to be balanced through all the materials? In other words, if you have two motors that are identical in all ways, except one is 5 times larger, will it put out proportionally more power? Or would adding more permanent magnets by ratio add to the power output?

What's the correlation (if any) of speed and mass? If I'm cranking a motor, or waving two magnets near each other (with the appropriate circuit), how do the speed and mass of the system compare? Would you get comparable power out of a setup with one small magnet moving very quickly, compared to a large magnet moving slowly? And instead of the single large magnet, would it be better to have multiple magnets running multiple motors instead of a single large motor?

Again, I know I asked a lot of questions. Please feel free to pick at one of them, or all of them. I appreciate the help. I'd like to test these concepts in real life, but unfortunately that's not very feasible right now.
Engineering news on
  • #2
YouTube is a good place to start your learning. Search for "electric motor" tutorial" on
  • #3
Arqane said:
So what creates the 'power'?
I think "Electromechanical energy conversion" is what you should begin with. Magnetic field is a medium which is necessary for conversion of energy from electrical to mechanical and vice versa. Besides,there are many electrical machinery experts here on PF who can guide you conceptually.
  • #5
Yet another link:
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  • #6
Thank you all for the links. I have a clearer understanding. I'm still having a hard time finding information on input force (and resistance) for generators. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the wind belt generator... it hasn't had any press for a while. But it seems like a good easy example of using a very basic physical movement to power a generator (in this case, it uses flutter to generate the motion that brings a magnet between two coils). The force for the motion comes from the wind, as any other wind generator, but I'm trying to conceptualize how much force really plays into the equation.

By the formulas, the power of the magnet and size would be factors. But with a more powerful magnet that was the same mass, you should need less force to produce the same amount of output. Basically, I'm trying to find out how to balance the input of power with the output. Permanent magnets seem to store energy, or at least, have already set up a flow of electrons in a certain direction; kind of like water almost always goes down a river because it's the channel of least resistance.

So in a case like the wind belt, would it generally put out more power by moving the magnet between the coils faster, or by simply building a bigger system (requiring more force of wind to move the magnet)?

FAQ: Beginner Induction/Motor question

What is induction and how does it work?

Induction is the process of generating an electric current in a conductor by exposing it to a changing magnetic field. This occurs due to the interaction between the magnetic field and the free electrons in the conductor, causing them to move and create an electric current.

What is a motor and how does it use induction?

A motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It uses induction by utilizing the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate a rotating magnetic field, which in turn causes a rotor to rotate and produce mechanical motion.

What is the difference between AC and DC motors?

AC (alternating current) motors use an alternating current to generate a rotating magnetic field, while DC (direct current) motors use a direct current to produce a constant magnetic field. AC motors are more commonly used due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness.

What is the difference between a single-phase and three-phase induction motor?

A single-phase induction motor has a single set of windings in the stator, which produces a pulsating magnetic field. On the other hand, a three-phase induction motor has three sets of windings in the stator, which produces a rotating magnetic field. This allows for a more efficient and smoother operation.

What factors can affect the performance of an induction motor?

The performance of an induction motor can be affected by factors such as the supply voltage, frequency, number of poles, load, and temperature. These factors can impact the speed, torque, and efficiency of the motor.

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