Bernoulli's equation and (mostly) sealed containers.

In summary, the conversation discusses the change in pressure at the top of a water bottle and at a hole in the side of the bottle when the hole is sealed or opened. The Bernoulli's equation is used to determine the new pressures, with the assumption that the initial pressure at the top of the bottle is 1 atm. It is noted that the pressure at the hole is less than 1 atm when the cap is sealed, but when the hole is opened, the backpressure is never less than 14.7 psia.
  • #1
(This is more of a conceptual question than a real homework question; thank you all so much for your help though!) :D

1. Homework Statement

Let's say that I have a large soda bottle. I drill a small hole through the side of it, put my finger over it to seal the hole, and fill the bottle up with water. When I let go of the hole, water flows out of the hole. The pressure at the top of the bottle and at the hole is both one atmosphere.

Now, I plug the hole back up and fill it with water. This time, I cap the water bottle tightly (assume the cap perfectly seals the top of the water bottle). When I let go of the hole this time, the water does not flow out of the hole.

What are the new pressures (relative to the old pressures) at the top of the bottle, and at the hole?

Homework Equations

Bernoulli's Equation (or so says my problem)
P1 + p * g* h1 + 1/2 * p * (v1)^2 = P2 + p * g* h2 + 1/2 * p * (v2)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

So the pressure at the top of the water bottle is zero because it experiences no pressure from water or pressure from the atmosphere. So that part's done.

Now, the velocities at both ends of the water bottle is zero because no water is flowing.

Let point 1 be at the top of the bottle, and point 2 be at the hole. So our new Bernoulli's equation is:

p * g* h1 = P2 + p * g* h2

Therefore, the pressure of point 2 is less than one atmosphere?

(I guess something's wrong with either my method or the way I'm thinking? Why is the pressure reduced at the hole when I seal the cap??)
Physics news on
  • #2
Assume the pressure at the top of the bottle was iniitally 1 atm when it was sealed, not zero.

Then again, instead of a hole, just assume that the pressure at the bottom of the bottle is 1 atm, and if so, then what is the pressure at the top of the bottle? You can assume that density doesn't change significantly within the height of the bottle.
  • #3
Once the hole is opened, at standard sea level conditions the backpressure at P2 can be assumed to never be less than 14.7 psia.

Related to Bernoulli's equation and (mostly) sealed containers.

1. What is Bernoulli's equation?

Bernoulli's equation is a fundamental principle of fluid dynamics that relates the pressure, velocity, and height of a fluid in a closed system. It states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases and vice versa.

2. How is Bernoulli's equation used in sealed containers?

In sealed containers, Bernoulli's equation is used to predict the behavior of fluids, such as air or water, as they flow through pipes or other confined spaces. It can be used to calculate the pressure at different points within the container, and to determine the speed of the fluid at different points.

3. What is the significance of sealed containers in relation to Bernoulli's equation?

Sealed containers are important in the study of Bernoulli's equation because they allow for the isolation of the fluid being studied. This means that the fluid can be observed and measured in a controlled environment, making it easier to apply Bernoulli's equation and make accurate predictions about its behavior.

4. Can Bernoulli's equation be applied to any type of fluid in a sealed container?

Yes, Bernoulli's equation can be applied to any type of fluid, including liquids and gases, as long as the container is sealed and the fluid is incompressible. Incompressible fluids are those that experience a negligible change in volume when subjected to pressure.

5. Are there any limitations to using Bernoulli's equation in sealed containers?

While Bernoulli's equation is a useful tool for predicting fluid behavior, it does have some limitations. It assumes that the fluid is non-viscous (no internal friction), incompressible, and that there is no heat transfer. In real-world situations, these assumptions may not hold true and can affect the accuracy of the predictions made using Bernoulli's equation.
