Bessel Function Zeros - To find Energy Levels

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the energy levels of an electron in a cylindrical shape using a derived formula and Bessel function zeros. The first column of the table is for a symmetric cylinder while the second column is for a general solution. The discussion also covers how to find the lowest energy state and the second lowest energy state, taking into account the ratio of "a" and "L". Different combinations of quantum numbers can be tried to determine the lowest energy state.
  • #1
[Mentors' note: Moved from the technical forums, so no template]


I have to find energy levels of an electron in a cylindrical shape. I know how to derive the formula below:

However, I'm not sure which zero value and what intger p I need to use in order to find the lowest energy.
If these are the bessel function zeros:

Lets say, I want to find the lowest energy - Do I need to use the value of 2.4048 and p =1 ? What about the second lowest? would I use 5.5201 and p=2?


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  • #2
LiorSh said:
[Mentors' note: Moved from the technical forums, so no template]


I have to find energy levels of an electron in a cylindrical shape. I know how to derive the formula below: View attachment 228070
However, I'm not sure which zero value and what intger p I need to use in order to find the lowest energy.
If these are the bessel function zeros:
View attachment 228071

Lets say, I want to find the lowest energy - Do I need to use the value of 2.4048 and p =1 ?

What values can p take? If the smallest value is 1 then yes, your choice gives the lowest energy.

What about the second lowest? would I use 5.5201 and p=2?
Why do you consider 5.5201 instead of 3.8317??
For the second lowest, the answer depends on the ratio a/L. Without that value, we cannot tell for sure.
  • #3
a is 3nm, and L is 5nm. Also I thought that only the first column is for a symmtric cylinder, and the second colum is for a general soultion only. Isn't that the case? Thank you!
nrqed said:
What values can p take? If the smallest value is 1 then yes, your choice gives the lowest energy.Why do you consider 5.5201 instead of 3.8317??
For the second lowest, the answer depends on the ratio a/L. Without that value, we cannot tell for sure.
  • #4
LiorSh said:
a is 3nm, and L is 5nm. Also I thought that only the first column is for a symmtric cylinder, and the second colum is for a general soultion only. Isn't that the case? Thank you!
The potential is symmetrical, but the solutions do not have to be (for example a state with angular momentum in the hydrogen atom is not spherically symmetric even though the Coulomb potential is spherically symmetric). However, to answer properly we need to know what the table means, exactly, by "zeroes". Are these the values that give a zero of the wave function at the surface of the cylinder (I would think so)? In that case, all values are possible.

Given the values of "a" and "L", look at what happens when you increase p but keep n,m as they were for the ground state. Then see what happens when you keep p but increase n,m to get the next possible value. One of these two choices will give a smaller value than the other and that will be the second lowest energy state.
  • #5
nrqed said:
The potential is symmetrical, but the solutions do not have to be (for example a state with angular momentum in the hydrogen atom is not spherically symmetric even though the Coulomb potential is spherically symmetric). However, to answer properly we need to know what the table means, exactly, by "zeroes". Are these the values that give a zero of the wave function at the surface of the cylinder (I would think so)? In that case, all values are possible.

Given the values of "a" and "L", look at what happens when you increase p but keep n,m as they were for the ground state. Then see what happens when you keep p but increase n,m to get the next possible value. One of these two choices will give a smaller value than the other and that will be the second lowest energy state.
So these are my results:
for p = 1, and zero value = 2.4048, I for sure get the lowest energy, and the logic make sense. I took the lowest possible values of p and the zeros.
then for the second lowest, p=2, and zero=2.4048, and for the thrid I got p=1, and zero = 5.5201.

Doest it make sense?
  • #6
LiorSh said:
So these are my results:
for p = 1, and zero value = 2.4048, I for sure get the lowest energy, and the logic make sense. I took the lowest possible values of p and the zeros.
then for the second lowest, p=2, and zero=2.4048, and for the thrid I got p=1, and zero = 5.5201.

Doest it make sense?
Again, all the zeros are allowed, you don't have to force n=0. That will change your answer.
  • #7
I'm not sure I completely understand. Is there some logic to which pairs I should pick? I mean, there is an infinite number of combinations.
  • #8
LiorSh said:
I'm not sure I completely understand. Is there some logic to which pairs I should pick? I mean, there is an infinite number of combinations.
you try a few values and it will be clear which one is the smallest. Clearly for the ground state, p=1 and n,m=0,1 gives the smallest value.

For the second lowest, just check what happens when you increase each of the quantum numbers separately, so try p=2,(n,m)=0,1 and then p=1,(n,m)=1,1 and then p=1, (n,m)=0,2. These are the only three sensible things to try for the second lowest.

For the next one, you look at all the possibilities of increasing two of the quantum numbers from the ground state. There are more possibilities, for example try p=3, (n,m)=0,1 then try p=2, (n,m)=(1,1) then p=2, (n,m)=2,1, etc (for a given p, you can see directly from the table what you should pick for n,m, no need to do a calculation).etc There are many cases to consider but not an infinity!
  • #9
Yes, that's what I thought. It makes sense now :) Thank you so much!
  • #10
LiorSh said:
Yes, that's what I thought. It makes sense now :) Thank you so much!
Great! And you are very welcome.

Related to Bessel Function Zeros - To find Energy Levels

What are Bessel Function Zeros?

Bessel function zeros are the values of the independent variable at which the Bessel function is equal to zero. They are used to solve differential equations in various fields of science and engineering.

How are Bessel Function Zeros calculated?

Bessel function zeros can be calculated using numerical methods or by referencing tables of known values. The most common numerical method is the Newton-Raphson algorithm, which uses an initial guess to iteratively approach the zero of the function.

What is the significance of Bessel Function Zeros in finding energy levels?

In quantum mechanics, Bessel function zeros play a crucial role in determining the energy levels of bound states in a potential. The zeros correspond to the nodes in the wave function, which indicate the locations where the probability of finding the particle is zero.

How do Bessel Function Zeros relate to Schrödinger's equation?

Bessel function zeros are solutions to Schrödinger's equation for a bound state in a spherically symmetric potential. They satisfy the boundary conditions imposed by the potential and can be used to calculate the energy levels of the system.

Are Bessel Function Zeros applicable to all systems?

No, Bessel function zeros are only applicable to systems with spherical symmetry and a bound state potential. They cannot be used for systems with non-spherical symmetry or unbound states.

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