Beginning Complex Numbers ideas

In summary, The conversation is about the book "The Story of i(sqrt of -1)" which deals with cubics and geometry for solving cubic functions. The person is getting lost with the big picture and is looking for a supplemental book or papers to help them. They also ask about the branch of Math that deals with these ideas and it is suggested to look into complex analysis, abstract algebra, and Galois theory. The person is specifically interested in how complex numbers relate to fundamental geometry and the solution of polynomials. They are struggling with the algebra involved in solving cubic functions and are recommended to look into differential geometry and Lie Theory.
  • #1
I've been working through the book The Story of i(sqrt of -1). It's kinda like a story with a lot of Math. The first 2 chapters deal with cubics and geometry for solving cubics functions. I understand the algebra behind it but I'm getting lost with the big picture. I need a supplemental book or papers to help me along. Any recommendations?

Also, what branch of Math would I find these ideas in? It's pretty heavy Algebra mixed with Geometry. Thanks.
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  • #2
I'm not certain what you mean by "big picture." Do you mean, "what imaginary numbers are used for?" Unfortunately, that's not easily answered because quite frankly, they're used everywhere. The concept of imaginary numbers (or constructs that are isomorphic) are prevalent throughout all areas of mathematics and physics.

The primary field that deals with analysis in complex spaces is called, unsurprisingly, complex analysis. Again however, this is just the "calculus" of complex spaces. For the algebra of complex numbers you'd need to look more at abstract algebra.

If you are specifically interested in how complex numbers relate to fundamental geometry and the solution of polynomials, then you should look into Galois theory. However, Galois theory is a very advanced area of mathematics that requires a comprehensive understanding of both group theory and ring theory. Nonetheless, if you are still interested," is an introduction to Galois theory.

If you add together the algebraic and analytical elements of complex numbers, you'd want to start looking at differential geometry and Lie Theory.

Hope that helps.
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  • #3
Thanks, I guess what I'm asking is more along the lines of that Galois stuff. All the stuff I'm getting stuck on is the Cubic function solutions and how they're solved. My Math textbooks (Pre-Calc to Calc) don't ever talk about Cubic functions. There seems to be a lot of Algebra "tricks" involved with the Cubics.
  • #4
Those notes that I linked you too actually derives the cubic and quartic equation as well as some special cases. As you may notice, the analytic solution by radicals to such polynomial equations are generally very messy which is why they often require some trickery.
  • #5

I would first like to commend you on your interest in exploring complex numbers. They are a fundamental concept in mathematics and have many practical applications in various fields of science.

To address your concern about understanding the big picture, I would recommend looking into the concept of complex analysis. This branch of mathematics deals specifically with functions of complex numbers and their properties. It will provide you with a deeper understanding of the geometric interpretation of complex numbers, as well as their algebraic properties.

In terms of supplemental materials, there are many books and papers available on complex analysis that can help you further explore the topic. Some popular ones include "Complex Variables and Applications" by James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, and "Functions of One Complex Variable" by John B. Conway.

In terms of the branch of math that deals with these ideas, as you mentioned, it is a combination of algebra and geometry. Complex analysis falls under the broader category of analysis, which is a branch of mathematics that deals with functions, limits, and continuity. It also has connections to other branches such as number theory and differential equations.

I hope this helps guide you in your exploration of complex numbers and their applications. Keep up the curiosity and determination to understand these concepts, and I'm sure you will have a solid grasp of them in no time.

FAQ: Beginning Complex Numbers ideas

1. What are complex numbers?

Complex numbers are numbers that contain both a real and an imaginary part. They are typically written in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part with i representing the imaginary unit. Complex numbers are used to solve equations that cannot be solved with real numbers alone.

2. How do you add and subtract complex numbers?

To add or subtract complex numbers, you simply combine the real parts and the imaginary parts separately. For example, (2+3i) + (4+2i) would equal (2+4) + (3+2)i, which simplifies to 6 + 5i. Similarly, to subtract, you would subtract the real parts and imaginary parts separately.

3. What is the difference between a real and an imaginary number?

A real number is any number that can be plotted on a number line and can be written without an imaginary component. On the other hand, an imaginary number is a number that when squared, results in a negative value. These numbers are often used to represent solutions to equations that cannot be solved with real numbers alone.

4. How are complex numbers used in real life?

Complex numbers are used in various real-life applications such as electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and signal processing. They are also used in graphing and modeling various phenomena, such as the motion of objects and the behavior of waves. Additionally, they are used in finance and economics to model and analyze complex systems.

5. Can complex numbers be divided?

Yes, complex numbers can be divided just like real numbers. To divide complex numbers, you first need to rationalize the denominator by multiplying both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The resulting fraction will have a real denominator and can be simplified like any other fraction.

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