Bell's Theorem: Understanding Bell's Nonlocality and How it Applies to Photons

In summary: HV|## or ##|VH|##. But there is no such state with eigenvalue ##-1##, because the two components of the state are superpositions of these two other states.
  • #1
Looking at experimental results it seems that measuring Bell's nonlocality in semiconductors, ie very close (see Ansmann) lead to a smaller value than the correlation for more further configuration for example Aspect or Hensen.

Is there any study about this tendency that seems highly counterintuitive physically ?
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  • #2
jk22 said:
Looking at experimental results it seems that measuring Bell's nonlocality in semiconductors, ie very close (see Ansmann) lead to a smaller value than the correlation for more further configuration for example Aspect or Hensen.

Is there any study about this tendency that seems highly counterintuitive physically ?

I see Ansmann for 3 articles, not sure which you are referring to. Any of these?
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  • #3
The link for Ansmann et al. is :

There is another experiment with efficient detection by Wineland et al. where apparently the particles are quite near too giving a value for the signal 2.25.

Whereas Aspect obtained 2.67 for photons meters apart if i remember well.

Or maybe is it that photons have a higher correlation ?

Then the Hensen et al. Experiment closing all loopholes obtained 2.46 with electrons.

Could it be that a theory that were in agreement with experiment were between quantum theory (2.82) and Lhv (2) ?
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  • #4
The raw value is not as important as its relationship to the local realistic limit. I don't really understand your point, as the Ansmann paper features violation of that limit by 244 standard deviations. Each experiment features different practical limitations and trade-offs. There is no known correlation between distance and results as the title of the thread seems to touch on.

You ask "Could it be that a theory that were in agreement with experiment were between quantum theory (2.82) and Lhv (2) ?"

Yes, that is certainly a "possibility" that a new nonlocal theory - in disagreement with quantum theory - could better explain the results of this experiment and others. However, there is currently no candidate theory of that kind to discuss which has not already been shown to have other, more serious problems. So you would need to come up with one first.

On the other hand, the experimental values are fairly easily explained as relating to imperfections and/or inefficiencies in the setup itself. And improvements in technology have regularly led to closer and closer agreement with the quantum predictions. So there really isn't a whole lot of concern at this time. That could change, of course.
  • #5
jk22 said:
The link for Ansmann et al. is :

There is another experiment with efficient detection by Wineland et al. where apparently the particles are quite near too giving a value for the signal 2.25.

Whereas Aspect obtained 2.67 for photons meters apart if i remember well.

Or maybe is it that photons have a higher correlation ?

Then the Hensen et al. Experiment closing all loopholes obtained 2.46 with electrons.
In Ansmann et al and Wineland et al experiments there are problems with making entangled state, keeping entangled quantum systems from changing their state and then measuring them with high accuracy. These problems are easier to overcome with photon entanglement (for photons there are other problems).
And it is sort of obvious that the most reliable setup was used for loophole free test (Hensen et al experiment) where these technical problems can be reduced most efficiently.
jk22 said:
Could it be that a theory that were in agreement with experiment were between quantum theory (2.82) and Lhv (2) ?
From descriptions of experiments reduced Bell 'signal' approximately agrees with independently measured imperfections of setups. So there does not seem to be clear evidence for some additional factors.
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  • #6
(For photons there are other problems)

Speaking of that i worked a bit around it. If we consider that photon are spin 1 bosons is the singlet states $$\frac {1}{\sqrt{3}}(|+->-|00>+|-+>) $$ ? (With the table of clebsch gordan coefficients from wikipedia)

If so i thought the correlation function should be $$-\frac {2}{3}cos (\theta) $$

This leads to a very minor violation if we say it is when the quantum covariance is stronger than the classical linear covariance.

Is this one issue with photons ?
  • #7
Again and again I can only warn to bother about photons before learning non-relativistic quantum theory and then quantum field theory. A photon cannot be described like a massive particle. It has "spin 1" but that has a different meaning for massless quantum fields. There are only two helicity eigenstates with eigenvalues ##\pm 1##, which are the two polarization states (right- and left-circular polarized if you take the helicity eigenbasis). You can also take linearly polarized states as a basis say ##H## and ##V## for horizontally and vertically polarized photons (in the plane perpendicular to the momentum of the photon). In this basis the two-photon "singlet state" is given by
$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|HV \rangle-|VH \rangle).$$
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Related to Bell's Theorem: Understanding Bell's Nonlocality and How it Applies to Photons

1. What is the "Bell signal"?

The "Bell signal" refers to a type of signal used in telecommunication systems, originally developed by Alexander Graham Bell. It is a series of electrical pulses that are used to transmit information.

2. How is distance measured using the Bell signal?

Distance is measured using the Bell signal by calculating the time it takes for the signal to travel from one point to another. This is known as the "time-of-flight" method and is based on the speed of the signal, which is usually the speed of light.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of distance measurement using the Bell signal?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of distance measurement using the Bell signal, including signal interference, atmospheric conditions, and the quality of the signal itself.

4. Can the Bell signal be used for measuring long distances?

Yes, the Bell signal can be used for measuring long distances, but it is not as accurate as other methods such as GPS or laser ranging. It is typically used for distances up to a few kilometers.

5. How is the Bell signal used in modern technology?

The Bell signal is still used in modern technology, particularly in telecommunication systems and distance measuring instruments. However, it has been largely replaced by more advanced methods such as GPS and laser ranging for more accurate and precise measurements.
