Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of creating a Bell state \mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle with two non-orthogonal polarizations \mid0\rangle and \mid1\rangle. It is determined that while it is possible to construct such a state, it does not have the properties of a Bell state due to the non-orthogonality of the polarizations. The correct way to analyze this situation is by decomposing the state into eigenstates of the measurement operator. The conversation also clarifies that the non-orthogonality of the polarizations is the issue, rather than the linear independence.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez
Is this possible? If I have, say a photon and two non-orthogonal polarizations [itex]\mid0\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\mid1\rangle[/itex], can I create a Bell state [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex]

If not, what is the reason?

Thank you :)
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  • #2

I understand that I won't get the anticorrelation statistics but does it makes sense to describe a Bell state of non-orthogonal subsystems? That is, can the object [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] exist regardless of what statistics it gives under measurement?
  • #3
McLaren Rulez said:

I understand that I won't get the anticorrelation statistics but does it makes sense to describe a Bell state of non-orthogonal subsystems? That is, can the object [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] exist regardless of what statistics it gives under measurement?

I must confess that I don't understand your notation. If [itex]\mid0\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\mid1\rangle[/itex] are possible states of a single photon, I'd understand what was meant by something like [itex]\frac{\mid0\rangle+\mid1\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}[/itex], but I'm not sure what to make of [itex]\mid10\rangle[/itex] or a "Bell state".
  • #4
McLaren Rulez said:
I understand that I won't get the anticorrelation statistics but does it makes sense to describe a Bell state of non-orthogonal subsystems?
I don't think it makes sense to write it that way, but you can construct such a state. However, it won't have the properties of a Bell state because [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] is not maximally entangled if the two "basis" states are not orthogonal.

To see how such a state would look like in the usual basis, you can simply decompose one of the "basis" states and calculate the resulting state. For example |1>=a|0>+b|1'> where |1'> is orthogonal to |0>.
  • #5
kith said:
I don't think it makes sense to write it that way, but you can construct such a state. However, it won't have the properties of a Bell state because [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] is not maximally entangled if the two "basis" states are not orthogonal.

To see how such a state would look like in the usual basis, you can simply decompose one of the "basis" states and calculate the resulting state. For example |1>=a|0>+b|1'> where |1'> is orthogonal to |0>.

Thank you for your reply. I don't want to look at it in the usual basis; I want to stay in this non orthogonal basis. Just to understand this from a conceptual point of view.

I see that calling it a Bell state is probably wrong. But the idea is that we have two non orthogonal polarizations [itex]0[/itex] and [itex]1[/itex].

Now, the state [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] is a state such that if Alice measures and finds the first photon is polarized along [itex]0[/itex] and Bob sends his photon through a polarizer in direction [itex]1[/itex] and puts a detector after that, then Bob's detector will always register a click.

Is this correct?
  • #6
McLaren Rulez said:
Now, the state [itex]\mid10\rangle+\mid 01\rangle[/itex] is a state such that if Alice measures and finds the first photon is polarized along [itex]0[/itex] and Bob sends his photon through a polarizer in direction [itex]1[/itex] and puts a detector after that, then Bob's detector will always register a click.

Is this correct?
No. If you make a measurement, you have to decompose your state into the (orthogonal) eigenstates of the measurement operator. To analyze your situation, you have to write the state in Alice's basis (0, 1') first. If you don't do this, you get incorrect results. For example, Alice's probability to measure 0 is bigger than 1/2, because the second term contains an additional part a|0>.

Having written the state in Alice's basis, you can do the state reduction and you will see that the final state is not equal to |01>.

McLaren Rulez said:
I don't want to look at it in the usual basis; I want to stay in this non orthogonal basis.
You probably know this, but just to be clear: your "basis" is not really a basis because its elements are not linearly independent.
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  • #7
Okay I wrote out [itex]\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\mid0,+\rangle\ +\mid +,0\rangle)[/itex] and it turns out to be [itex]\frac{1}{2}(2\mid0,0\rangle\ +\mid 1,0\rangle\ +\mid 0,1\rangle)[/itex]. I see what you mean about the statistics being not so trivial.

A final query though: I thought that my vectors are indeed linearly independent, though not orthogonal? I can get any state vector I want with combinations of [itex]\mid0\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\mid+\rangle[/itex]. I thought that them being non orthogonal is the problem. Or is there something basic that I am missing?

Thank you for your replies!
  • #8
McLaren Rulez said:
A final query though: I thought that my vectors are indeed linearly independent, though not orthogonal? I can get any state vector I want with combinations of [itex]\mid0\rangle[/itex] and [itex]\mid+\rangle[/itex]. I thought that them being non orthogonal is the problem. Or is there something basic that I am missing?
Sorry, I have missed something basic. ;-) You are of course right about this.
  • #9
Thank you kith! I appreciate your help very much :)
  • #10
You're welcome. :smile:

FAQ: Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes

1. What is the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes?

The Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes is a quantum state that describes the entanglement between two quantum systems, where the two modes are not orthogonal to each other. It is also known as a non-orthogonal Bell State or an entangled state.

2. How is the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes different from the Bell State of two orthogonal modes?

The Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes is different from the Bell State of two orthogonal modes because it describes entanglement between quantum systems that are not perfectly correlated. In contrast, the Bell State of two orthogonal modes represents perfect correlation between the two quantum systems.

3. What are the applications of the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes?

The Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes has various applications in quantum communication, quantum cryptography, and quantum computing. It is used for secure communication, teleportation of quantum information, and implementing quantum gates in quantum computers.

4. How is the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes created?

The Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes can be created by entangling two quantum systems through a quantum entanglement process. This can be achieved through various methods such as using a beam splitter, photon polarization, or quantum gates.

5. What are the challenges in creating and maintaining the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes?

Creating and maintaining the Bell State of two non-orthogonal modes can be challenging due to the fragility of quantum systems and the need for precise control and measurement. Additionally, maintaining the entanglement between the two modes can be difficult due to external noise and decoherence effects.

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