Bernoulli's principle, flow rate, velocity and pressure

In summary, Bernoulli's principle states that for a given flow rate, the velocity and pressure of a fluid are inversely proportional when the diameter of a pipe changes. For filling a bathtub, the volumetric flow rate is more important and can be maximized by increasing the pipe diameter. However, this principle only applies to closed systems with inviscid and irrotational flow conditions.
  • #1

I need some help understanding Bernoulli's principle, flow rate, velocity and pressure.

I understand that when the diameter of a pipe decreases, the velocity will increase and the pressure will decrease. But I am having a hard time applying this to a practical application.

For example, for a shower I would want to maximize the water pressure. So for a given flow rate I would want to increase the pipe diameter to increase the pressure.

But what about filling up a bath tub? For a given flow rate, what size pipe would fill up the bathtub the fastest? Would I want the opposite to increase the speed? Or do I still want a larger diameter so I have a greater volume of water?

I feel like I am not understanding something very basic here.
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  • #2
sanzenbacher said:

I need some help understanding Bernoulli's principle, flow rate, velocity and pressure.

I understand that when the diameter of a pipe decreases, the velocity will increase and the pressure will decrease. But I am having a hard time applying this to a practical application.

For example, for a shower I would want to maximize the water pressure. So for a given flow rate I would want to increase the pipe diameter to increase the pressure.

But what about filling up a bath tub? For a given flow rate, what size pipe would fill up the bathtub the fastest? Would I want the opposite to increase the speed? Or do I still want a larger diameter so I have a greater volume of water?

I feel like I am not understanding something very basic here.
Since filling the bathtub is based on volume of water in the tub, you want to maximize the volumetric flow rate.
  • #3
The quantity you're looking for is the DYNAMIC pressure of the fluid. This increases with increasing velocity of the fluid. Bernoulli's equation talks about the STATIC pressure at a point decreasing with increasing velocity for irrotational and inviscid flows. This is what a barometer attached to that point would measure. But the pressure at which your water is supplied is a third quantity and cannot possibly depend on what you choose to do with the geometry of the delivery pipe.

As for your second question, if you have a given flow rate (say 1 litre/min ) then a bathtub that has a 15 litre capacity will take 15mins to fill up. It doesn't matter what you do with the flow conditions at the outlet.
  • #4
A word of caution when you apply bernoulli's equation. It's simply a statement of energy conservation applied to fluid dynamics. So ensure your system is closed ( no energy or mass flow in or out ) and that the flow is sufficiently approximated as inviscid (no thermal losses )
  • #5

Dear reader,

Bernoulli's principle is a fundamental concept in fluid dynamics that explains the relationship between flow rate, velocity, and pressure in a fluid. It states that as the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases and vice versa. This principle is essential in understanding how fluids move through different systems, such as pipes and tubes.

In the example of a shower, you are correct in saying that increasing the pipe diameter will increase the pressure and decrease the velocity, resulting in a more forceful shower. However, this is not always the case in all practical applications. In the case of filling up a bathtub, the main factor that affects the filling time is the flow rate, not the pressure. Therefore, the most efficient way to fill a bathtub would be to increase the flow rate by using a larger diameter pipe.

To understand this, let's look at the equation for flow rate: Q = A x V, where Q is the flow rate, A is the cross-sectional area of the pipe, and V is the velocity of the fluid. As you can see, the flow rate is directly proportional to the pipe's cross-sectional area, meaning that a larger pipe diameter will result in a higher flow rate.

In summary, while Bernoulli's principle is essential in understanding the relationship between velocity, pressure, and flow rate, it is not the only factor to consider in practical applications. In the case of filling a bathtub, increasing the pipe diameter will result in a higher flow rate and a faster filling time. I hope this helps clarify any confusion you may have had.

FAQ: Bernoulli's principle, flow rate, velocity and pressure

What is Bernoulli's principle and how does it relate to fluid flow?

Bernoulli's principle states that in an ideal fluid flow, the total energy of the fluid remains constant. This means that as the fluid's velocity increases, its pressure decreases and vice versa. This principle is important in understanding the behavior of fluids in motion, such as in pipes and airfoils.

How is flow rate measured and what factors affect it?

Flow rate is the volume of fluid that passes through a given point in a specified amount of time. It is typically measured in units such as liters per second or cubic meters per hour. The flow rate can be affected by factors such as the size and shape of the pipe or container, the viscosity of the fluid, and the pressure and temperature of the fluid.

What is the relationship between velocity and pressure in fluid flow?

According to Bernoulli's principle, as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases. This is because the faster-moving fluid particles have more kinetic energy and therefore exert less pressure on their surroundings. This relationship is important in understanding the behavior of fluids in motion, such as in the lift force generated by an airplane wing.

How can Bernoulli's principle be applied in real-world situations?

Bernoulli's principle has many practical applications, including in the design of airplane wings, wind turbines, and carburetors. It is also used in the measurement of air and water flow in pipes and channels, and in the study of weather patterns. Understanding Bernoulli's principle can help engineers and scientists design more efficient and effective systems.

What are some common misconceptions about Bernoulli's principle?

One common misconception is that Bernoulli's principle only applies to ideal fluids, when in reality it can be applied to real-world fluids with some modifications. Another misconception is that Bernoulli's principle can explain the lift force of an airplane wing, when in fact there are other factors at play such as the shape and angle of the wing. It is important to understand the limitations and assumptions of Bernoulli's principle in order to apply it accurately in practical situations.

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