Behavior of the air when the angle of attack increases

In summary, the angle of attack of a wing increases, causing the lift coefficient to decrease rapidly, while the drag coefficient increases rapidly. This occurs because of flow separation, which begins occurring at low angles of attack but the air not separated remains dominant over the separated air. Above the critical angle of attack, the air starts to form vortices where the bottom of the vortice involves forwards air flow, reducing lift and increasing drag.
  • #1
I have to write 150 to 250 words on the behavior of air when the angle of attack of a wing increases.
I have 2 graphs, one is on the Cl and the other on the Cd

This is for the drag coefficient:

This is the graph of the lift coefficient:

I can see that the lift coefficient decreases rapidly after the 10° mark and the drag increases more rapid.
But honestly, I have no clue on how to write the 150 to 250 words on this or why the air behaves like that. I have no idea where to start.
If someone could help me get into the right direction, I would appreciate it very much.
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  • #2
I take it you know how a wing generates lift, just search online for this information.

Now look at images 1 and 4 . Notice in picture one that the air molecules passing over the top of the cylinder stay in contact with the cylinder, the air molecules have a relatively stable speed, try to understand this, this is very important. No air molecules are misbehaving, it is all very orderly.

Now look at picture 4, the air above the cylinder is not staying in contact and air is getting dragged along behind the cylinder. Argue that the factors that generate lift start working in other ways (explain how) to create the effects you see in the graphs.
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  • #3
The main problem was that I do know how a wing generates lift and after a certain point generates more drag than lift but I didn't know how to write that down.
I have made a lot of progress and I have actually finished it.

The air will deliver with every degree of increase in the angle of attack the same amount of lift. This is observable in the graph in the lineair line, from -5° to 10°.

After the angle of attack reaches it's critical angle of 10° and the angle of attack keeps increasing, the liftcoefficient reduces drasticly. This is because of flow separation, the air flow can't follow the wingprofile.

This separation is already occurring at low angle of attacks but the air not separated remains dominant over the separated air.

When the angle of attack increases, the air that separates from the wing will also increase. After a certain angle of attack, the separated air will become dominant. The air flow will produce less lift but will produce vastly more drag.

This is clearly observable on both graphs. The liftcoefficient reduces drasticly and the dragcoefficient will increase exponentially.

So between certain angle of attacks, the air flow produces more lift than drag but after it's critical angle has been reached, which was 10° in this wing profile, the air flow will produce less lift but produce more drag.

From an angle of attack of 10° does change of air flow occur around this profile.
  • #4
As a wing travels through the air with some angle of attack, the upper surface of the wing moves downward with respect to the air, and the air follows that surface to fill in what would otherwise be a void. Below the critical angle of attack, most of this flow follows the surface of the wing from front to back. Above the critical angle of attack, the air starts to form vortices where the bottom of the vortice involves forwards air flow, reducing lift and increasing drag. Sufficiently beyond the critical angle of attack, it's almost one very large vortice. Do a web search for youtube wind tunnel stall to see examples like the one bekiw. Note that there is significant separation below critical angle for this wing at the speeds used in this example.
  • #5

I would like to provide an explanation for the behavior of air when the angle of attack of a wing increases. The angle of attack refers to the angle at which the wing meets the oncoming air. It is an important factor in determining the lift and drag forces acting on an aircraft.

When the angle of attack increases, the air flowing over the wing is forced to change direction, resulting in a higher pressure on the lower surface of the wing and a lower pressure on the upper surface. This pressure difference creates lift, which is the upward force that keeps the aircraft in the air. However, as the angle of attack continues to increase, the airflow over the wing becomes more turbulent and separates from the surface of the wing. This separation of airflow causes a decrease in lift and an increase in drag.

The graphs provided show the relationship between the angle of attack and the lift and drag coefficients. The lift coefficient represents the amount of lift generated by the wing and is directly proportional to the angle of attack. As the angle of attack increases, the lift coefficient also increases up to a certain point, after which it starts to decrease. This is because the airflow over the wing separates, reducing the lift generated.

On the other hand, the drag coefficient represents the resistance to motion caused by the air. As the angle of attack increases, the drag coefficient also increases due to the increased turbulence and separation of airflow. This results in a decrease in the overall aerodynamic efficiency of the wing.

In summary, the behavior of air when the angle of attack increases can be explained by the changes in airflow over the wing, which ultimately affect the lift and drag forces acting on the aircraft. Understanding this relationship is crucial in designing efficient and safe aircraft.

Related to Behavior of the air when the angle of attack increases

What is the angle of attack?

The angle of attack is the angle between the oncoming airflow and the chord line of an airfoil (such as a wing or blade). It is a critical factor in determining the amount of lift and drag generated by the airfoil.

How does the behavior of the air change when the angle of attack increases?

As the angle of attack increases, the airflow over the airfoil becomes more turbulent and separates from the surface. This can result in a decrease in lift and an increase in drag, potentially leading to loss of control or stalling of the airfoil.

What is the relationship between angle of attack and lift?

The lift generated by an airfoil is directly proportional to the angle of attack. As the angle of attack increases, so does the lift, up to a certain point. After that point, the lift will decrease due to the separation of airflow from the airfoil surface.

Is there a limit to how much the angle of attack can be increased?

Yes, there is a limit to how much the angle of attack can be increased before the airfoil stalls. This limit, known as the critical angle of attack, varies depending on factors such as airfoil shape and airspeed.

How does the angle of attack affect the stability of an aircraft?

The angle of attack plays a crucial role in the stability of an aircraft. A higher angle of attack can cause instability and potentially lead to loss of control, while a lower angle of attack can provide more stability and control.

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