Bell experiment: Rotate measurement device 180°

In summary, the author was trying to understand Bell's inequality, and found that it is violated when certain combinations of angles are used.
  • #1

I was just writing another thread when I stumbled upon something strange:
greypilgrim said:

I'm trying get a better understanding of Bell's inequality in the form
$$\left|E\left(\bf{a},\bf{b}\right) -E\left(\bf{a},\bf{c}\right)\right|\leq 1+E\left(\bf{b},\bf{c}\right)\enspace.$$
I'm considering the Bell state
$$\left|\psi\right\rangle= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\left|+\right\rangle_1\left|-\right\rangle_2- \left|-\right\rangle_1\left|+\right\rangle_2\right)\enspace.$$
and the expectation value ##E^{qt}## of the product of the result of a measurement of spin 1 in direction ##\bf{a}## and spin 2 in direction ##\bf{b}##
$$E^{qt}\left(\bf{a},\bf{b}\right)= \left\langle\psi\right|\vec{\sigma_1} \cdot\bf{a}\otimes \vec{\sigma_2} \cdot\bf{b} \left|\psi\right\rangle=-\bf{a}\cdot\bf{b}$$
which is a straigthforward calculation. I'm using the notation from 1.5.1 in
which is, however, in German.

We can violate the inequality by choosing e.g. ##\bf{a}=e_x##, ##\bf{b}=\left(e_x+e_z\right)/\sqrt{2}##, ##\bf{c}=e_z## which yields
$$\left|-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}-0\right|=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\leq 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$$
which is obviously wrong. I think this choice of vectors also maximally violates the inequality.

What if I now make a slight change and replace ##\bf{b}\rightarrow-\bf{b}##? The expectation values containing ##\bf{b}## change signs and I get
$$\left|\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}-0\right|=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\leq 1+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$$
which is correct! But I've only turned my measurement device 180°, i.e. exchanged the (+1) and (-1) results, or more mathematically, I've permuted my measurement basis. How can this lead to such a profound change, i.e. this would allow a local-realistic description for these measurement angles? Surely there has to be something wrong.
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  • #2
I don't see something wrong, but Bell's inequality is violated only by some cases of the measurement configuration by QM.
  • #3
Yes I know that, but in this case I'm not even really changing the configuration but only swapping the up/down-outcomes. The measurement basis is the same as before (only permuted), that confuses me.
  • #4
no your b vector is rotated by 180 degrees so the angles are not the same any more. Usually Bell inequalities are violated when the angles between them is 45 degrees.

You don't change +/- outcome, those are always given by probability 1/2 1/2 by QM.

But it's not because you can simulate the result by hidden variables that nature will do it. How will it know the configuration permits to do that ?
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  • #5
jk22 said:
Usually Bell inequalities are violated when the angles between them is 45 degrees.

This is not correct. There are combinations of angles, usually 3 or more, that lead to an inequality. Not all combinations do have that feature. 45 degrees can be used with other specific ones.
  • #6
I'm still confused. ##\vec{\sigma_2} \cdot\bf{b}## and ##-\vec{\sigma_2} \cdot\bf{b}## have exactly the same eigenvectors. This means the measurement statistics (probabilities) are exactly the same, and so are the post-measurement states. Only the results (+1) and (-1) are swapped. I still don't see how this is "significant enough" such that the Bell inequality is suddenly satisfied.

FAQ: Bell experiment: Rotate measurement device 180°

1. What is the Bell experiment?

The Bell experiment is a scientific experiment that was designed to test the principles of quantum mechanics, specifically the concept of entanglement. It was first proposed by physicist John Stewart Bell in 1964.

2. What is the purpose of rotating the measurement device 180° in the Bell experiment?

Rotating the measurement device 180° in the Bell experiment is a way to test if the results of the experiment are affected by the orientation of the measuring device. By rotating the device, scientists can determine if the results are influenced by the device's orientation or if they are truly random.

3. How does the Bell experiment work?

In the Bell experiment, two entangled particles are created and separated. The properties of these particles (such as spin or polarization) are then measured using a device that can be rotated to different orientations. The results of the measurements are then compared to see if they are correlated, which would indicate entanglement.

4. What is entanglement and why is it important in the Bell experiment?

Entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics where two particles become connected in a way that their properties are linked and cannot be described independently. This is important in the Bell experiment because it allows scientists to test if the particles' properties are truly random or if they are influenced by each other's entanglement.

5. What are the implications of the results of the Bell experiment?

The results of the Bell experiment have significant implications for our understanding of quantum mechanics and the nature of reality. If the experiment shows that the particles' properties are truly random and not influenced by the measurement device's orientation, it would support the idea of a non-local universe where particles can affect each other instantaneously regardless of distance. However, if the results show correlations between the particles' properties, it would suggest that there are hidden variables at play and challenge our current understanding of quantum mechanics.

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