Bessell equation/functions of order 0

  • Thread starter AStaunton
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation was about solving PDEs by separation of variables, specifically looking at a Laplace heat equation cylindrical problem. The resulting equation involves Bessel functions of order 0, with the general solution being R=AJ_0(r)+BY_0(r). The difference between J_0 and Y_0 was discussed, with J_0 being even and Y_0 being odd. The conversation also touched on the properties of Bessel functions of order 0, particularly in finding eigenvalues in PDE separation of variables problems. Additionally, there was a question about editing one's signature on the forum.
  • #1
just trying to solve PDEs by sep of variables;

am looking at laplace heat equation cylindrical problem and the equation that results is bessell function order 0...

in my notes, I have that the general solution to the equation is: R=AJ_0(r)+BY_0(r)

where J_0 and Y_0 apparently denote two independant functions to the equation and I think that both of these functions are 0 order...

My question is, how do J_0 and Y_0 differ from each other...looking on wikipedia page (my go to guide), it only shows a graph of one 0 order bessel, that is a max it 0 and has infinitely many roots..I think..

so for example if the function I just described corresponded to J_0 what would Y_0 look like...would it be pretty much the same but out of phase? I reasoned that this might be the case because this is how cos and sine are related...

Also advice on the key properties of bessell 0 order functions would be appreciated especially those properties that are relevant to finding eigenvalues in PDE sep variable, At what values are the roots found and so on...
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  • #2
AStaunton said:
just trying to solve PDEs by sep of variables;

am looking at laplace heat equation cylindrical problem and the equation that results is bessell function order 0...

in my notes, I have that the general solution to the equation is: R=AJ_0(r)+BY_0(r)

where J_0 and Y_0 apparently denote two independant functions to the equation and I think that both of these functions are 0 order...

My question is, how do J_0 and Y_0 differ from each other...looking on wikipedia page (my go to guide), it only shows a graph of one 0 order bessel, that is a max it 0 and has infinitely many roots..I think..

so for example if the function I just described corresponded to J_0 what would Y_0 look like...would it be pretty much the same but out of phase? I reasoned that this might be the case because this is how cos and sine are related...

Also advice on the key properties of bessell 0 order functions would be appreciated especially those properties that are relevant to finding eigenvalues in PDE sep variable, At what values are the roots found and so on...

Perhaps you didn't look far enough down the Wikipedia page. If you weren't looking at:

look there now. Scroll down for a picture of Y0. They don't look pretty much the same near x = 0. As far as finding the roots, you would have to find them numerically. In a separation of variables problem perhaps you can get by symbolically, like x1 is the first positive root of Y0 or some such. Hard to say more without more particulars.
  • #3

would I be correct in saying that Y_0 blows up at x=0?

Also, I think J_0 is an even function, is Y_0 odd?
  • #4
on an unrelated give a very good tip about putting the Greek alphabet and other ubiquitous symbols in your signature...can you please tell me how to edit my signature?
  • #5
AStaunton said:

would I be correct in saying that Y_0 blows up at x=0?


Also, I think J_0 is an even function, is Y_0 odd?
Yes, J0 is even as you can see form its series. If my memory serves, if you are considering real functions only then Y0 is defined for x > 0 only.
AStaunton said:
on an unrelated give a very good tip about putting the Greek alphabet and other ubiquitous symbols in your signature...can you please tell me how to edit my signature?

Go to my PF at the top left and you will see a place to edit your .sig file.

FAQ: Bessell equation/functions of order 0

1. What is the Bessel equation?

The Bessel equation is a second-order differential equation that arises in many applications of physics and engineering, particularly in problems involving circular and cylindrical symmetry. It is named after the German mathematician Friedrich Bessel.

2. What are functions of order 0?

Functions of order 0 are solutions to the Bessel equation with an order of 0. These functions are also known as the ordinary Bessel functions of the first kind.

3. Can you give an example of a Bessel function of order 0?

One example of a Bessel function of order 0 is the zeroth-order Bessel function, denoted as J0(x). It is defined as the integral of the cosine function over a unit circle.

4. What are the properties of Bessel functions of order 0?

Bessel functions of order 0 have several important properties, including orthogonality, recurrence relations, and asymptotic behavior. They also have close connections to other mathematical functions, such as the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.

5. How are Bessel functions of order 0 used in science?

Bessel functions of order 0 have many practical applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. They are frequently used to solve problems involving heat transfer, wave propagation, and diffraction. They also have important applications in signal processing and image analysis.
