Bending light by use of a strong field...

In summary, bending light by means of a strong field is possible. This could be done with either high-energy light or low-energy light, and would result in smaller changes in the distance between the light and the receiver. Testing could be done using an analogue optical eye, in complete darkness, to avoid outside interferences.
  • #1
Like the title says, bending light by means of a strong field..

And before you say "it's electromagnetic field by itself and therefore can't be changed by such.."
A strong gravitc field (also an electromagnetic field) can in fact change photons to never escape it
(in effect bending the light back a complete 180 degrees), as we can see in a neutron star (or black hole)..
The photons never leave again..and also, photons that enter it's gravity field close enough
will also never leave again (if and when they get close enough), while not actually having the neutron star
as an origin..

Now, my practical purpose of this exercise is this:

Bending a really fine laserbeam at a range of 100-1000 metres, to such a degree that the deviation
over that distance will result in a total of 1 nanometer difference..

I think we can skip the part where someone says "not possible" for in nature itself it's proven
that it can be done..

The only difficulty may then be finding a field source / light type combo that can be used
to achieve that deviation at the given distance..
Though 1 nanometer is a nice goal, less would be better still,
since using a laser as a propulsion for single silicon particles, could create even finer grained
microprocessor architectures..(not just atomized silicon but other substances as well)

So, anyone have an electromagnetic supercooled setup to test this theory ?


Note: I set the prefix to high school, since sometimes the best ideas come from a fresh mind,
not one that's stuck in knowledge already set to be fixed, when clearly the end of knowledge is
nowhere in sight..
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  • #2
ZMacZ said:
A strong gravitc field (also an electromagnetic field) can in fact change photons to never escape it
Black Hole -- correct. Can you please supply a reference link about some EM field doing something similar?
ZMacZ said:
Note: I set the prefix to high school,
No, you set it to "I" meaning Intermediate, or undergraduate university level. I reset it to "B" for you, for high school level responses. :smile:
  • #3
I don’t think that there is a B level answer. This involves pp wave spacetimes.
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  • #4
berkeman said:
Black Hole -- correct. Can you please supply a reference link about some EM field doing something similar?

No, you set it to "I" meaning Intermediate, or undergraduate university level. I reset it to "B" for you, for high school level responses. :smile:

Thanx for that correction..

And nope, I have no idea as of yet..
I'd guess very high frequency light, beyond the visible spectrum, or maybe even very far below the visible spectrum..
Since both types of light would behave differently in terms of being manipulatable..
(higher energy adds something, assumed to be mass (of sorts)..)
(lower energy means less mass also, decreasing the inertia factor, and may thus lead to easier manipulatability..)
(It would be easier to do testing on this in either end of the respective spectra...hi-lo, lo-hi, hi-hi and lo-lo,
followed by linear increase and decrease test in each of the ranges..)
(this in turn would yield either any results, or none whatsoever..)
  • #5
Please see Dale's response above. You can trust Dale to steer you in the right direction on this... :smile:
  • #6
ZMacZ said:
Thanx for that correction..

And nope, I have no idea as of yet..
I'd guess very high frequency light, beyond the visible spectrum, or maybe even very far below the visible spectrum..
Since both types of light would behave differently in terms of being manipulatable..
(higher energy adds something, assumed to be mass (of sorts)..)
(lower energy means less mass also, decreasing the inertia factor, and may thus lead to easier manipulatability..)
(It would be easier to do testing on this in either end of the respective spectra...hi-lo, lo-hi, hi-hi and lo-lo,
followed by linear increase and decrease test in each of the ranges..)
(this in turn would yield either any results, or none whatsoever..)

In case of such a test, I'd use an analogue optical eye, and test for minor differences in the resistances of the optical eye's
pixels, at a range of 100 metres from the emitter, in complete darkness..
For optimal testing increasing and decreasing of freqencies, be means of a repeated pattern, digitally monitored..
(umm..sorry for being a little vague in my wording for the vocabulary needed is not my own..)
To avoid any outside lightsource interferences, not out in the open..
Also, to avoid seismic interference, not in earthquake prone regions..
And even though seismic interference may always be a problem in that regard, the repeating nature of the test,
should filter out results where the resistance differences created by those events, being non-synchronized
with the testing event itself, can be negated and an actual result from the field(s) applied can be verified..
  • #7
Thread closed for Moderation...

Related to Bending light by use of a strong field...

What is bending light by use of a strong field?

Bending light by use of a strong field, also known as gravitational lensing, is a phenomenon in which light is bent as it passes through a strong gravitational field, such as that of a massive object like a planet or a black hole. This bending of light can result in the distortion or magnification of the image of a distant object, allowing us to see objects that would otherwise be too far away or too faint to be seen.

How does gravitational lensing occur?

Gravitational lensing occurs due to the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. This curvature alters the path of light that passes through it, causing it to bend and follow a curved trajectory. The more massive the object, the stronger the gravitational field and the greater the bending of light.

What are the different types of gravitational lensing?

There are three main types of gravitational lensing: strong lensing, weak lensing, and microlensing. Strong lensing occurs when the gravitational field is strong enough to produce multiple images of the source object. Weak lensing results in a slight distortion of the source object's image. Microlensing occurs when a small object, such as a star, passes in front of a more distant object, causing a temporary magnification of the distant object's light.

How is gravitational lensing used in astronomy?

Gravitational lensing is a valuable tool in astronomy as it allows us to study objects that would otherwise be too faint or distant to observe. It can also provide information about the distribution of dark matter in the universe and the properties of massive objects, such as galaxies and black holes. It has also been used to confirm the predictions of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Are there any practical applications of gravitational lensing?

While gravitational lensing is primarily used in astronomy, it also has potential practical applications. It has been proposed as a means of creating a giant telescope by using the gravitational lensing effect of the sun. It has also been suggested as a way to create a "gravitational lensing cloak" that could hide objects from view by bending light around them.

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